Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Evening! My foot is quite swollen so took a rest day.

Deb, that was so compassionate of you and your dh to go. Impressed you managed to squeeze in a walk!

Belinda, I store some downloaded workouts on an external hard drive. My dh never deletes any emails!!! It drives me crazy to look at the number he has. Last time I looked it was tens of thousands! It's tedious but rewarding when done. A friend of mine just opens another email account when her's gets pretty full.

Today was a walk outside. We met some friends for dinner tonight. It was a fun time, but one of our friends has cancer and it is getting in the late stages so he couldn't make it:(.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout! I give my email away too much so too many junk emails for me. I need to clean it up too.

Cookie - Good to rest you foot. So I am like your DH, I have thousands. My DH has maybe 10, doesn't give his email out and uses spam control. He just can't believe how many emails I have LOL. I need to devote time to unsubscribe to the junk emails.


Today is a rest day from Fuel. I did take a walk outside this morning,

Debbie - I do give out my email too much too. I unsubscribed to a lot already. Too much junk email, which I never read. I am so sorry about your friend. So sad!

Cookie - sorry about your foot. Good you resting it. Feel better soon.I have a lot of emails I do delete them on the weekend or unsubscribe to a lot. I do store my workouts in iCloud or on a hard drive.

Good night,
'Evening! Got stung by a yellow jacket and boy it hurts! My other foot is now swollen up and all tingly. Must have affected a nerve.

Deb, sorry about your friend. That is so hard for everyone. I have an email I use for giving out when asked, so I hardly ever check that one. It amazes me that the number doesn't bother my dh at all. Then again, he never worries about much anyway.

Belinda, hope you were able to enjoy your walk. It was great weather here again today, but again, no rain.

Today was a walk outside. Even though I sleep well was so tired today :confused:

Belinda - Nice walk! I was just wondering, do you have to keep a journal for the study you are in?

Cookie - Sorry you were stung, so many bees this year. We already knocked down 2 nests. Good idea to have a separate email to give out.


I thought I posted yesterday? Weird!

I did Fuel FB yesterday. Today I walked almost 3 miles.

Debbie - my RP is causing me a lot of problems these day's. I contacted my Rheumatologist and Penn doctor for the study to let them know what is going on. They both want me to back on prednisone to stop my body from destroying the cartilage in my body. Although there isn't really a need for me to keep a journal since I notify my team of doctors what is going on right away, I will do one for me. Since there isn't an approved drug for RP, it's a guessing game on what meds work or not. We take drugs for other diseases. Sorry for the ramble!! Hope you got a good night sleep.

Cookie - I am so sorry about your foot. Please take it easy and rest. I didn't get a walk in yesterday. Had to pick up my meds.

Today my son and DIL are flying in for business, they both work for my DD. We will grab a bite and hang out with then a little.

Have a great Saturday.

I didn't check in yesterday, we decided to go to an early neighborhood get together which is 2 doors down. It was nice to meet some new neighbors. The couples house we were at are 2 men who are married and had 2 girls through IVF in was interesting to hear their story. They were very nice people. So many people know us as the walkers LOL!

We walked both days. Today we took my older DH to dinner for his birthday.

Belinda - You are not rambling, I am interesting in your journey and happy for you to have good Dr.'s. Have fun with your family tonight.

Cookie - We finally had rain tonight, hopefully it's enough. We have a bad heat wave starting on Tuesday.

'Morning! Missed you m friends, so wanted to check in before everyone gets moving. Not much new here, Essentrics again. Feels like it is nonstop visitors, taking care of relatives, or working. Beautiful weather again. Have to get more groceries before getting my mother and eldest son.

Deb, the walkers! That's a nice way to be known in the neighborhood. Good neighbors are invaluable.

Belinda, sorry you are going thru this. I'm sure you'll enjoy your ds, dil and dd.

today I did Fuel D15 plus I did SBF stretch. We went visit my kids, we went out for dinner at the Wharf. It was hot and sweaty eating outside :( We had a lot of fun.

Debbie - thank you. I feel defeated, I do everything in my power to stay healthy. I will snap out of it. that is great they all you the walker. I agree with Cookie it's a nice way to be known in the neighborhood.

Cookie - We missed you too. I know you must be tired from all your visitors, I know it's also fun being around so much family. Do they all live near by you? How is your foot doing? Thank you. It's been a rough year. I just can't catch a break. I will snap out of it. We did had a lot of fun visiting my kids.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & farmer's market. I spent the rest of the day making my monthly sauce, it just seemed to take so long today.

Belinda - Nice workout! It must be frustrating because you are doing everything right. I have gone to restaurants called the Wharf, and they always seem to be good:)

Cookie - I'm sure the visitors are fun, but with so many other things on your plate, must get tiring.


I did Fuel D16 LB.

