Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Thank you, Cookie! I do like the one your sister has. We been looking at Class A, they have not checked much since we had one. We did not get any rain today. Good job getting it all done today!

Today was a walk outside & the Farmer's Market. We also went to my Mom's to celebrate my brother's & older ds's birthday. It was a nice day.

Belinda - Nice Hiit workout! We are expecting rain tonight & tomorrow. I never thought I would wish for rain before. Are there shortages of RV's, like cars?

Cookie - My last sauce came out tasting sweet but everyone liked it. Our Farmer's Market sells baskets each week of ripe tomatoes (for sauce) for a really good price. Not too many people buy because it is a lot of work LOL. I forgot about masks, maybe that is why she doesn't recognize your brothers. I remember when we would wear them around my MIL it bothered her.

Melissa - Hope you had a nice weekend!

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend! Saturday I went to my parents' house for my nephew's/my mom's combined birthdays which was very nice. I also did ICE Bootcamp on Saturday which was surprisingly good despite this hamstring/calf tear; I modified basically the entire thing lol but it felt good to be on a step since that's where most of my strife happens with this leg. Sunday was a rest/errand day. I'm planning on LITE PHA 2 for today's workout!

Belinda, omg the airline cancellations are insane! We actually have a trip planned to Zion for October and our airline cancelled our flight already so I was left scrambling to find a new one. Thankfully I did; it's not out of the most convenient airport but at least we can still go...for now lol! Traveling in an RV is def on my bucket list.

Deb, OMG yes, hamstrings take FOREVER to heal! This same injury happened about 3 years ago on my other leg and I remember how much of a PITA it was to recover. Knock on wood but this one seems to be going a bit smoother this time around. Hopefully you're also getting this rain down in NJ today and tomorrow: the northeast needs it! I keep thinking it's fall and then I remember we are still in August.

Cookie, PUB is such a good one!! I have never made sauce from fresh tomatoes so now you ladies have me wanting to try! How many tomatoes do you need for how big of a vat of sauce? And yay on getting your article done! What was it about?

Have a great day everyone!

SBF LB today. Too hot to walk outside. I take short walks with Sadie.

Debbie - happy birthday to both. We had some rain today. I hope you got some too. It's humid outside. There isn't a shortage with RV, they have way too many 2022's left. I love the one Cookie mention, we don't have a truck. That means extra expenses. We are still looking. Most RV's have bunk beds and by the driver seats another pull down bed. I am not planning to entertain anyone. I don't like the looks of bunk beds, I think they ugly :( I also want everything modern, white looking. That's a lot of $$$ if you don't like it.

Cookie - thank you so much! I love the Grand Design Solitude 390RKR, I love it. I love the layout. It's probably the prettiest I seen. It has everything I want in an RV. What kinda truck does your brother in law/sister have to pull it? We don't have a truck.

Melissa - DD is flying to Greece in a few weeks, she had first class. They pumped her to coach and changed her flight. I don't know what is going on with the airlines. Glad you got your rescheduled. Glad your hamstring is doing better too. Great job on your workout.

Have a great Monday.

I know I said I wanted it to rain but the weathermen didn't have the timeline down. I was caught in the rain coming out of the food store and in the middle of my walk. I needed to change everything including my underwear LOL:oops: It was humid so you can't imagine my hair situation. As long as everything gets watered.

Belinda - Nice SBF workout! I have heard some bad accidents with bunk beds for children so I don't blame you for not wanting bunk beds. Someone else told me they were on a recent flight and they overbooked 1st class by eleven seats. So strange.

Melissa - It's great you were able to get through ICE bootcamp. I would say you would need at least 4 or 5 big tomatoes for a sauce with some leftover. I usually just by the basket at the market (which I believe is 8-10) but I feed 4 people with a little leftover. Let's see what Cookie says.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today I walked outside for over an hour.

Debbie - sorry you got caught in the rain. We got a lot of rain too. That is strange about the overbooking. I don't like bunk beds, the RV is just for 2 people and a family with kids.

Waving Hi to Melissa and Cookie.

Have a great evening.
'Evening! I completely forgot to check in last night, but thought of it today during the day. It's moments like this that make me worry about getting dementia also. Sure hope not. Yesterday was a longish walk and today was tb w/bands. The rain we've had is like a spit. It is seriously dry.

Deb, your hair might have looked like mine does all the time! Sorry you got caught it in. My mom might also be able to still recognize me b/c I stop by quite often, and we usually take her to our house on Sundays. Unfortunately, my brothers, who do live near by, don't visit her much. Very sad.

Belinda, they have a big truck, that's what i know. They got a new one when they got this RV. I'll ask her about what kind it is.

Melissa, hope your hamstring and calf are doing alright. Like Deb, I used the basketful. I noticed a lot of recipes actually call for using canned tomatoes (!), which totally shocked me. A long time ago, I used to make sauce, but then life got just too hectic. It's busy but no children at home or to drive around anymore!
Melissa, I went and looked at our farm share site, and the tomato baskets are about 6 lbs each. I gave some containers to one of my sons and have frozen the rest.

Today was a walk outside & a leg workout at the gym. I went to Costco today and not only is Halloween decorations out but also some Christmas decorations.

Belinda - You did a really long walk:) It was nice & breezy in the morning here.

Cookie - Band workouts are so much fun. We all forget, so many times I forget my shopping list and ask DH to take a picture and send it to me.

