Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Thanks Belinda! Nice job today!

Today I did a Christina Dorner live class...well, 2 actually...upper and lower body, + my rehab exercises for my stupid leg; I tore my calf and hamstring a few weeks ago doing a workout I had no business doing But it's getting better! I guess it helps that my fiance is also a physical therapist so we have this thing (hopefully) covered between the 2 of us
Melissa, hope your calf and hamstring feel better soon.That is fantastic you and your fiancé are physical therapist. Great job on C.Donner today. I like her workouts a lot. Need to do some after I am done with Caroline G. Beastmode.

Today was lots of steps around the Falls. DH and I came here in the 1980’s and again with the kids in the 90’s. It has changed too commercialized. It seems like a cross between Vegas & Times Square. We have been doing our best to avoid all that and enjoy the trails and beautiful Falls.

Melissa - Of course we remember you. How exciting you have done so much since you were last here. Congratulations!! Sorry for your injury but at least you know the right things to do to heal.

Belinda - Nice workout! Sadie is becoming quite the walker:). I remember you saying you bought her all kinds of accessories, she will be set.

Cookie - I hope you are having a good week.

Good morning,

Walk and Beastmode D7 LB is done.

Debbie - nice job on your steps. I haven’t been to the Falls yet. Too bad everyone is too commercialized these day’s.

Cookie - hope you having fun.

Melissa - congratulations! I agree, you have done lot since you were last here.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hi everyone! Today I'm planning on doing a little cardio with ICE Kickboxing but that all depends on how this leg holds up. I remember kicking in the beginning wasn't very fun but it's feeling better now so I'm gonna test it out

Deb, I haven't ever been to the Falls which is crazy cuz I've lived in NY almost my entire life. I heard the Canadian side is beautiful; is that commercialized too? Also, how is this polio madness by you?

Belinda, thank you! I like CD also; she makes me laugh sometimes during the live classes. I have to check Beastmode out, I've never heard of it but it sounds fun!

Cookie, hope you are doing well!

Today was lots of walking in the rain. We did an excursion behind the Falls, they gave us plastic ponchos so just used them all day. It hasn’t rained back home in NJ, our leaves are already falling because of it.

Belinda - Nice walk & Beastmode workout. I guess going in the summer to the Falls wasn’t the best idea since schools have off.

Melissa - ICE kickboxing is a good one, hopefully it worked with your leg. We spent 1/2 a day on the American side. On the American side it is more of a park setting & I liked seeing the rapids before the Falls. Not as commercialized as well. Canada does give you the best view and the beauty of the Falls. That is why we stay here.

Waves hi to Cookie

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in. Not sure what happened but I must have picked up a bug. Barely made it thru yesterday and then came home and immediately went to bed. Just got up now! I'm going to take today as a rest day.

Deb, the natural views there must be beautiful! LOL at a cross between Vegas and Times Square. Great way to get in a lot of steps.

Belinda, that Sadie! the best walker we have had was a little Carin Terrier, her legs were like pistons moving nonstop.

Melissa, boy, you've been busy. I love kb but don't do it much anymore due to a few injuries. I also love CD and miss her in the newer workouts.

Hi everyone,

Walk outside and Beast mode CT is done. Sadie isn't feeling well after our walk. I am keeping an eye on her.

Debbie - DH and I are looking RV's again. How knows?? So far, I only like a few. I want a washer and dryer. We have so much laundry. I hate using the ones on the camp sites. The falls sounds lovely.

Cookie - oh no!! I hope you feel better soon. Please get lots of rest.

Melissa - CD makes me laugh too. I love her music. There is the link for Beastmode It's a 2 week program , Thursday and Saturday are rest day's. Yes, she makes you workout on Sunday's. Caroline is taking a break, I am waiting for her next rotation. If you like lifting heavier and at a slower pace, I highly recommend her IRON series. I love her Iron series. I just finished Fuel 2 weeks ago. Great programs!!

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today was a rest day, it took us about 7 hours with stops. We walked so much this trip because parking was tough. DH was complaining to DS's that I had us walking all over;)

Belinda - Nice workout! I hope Sadie feels better. I saw so many RV's on the road when we were traveling. So many different kinds/sizes too. I think it is becoming more popular since Covid.

Cookie - I hope you feel better. It seems like people are getting sick but not with just Covid. Allergies are high too.

Melissa - How did it the kb workout go with your leg?

Good morning,

Today is a rest day from Beastmode. I did walk this morning.

Debbie - Sadie is kept her food down last night. She is eating. I think the heat got to her yesterday. I am getting excited to get another RV, especially with Covid. DH is afraid I catch it when we stay in a hotel. With an RV you can go wherever you want to go. You are not close to other people either. Hotels are a lot of money especially now. Flights are getting canceled.

Cookie - how are you feeling? I hope it's nothing serious.

Melissa - how is your hamstring after your kb workout?

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.
'Evening! Felt much better today, not back to 100% but getting closer. Managed to get in a JS workout this morning.

Deb, the walking is all your fault (lol)! 7 hours is a long time in the car.

Belinda, glad Sadie is doing better today. One of my sisters has an RV and loves it. Fireplace, washer and dryer, ... It's amazing

Melissa, how are you doing?