Debbie - yes, it's very frustrating when I do everything right. It was hot and humid when we went here on Sunday We had a very nice day. You are so good making your monthly sauce. I should start making my own. It sure taste better than the store one.

Cookie - how is your foot doing?

Good night.
'Evening! It's like the tropics here - warm and humid. Off and one rain, but not much accumulation. We asked the yard guy to not mow this week b/c of this dryness. Did a Jessica Smith kickboxing workout on my rebounder, but only did the upperbody punches.

Deb, I'm sure your sauce is in a league of its own! Happy to be a taste tester, if needed. How are you liking the new kitchen?

Belinda, glad you had a good time with your kids. Have you had an opportunity to check in with the RP support group? While I enjoy having guests, it is exhausting. This week is a very busy one for me work wise, and then on Friday, we have five visitors arriving during the day. Two more day visitors on each Saturday and Sunday! Four of the five will leave Monday, and the last one on Wednesday. Then the next weekend ...

Today was a very hot & humid walk outside & lower body at the gym. I went to the store & it was pouring, my poor hair!

Belinda - Nice Fuel workout. The Wharf looks like a fun place! It looks like a great place to walk (but not in this humidity LOL).

Cookie - JS kickboxing sounds like fun. I'm not sure what was worse today the rain or humidity, it smelled like the tropics here. A taste tester ;)

Good morning,

FUEL Series 30 Min GIANT Upper Body Dumbbell Workout | Day 17 is done.

Debbie - The Wharf is a nice fun place to visit. Unfortunately I can't be around other people especially since covid is on the rise again. It rained her yesterday too.

Cookie - yes, I check out the RP support group daily. I'll bet it's exhausting to constantly have so many visitors. I just don't have the energy right now to have a lot of people/family besides my kids over. Hopefully you Get a break soon.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Took a rest day today. Had to take my uncle for an early morning dr appt, work and then family dinner. Trying to catch up on emails and wanted to check in.

Deb, you are so strong to be walking in this humidity. I would be a limp dishrag. Plus a workout at the gym - amazing.

Belinda, good idea checking out the group daily. Hope they provide some support. Neither my dh or myself are all that outgoing, but once I have the food figured out, then I'm able to relax and not worry quite so much about everyone being here.

Today was a walk outside, it was hot! I took DH for his colonoscopy, thought I could wait in the building but they aren't allowing since Covid is on the rise. Interesting they have the patients take rapid Covid tests and if not negative send them home. We didn't see anyone test positive. It was difficult for DH to have me drive him home. I kept saying this isn't how I normally drive ;):p

Belinda - Nice workout! It must be nice to be able to check out the RP group. Do you have similar symptoms?

Cookie - You were very busy. Today DH's Dr. was running an hour late, which is common with this Dr. DH says he is like the airlines, he overbooks:) Do you have that problem with your Uncle's appointments?


Fuel D18 LB is done.

I had an appointment with the Allergy/Immunology. I had a bad reaction to the covid vaccine in March. I still haven't recovered. He also doesn't want me to get the booster shot.The vaccine is putting my immune system (RP) in overdrive. He wants me to get Evusheld monoclonal antibody instead.

I am meeting up with my kids today.

Debbie - some have similar symptoms some have not. RP affects people differently. Some have only mild symptoms some have severe symptoms. Some lost their eye sides/hearing. Airway/nasal collapse. RP is fatal. Last week a gentleman past away from RP. Hope your husband recovered from his procedure yesterday.

Cookie - after I left the Allergy/Immunology, DH is set on getting an RV. I will never socialize like I did before covid. You like me, I always want to make sure everyone is fed.

Gotta run.

Today was a walk on the treadmill at the gym & Cathe Gym Style back & shoulders. It was so hot today at one point my car read 105 degrees:( I needed to pick my Mom up at the airport, it wasn't too bad but somewhat stressful.

Belinda - Kudos for getting your workout in. I'm so sorry you are going through so much with RP. My thoughts are always with you. I admire you for having such a good attitude and open to what is being offered to you.

Cookie - Wondering if it's as hot by you?


Rest day for me today. I took Sadie out around 6 am it was already hot. So no walk.

Debbie - thank you! It means a lot to me. Aww...I have to have a good attitude and be open to what's being offered. Covid is real! I see too many people catching it, even if they are healthy with no underlying health conditions. Sorry picking your mom up at the air port was stressful.

Cookie - hope your foot is feeling better.

'Evening! Another Essentrics day.

Deb, 105! Wow, that's hot. I'm glad my car's temp gauge always says 67 (it's broke). How is your mom doing with the heat? And your dh with his test? Yes, the drs are all always off in the appointments. I was supposed to have a test done today but after waiting Tuesday with my uncle, I decided to cancel it, b/c I had to do a training in the afternoon, and couldn't take a chance on not making it.

Belinda, I'm also glad you have the group to share information and support. It. must be so hard. Are you going into DC to see your family?

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