Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Walk outside and Tempo Hit is done.

Debbie - Greece is also on my bucket list. DD text me this morning, her room wasn't ready. When DD finally got her room it was still dirty :( DD isn't too happy right now. I would raise hell if I show up and my room is dirty.Did you find a couch? I am also shopping for one, not liking any. I am very picky. I never had bread pudding.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Melissa.

Have a great Sunday.
'Evening! Took a rest day today. On Sundays we have my mom and eldest son, and then anyone else who comes. Yesterday and Friday got in walks and workouts. Friday was a mind-body-muscle one from JS and yesterday was upper wo and then Essentrics.

Deb, at least the lawn sign and balloons didn't have your age! I also prefer to keep things quiet. I love bread pudding. There's a place here that's quite well known for it, and it is really, really good. I try not to go there just for that reason.

Belinda, that's nice your dd is so close. Greece is definitely on my bucket list also. How nice you'll see your ds soon. Is your dil coming along?

Melissa, hope you're having a great weekend and that your leg is almost recovered.

Today was a walk outside. We also had dinner with ds's & gf. It is finally lightly raining.

Belinda - Nice walk & workout! Once we walked into a room and it wasn't cleaned and they left half eaten food (seafood) on the dressers it was gross. I picked out an L-shaped with a large ottoman. Just can't decide on beige or grey.

Cookie - Nice workout! I would avoid the bread pudding place too;)

Waves hi to Melissa

Good morning,

Walk outside and Band lower body workout is done. I am taking it a little easier this week. Taking a break from Caroline's workouts.

Debbie - that is disgusting! I can't believe they left your room like that. What is wrong with people? I am looking for an L-shaped couch in leather in gray or white. What is the rest of your living room color?

Cookie - you always have a full house of guest. That's amazing. I wished I had more family come, but with covid I have to be super careful. I will like everyone moved on except me.

Hi Melissa, hope you doing ok

'Evening! Did a JS fusion/glide workout. Rain here most of the day - I swear the grass was turning green in front of my eyes!

Deb, there so much to consider when purchasing anything - it can seem overwhelming. Will you be an empty nester?

Belinda, glad you're taking it a bit easier this week. What made you decide that?

Melissa, did you have a chance to relax this weekend?

Today was a walk outside. My SIL had a BBQ at her house, it was fun. It didn't start raining till 8pm here but so humid today.

Belinda - Nice walk & band workout! I wanted to get a band workout in but it didn't work. The image of that room is still in my mind:( Our room is yellow with oak molding so that is why grey may not work. The room also has a lot of sunlight. I didn't want to paint at this time so my choice is limited.

Cookie - Nice fusion/glide workout! The rain will last here until tomorrow night. I agree the grass and trees are loving this rain:) In our neighborhood too many dead leaves on the ground and they aren't colorful just dry. My older ds moved back a couple of months ago, he works long hours so not too bad.

Waves hi to Melissa


Walk outside and Bic/Tripes/Abs is done. I also did SBF Strong Back.

Debbie - we are getting ready to rip out the carpets in the living room. We have oak wood flooring through out the lower part of the house except the living room. I want gray flooring, not sure if the oak looks good. There is an app you can take a picture of your living room or any other room and see if you like the flooring. Pretty cool. I am not sure if I like it next to the oak? In the living room it looks very cool. I would have to change the kitchen flooring too. My kitchen runs into the hall way and dinning room/antic room which has the oak wood. I am not changing the wood flooring. Too much work.

Cookie - nice job on your workouts. My shoulder is acting up again. I need a break from heavy lifting. Last year I had a frozen shoulder which took months. I don't want to go that route.

Melissa where are you? I hope you ok.

Great job everyone.
Evening! Got in a walk this evening and am now going to watch the Open. Love the strength and agility of the players.

Deb, glad the rain held off so you could enjoy the BBQ. My hair is resembling Phyllis Diller's! How do you feel about your youngest son moving?

Belinda, you sure don't want another frozen shoulder episode. Glad you're being careful. The flooring sounds like a big job.

Melissa, hope you're doing well.

Today was a walk on the treadmill, it rained all day here. All day thought it was Monday :oops:

Belinda - Nice workouts! The app sounds cool. I wonder if you could google if you can mix flooring in a house to see what answers come up.