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Pyramid lower body. I missed how dark our hotel room was, I thought our room was dark but not enough LOL.

Belinda - Nice day for walking. I'm happy to hear Sadie is feeling better. Last week my SIL arrived on time but sat on the plane for 3 hours because they didn't have any gates available:rolleyes: Our hotel was high but they also charged everyday for parking ($40), an amenity fee ($15) for internet (which you needed because of poor service) and 2 bottle waters & tourist tax ($30). I just felt like they take advantage of people.

Cookie - Happy to hear you are closer to feeling better. Fireplace in RV, nice:)

Melissa - I saw Polio a problem in NY, not bad here.

Good morning! Did my first workout since Monday yesterday with C Dorner's total body strength; that woman makes me laugh so much and my fiance is always like wtf are you laughing at cuz I have my headphones in so he cant hear what's going on and I just sound crazy . I also re-pulled my hamstring carrying my table up to a client's house yesterday so that was fun Hopefully it didn't set me back too much; it feels better today so fingers crossed! I'll attempt to get that ICE Kickbox in this afternoon when I'm done treating!

Deb: Our leaves and grass are pretty bad in NY too from having no rain. Our town is on a water restriction. Hopefully we will get some soon! PLB is one of my faves. LOL @ the dark hotel room, I LOVE hotels like that! Makes me wanna get the blackest black-out curtains ever.

Belinda: Thanks so much for the workout recommendations! I will def check them out! I also am thinking I might do STS again towards the end of the year. Sending healing vibes to Sadie and hope she stays feeling well!

Cookie: hope you are feeling better and also sending some healing vibes YOUR way!

No walk today, it was getting to hot this morning.

Debbie - it’s insane what is going on with the cancellation and high prices. DD was stranded overnight due to cancelation on an airport. We are still looking around for the best RV, I don’t like most of them. The layout on some are not for me. I also want everything mordern and white. The once we looked at haven’t changed from our old RV, style wise :(

Cookie - I don’t need a fire place. A washer and dryer is a must. What is the name of the RV your sister has? We are still looking around. Sadie is fine, I think the heat got to her the other day.

Melissa - you are welcome! I been wanting to start another round of STS, Caroline comes out with fresh and new content every time. Eventually I will revisited Cathy’s workouts. Sorry to hear you re pulled your hamstring :( Yikes!

Have a great Friday.

Today was a walk outside, hotter than I thought & Cathe Pyramid upper body. We are going to get a bite to eat.

Belinda - I would love to see inside the RV's :) Did you trailer a car when you had one?

Melissa - I pulled my hamstring and it took a long time to heal, some days were better than others. LOL on laughing during your workouts!

Cookie - Do you have lots of visits this weekend?

Have a great weekend:)
'Evening! PUB for me also today!!! Also got in another visit to my mom today, and the OT gave me a lesson on adult toileting and needs.

Deb, we must have been thinking alike today in doing the same wo. It's one of my favorites. Guests arriving tomorrow afternoon, which should give me a chance to run errands, clean house, food prep, and write an article for a journal! We'll see how much gets done. I have enough tomatoes for sauce and am hoping to make some tomorrow too. What plans do you have?

Belinda, I'll have to ask my sister about her rv. I just know it was nothing like any rv I had ever been in before. Glad Sadie is feeling better. It probably was the heat.

Melissa, sorry about your hamstring. That's painful. Cathe's kb are awesome workouts. Love them

Today is a rest day from Bestmode. I walked this morning.

Debbie - once I find one I like I will show your pictures. Yes, we pulled a car. We are looking at Motorhomes Class A. I really like the

Cookie - thanks in advance for asking your sister. There are so many RV's, my head is spinning. Have fun with your mom.

Have a great day.

Today was an early morning walk. We need rain so bad, it looks like Fall here, my lawn is covered in leaves.

Belinda - Nice walk! It's better to take your time looking for an RV. It does seem so much harder to look for things too many choices.

Cookie - I hope you were able to get everything done. It was a big list;) Does your Mom recognize you when you visit?

Waves hi to Melissa


I did the last workout in Beastmode today. It was HiiT, one sweaty one. I love her workouts.

Debbie - it’s suppose to rain today. Hopefully you get some too. It was so humid outside, we didn’t walk. Maybe this evening.

Waving Hi to Melissa and Cookie!

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
'Evening! So relieved - finally got that article done, made tomato sauce, had family over and got in a JS workout! Guess I'll sleep well tonight.

Deb, thought of you when I was making the sauce. I didn't do anything fancy at all but had a lot of tomatoes, and I don't like having things sitting on my countertops. Thankfully, my mom still does recognize me. I dread the day she doesn't. Sometimes it takes her a minute or so to do so, but I keep telling myself it is b/c of masks, but honestly I don't know. She loves my dh. The day she doesn't recognize him, we will all be basketcases. Unfortunately, she now longer recognizes two of my brothers. How's your mom doing?

Belinda, my sister has a Grand Design Solitude 390RKR and loves it, but says the prices have increased outrageously just in the past year since she bought it. Did you get rain? Nothing up here.

Melissa, hope you're resting your hamstring. How's it doing now?

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