Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk on the treadmill, as hot as yesterday. At Costco saw them selling a dog pool with toys and all. When the kids were young we would find our Golden sitting in the kids small plastic pool.

Belinda - it’s tough when it’s hot at 6am! Hope you had fun with the kids today.

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout! At least the gauge broke at a nice temperature:).


Today was another walk on treadmill & Cathe Gym Style at the gym. I miss walking outside. We are going to get a bite to eat tonight.

Waves hi to Belinda & Cookie

Have a great weekend:)

Today I did Fuel Day 19 FB.

Debbie - we did had a lot of fun. It was brutally hot. I felt bad for my kids :( Enjoy your dinner today. I also miss walking. 105 is hot. Unless I get up a 5 am to walk.

Cookie - I am so thankful for the group to share information and support. It is hard. Yes, we drove into DC. Great job on your stretch.

Good night.

Today was a walk on the treadmill at the gym. Still so hot! We went to my SILs to visit our nephew who is visiting from TN.

Belinda - It is nice your son & dd are visiting. You do get to see them often. I don't think I could get up at 5am LOL.

Cookie - Hope you are having fun with your weekend visits:)


Today we all walked over 2 miles before it got too hot to walk. I also did FUEL Series 30 Min MEGA BODYWEIGHT HIIT Workout | Day 20.

Debbie - I am lucky I get to see my kids often. We are very close. I am up at 4 am but can't get myself to walk that early either. Hope you had a nice visit with your nephew.

Cookie - what are you up too this weekend? Hope you having fun.

That's it for me today.

Today was a walk on the treadmill. Still so hot here:( The farmer's market was so quiet, everyone is probably staying in the a/c.

Belinda - Great that you walked outside before it was too hot! Nice FUEL workout too. My SIL is up at 4am too.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Walk outside and Fuel Day 21 LB is done.

Debbie - great job on your TM workout. We walk early, it's already hot. DD's dog needs to be walked, he has too much energy.

Hallo Cookie!

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today was a walk on the treadmill. It supposed to be cooler in the 80's the next couple of days. I was so frustrated, I need a real ID license but it's seems impossible to get an appointment. I'm going to try in the morning, fingers crossed.

Belinda - Nice walk & Fuel workout. It does seem like the bigger dogs need to walked. Hopefully temps will drop by you too!

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

FUEL Series 30 Min Cluster Sets Upper Body Workout | Day 22 is done. I am getting ready to take a walk with my DS before we drive him to the airport.

Debbie - I hope you get a real ID license soon. Can you do it online? Good luck. Great job yesterday.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Sorry for not checking in over the weekend - it's just too hectic with visitors. Got in an Essentrics workout today.

Deb, our goldens used to get in kiddie pool also. I've seen pools made specifically for dogs. Do you have a treadmill or go to the gym to use one? How does your dn like TN?

Belinda, glad you get to see your children often. How is Sadie handling the heat? Do you do your workouts at 4 am?

Today was a walk outside! It wasn't as hot with a breeze & nice to be outside.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Has your DS experienced delays/cancellations when traveling? The real id license requires you to be in person:( So far the only appointments are a few hours away and in September:confused: My passport is updated so that is good.

Cookie - I'm sure you have so much catching up to do after your visitors leave. I have a treadmill but I use go to the gym to use theirs. My dn really likes TN, I think because all his friends are there.

Good evening,

I had an appointment with the Ophthalmologist this morning, I have a lot of the pressure in my eyes, he wants to schedule me for surgery to releave the pressure in my eyes. I have another appointment next month. I also saw my Rheumatologist today. I have more appointments lined up for RPC. I need to get this disease under control. I have another doc appointment tomorrow.

No workouts to report, I am too tired from all my appointment plus we just got home.

Debbie - DS had a 2 hour delay due too 2 girls getting into a fight on the plane. Sorry about you can’t get an appointment before Sep. Great job on your workout.

Cookie - it must be exhausting after your visitors leave. Sadie isn’t handling the heat to well. We try to walk early in the morning. I let her out to do her thing, than back in the house. It’s too hot. I don’t sleep much when I flair up. I am awake at 4 am. I used to workout early in the morning, not anymore. I need my coffee first. How about you?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside, hotter than I thought:(. We took our nephew to the movies to see Minions (his choice) it wasn’t too bad, good music.

Belinda - I’m sure you were exhausted. Sorry you are going through so much. Happy to hear you are getting the help you need. Geez on the fight on the plane:oops:

Waves hi to Cookie


Fuel D23 LB is done.

I have to get ready for my next doc appointment.

Debbie - thank you. I‘s been a lot lately. I just can’t catch a break. I am so lucky I have such a great team of doctors. They are all trying to help me. It was a 17 and 18 year old getting into a fight. One got arrested. Glad you had fun with your nephew. I like good music.

Waving Hi to Cookie.

Gotta great ready.

Today was a walk back at the gym, it was just too hot. We are breaking records for temps in the 90's! I was thinking is it worse to walk in freezing temps or hot, humid temps? DH thinks cold & I think hot LOL.

I saw the preview of today's Cathe Live and it looks like she had a few visitors from RT'ers.

Belinda - Nice Fuel workout! Are all your Dr's appointments far away? I think your Dr's are great.

Cookie - Do you ever get nervous when kayaking what is in the water? I always worry and look down LOL.

Good morning,

Walk outside and Fuel Day 24 FB is done. 5 more workouts to go.

Debbie - I need to check out yesterday's Cathe Live. Very cool! My appointment are anywhere from 45 min to 1.5 hours depending on traffic. Penn is over 4 hours. Aww...thank you! I do think my doctors are great too. Today wasn't too bad to walk. Although I went pretty early. Great job on the walk and gym yesterday.

Cookie - hope you doing great.


Today was a walk outside and leg workout at the gym. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - Wow, that rotation went by quickly. Do you bring Sadie to your appointments? You probably need to bring snacks & water with you.

Cookie - Any plans for the weekend?

Evening! Sorry, I konked out last night. Once I sat down to eat dinner, it was like all energy left. It was a very long and busy day. Got in Essentrics today and some flat walking early in the morning.

Deb, I offered to take my grandniece to see the Minions, b/c I'm interested! I think I'd take cold over hot and humid also. Glad your nephew is happy in TN. Our lake is pretty clear so you can see down a bit along the shoreline, but I'm not leaning over enough to flip the kayak. We have a canoe which can hold a few people, but I prefer the smaller kayaks.

Belinda, glad you have such a good medical team. How will they relieve the pressure on your eyes?

Dryer is done - have to put sheets on the last bed before guests arrive in a few minutes.
Good morning,

Today is a rest day from Caroline Fuel rotation. I probably will do some SBF and a walk after my coffee.

Debbie - great job on that walk and leg workout. The weather is perfect for walking in the mornings. The 6 week rotation flew by quickly. They only 30 min, very doable. DH walks Sadie while I am at my appointments. I always bring food and water for her.

Cookie - you sure getting a lot of visitor each week. When do you get a break? Are they all family? I never been in a kayak. That sounds fun. I do have such a good medical team. They will relieve the pressure on my eyes through cataract surgery. I have another appointment in a few weeks, he will do anther pressure test and will go over surgery.


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