Waves hi to Melissa

Hi all! Today I did PHA + the bonus abs and was a sweaty mess. The leg does not like weighted side lunges so I dropped the weights when doing those to the right and had to reduce the range of motion, but overall it held up! I noticed that I do way better and am more consistent when I get my workout in before work so I'm gonna try to go back to early mornings again: today was day 1 and overall it went well! Also, it was so hot today that one of my clients asked if we could do her session in her pool and there was so way I was saying no to that! It was a nice end to the work day

Belinda, that's crazy that the airline bumped your DD to coach. Did they give her a refund or anything? These airlines are out of control. I have a conference in Austin, TX in November and the flight cost more than my stay Glad you got a nice long walk in!

Deb, OMG at getting caught in the rain and getting soaked! That is the worst feeling, esp the underwear! LOL @ the hair; I don't even bother drying mine when it's this humid cuz it's just insane so I stick it in a clip and call it a day Christmas decorations already?! Costco is insane lol!

Cookie, that stinks that your brothers don't visit your mom often, but it's great that you get to spend time with her and bring her to your house! Thanks for the tomato recommendation, I'm absolutely going to try that. I have to make a batch soon, we just ate the last one last night.

I walked for over an hour before we vent to the vet with Sadie. I also did some lower body workout today.

Debbie - our Costco has Christmas stuff for a few weeks, crazy. Great job on that walk and leg workout.

Cookie - sorry for asking so many questions. We always had a Class A. Very different RV's. I looked up the RV your sister has, it's huge. You have to have a huge truck to pull it. Sorry your brother isn't visiting your mom much. You are an amazing daughter.

Melissa - DD has to flight for her business a lot. They did refund and gave her free ski miles. That is crazy your flight is more than your stay. I am sure everything will work out. I am sure you didn't mind getting in the pool in that heat. Great job today.

Good night.
'Evening! Today was Essentrics. got a new saute pan the other day, and wasn't prepared for the difference in how it worked on my cooktop. I was toasting some spices, and stepped to fridge for a second. Next thing, the spices were smoking! It was bad b/c had cayene pepper in the mix. DH is claiming I was trying to kill him. Not yet.

Deb, you must sleep good between your walks and workouts!

Belinda, my ds hasn't answered me yet. My bil has a huge truck. It's funny, his son and two sils have similar ones, and when they visit, my driveway looks like a truck commercial.

Melissa, take care of your leg. Bet that workout in the pool was a great way to end your day.

Today was a walk outside, it wasn't too bad & zoom yoga. I was so tired today and I slept well.

Belinda - Nice lb workout & long walk:) How did Sadie's appointment go? I'm sure she'll love the RV, so she can go with you.

Cookie - Nice essentrics! I was laughing that is exactly what my DH would say ;)

Melissa - Nice PHA workout! Doing a session in the pool sounds awesome. Did you see the flooding on the news in Zion Park? I'm sure it will be fine when you go. DH & I were supposed to go about 10 years ago. We had a small window of time and it was getting dark so we skipped it. Hopefully someday.

Good morning,

Walk outside is done.

Debbie - nice job on your walk and yoga. Sadies appointment went well yesterday. Her vet is retiring about 40 years. He is such a great vet. He sold this practice to a new vet, not sure if we continue to use her?

Cookie - that is funny! My husband would say the same :) Nice job on Essentrics.

Melissa - have a great workout today.

Have a great day and workout, everyone,

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Slow & Heavy Chest & Back. Not much else going on.

Belinda - Nice walk! Wow, 40 years is a long time for your vet but bet he is ready for retirement.

Waves hi to Cookie & Melissa


I walked this morning for over an hour and did Barre lower body with SBF.

Debbie - definably he is ready for retirement. Very good vet. Great job yesterday.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Melissa.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside (too hot). We are going to get a bite to eat tonight. It's a new restaurant we are trying and it only has about 6-8 tables.

Belinda - Nice walk and barre work!

Waves hi to Cookie & Melissa

Have a great weekend:)
'Morning! Sorry for not checking in the past two days. On Thursday did my own version of PUB, and yesterday my dh and I went to VT for the day. Did some antiquing, fabric shopping and found a terrific little cafe. Today will be another strength wo, food shopping and prep, house and yard work, errands, and hopefully a walk. Our town has a celebration going on, so tomorrow we're one of the hosts for a poker run.

Deb, my dh and I enjoy teasing each other. How was the restaurant? I was surprised the past few days have been warmer than I expected.

Belinda, just realized my ds hasn't replied about the truck. I'll ask her again. She's off somewhere with the RV now, but I forget where. Hope Sadie and you will like the new vet.

Melissa, how are you doing? Hope your leg is recovering well.

Instead of doing SBF Arms and abs, I did Arms & abs pilates.

Debbie - it was way to hot to walk this morning. How did you like the new restaurant?

Cookie - no problem. Your DS is probably somewhere with bad internet. We sure had a lot of them with the RV. I hope we like the other vet too. We use others vets (same place Sadie gets groomed). We used them for ChuChu and Brawler on the weekends for emergency. They just a little further from our house. Glad you had some fun shopping and found a nice little cafe.

Mellisa - hope you doing ok.

Have a great evening.

Today was a walk outside, it was still hot but hopefully tomorrow will be better. The restaurant was good the husband and wife and an additional cook run the restaurant. DH has gone there with my BIL. We both had seafood with pasta and it was really good. Even the bowls they brought them in felt like you were in someone's home.

Belinda - Nice pilates workout! I was wondering if they run deals on RV's towards the end of the season.

Cookie - Your day in Vermont sounds so nice. You are so busy this weekend, but sounds like fun things.

Melissa - Do you have weekends off?


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