Cookie - Nice walk! I loved watching Serena play. I have mixed feelings about younger DS moving, but I thought to myself did I think he would live with us forever LOL.

Melissa - I bet you are getting lots of rain too.

Good morning everyone! Quick check-in for me today: we were away with my family for the long weekend and did a lot of swimming (and eating)! Came back and now I'm unfortunately sick and have this massive migraine, hence the brief update. I had to do something quick on the computer but wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone.

Will be back tomorrow hopefully feeling better! Have a great day :)

No walk today, it's raining.

I did Butt Lift with bands and 20#. If I have time later I will post my workout. I don't know if I mention it? DD is in Greece. DD is sending daily pictures. So beautiful. I am watching her dog Cooper. He and Sadie follow me everywhere. DH and I are looking into buying a Class A motorhome. We had one 6 years ago. I looked up vacations in FL. Holy moly, they are expensive. They charging $100 extra for pets. If you plan on staying 7 day's, that's 700 dollars not to mention hotel/fees/plan tickets. I am so ready for a vacation.

Debbie - I need to look into this. Maybe there is an app that allows you to see both? It's raining here since yesterday too. I went through the same when my son left. It will be fine.

Cookie - no, I don't want to get set back with my shoulder. I just take it easy this week. Need to lower my weights for shoulders too.

Melissa - sorry you are not feeling well. Feel better soon.

I will be back tomorrow. Hopefully the rain stops and I can go for a short walk today.

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. I went with DH for testing today but everything is ok, he had a painful lump in his chest.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout! It's nice to see beautiful pictures from other countries. Too funny the dogs are following you. I think it is crazy they charge so much for dogs. I'm sure their are some adults that do far more damage than a dog would, especially small ones.

Melissa - I hope you feel better soon. It's good you were able to get away with family:)

Waves hi to Cookie

'Afternoon! Wanted to check in early since I didn't get to it yesterday. DH and I decided to take personal days and went to the Brimfield Antique and Flea Market. It's huge, so we only saw part of it. Got two night stands, and a cabinet DH is hoping to use to display some of his rock collection. It is way too small for what he has, so.hopefully, he will finally start purging some of it. 10 huge moving boxes! The night stands have started the domino of needing to move things around, donate, and update other things. Fun stuff. Got in a lot of steps.

Deb, I felt the same way about most of mine moving out. But now I'm fine with it! TG your DH is okay. What might be causing it?

Belinda, the two dogs sound like one of mine - he even follows me into the bathroom. They all follow if I go in or out of the house, and will wait at the driveway for me to return. I bet those photos of Greece are gorgeous.

Melissa, hope you're doing better. Migraines are horrible.

Long walk outside this morning and SBF 30 min abs + back strengthening.

Debbie - I agree with you on how much they charge for dogs. It's insane. Yeah, some adults that do far more damage than a dog would. Glad your husband test came back normal and he is doing ok.

Cookie - dogs are funny. My dog Brawler followed me everywhere I went. The pictures of Greece are gorgeous. DD having so much fun. She deserves it. Great find yesterday. I haven't done antik shopping in so long.

Melissa - how are you doing?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I had a dental appointment. Ugh, I have 2 back teeth that my body is absorbing because it thinks they don't belong their. I have to go see a specialist and see what they say (maybe a root canal).

Belinda - It was a nice day for a walk! How long is your dd away for?

Cookie - It sounds like lots of fun at the Antique/Flea Market. It's a great way to add pieces to your house. DH gets lipoma's (fatty tumors), not sure if they will want to remove.

Waves hi to Melissa


Today was a walk & upper body workout at the gym. We are going to get a bite to eat and sit outside, it is nice out.

Have a great weekend:)

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I was looking for RV's with DH. We still are looking, I don't like the high prices.

Yesterday I walked and did a FB workout. Today I walked again, I will do a SBF workout.

Debbie - great job on your workouts. DD lives over an hour away from us. Depending on the traffic. Sorry about your dental appointment. I hope you don't need a root canal. Those are not fun.

Cookie - great job on your evening walk. Any plans this weekend?

Hi Melissa.

I will be back later.

Walk this morning and CDoner Fitness 30 Minute Stretch and Mobility Routine With a Chair. The stretch was pretty good. Chris lost me when she was talking about a hat :)

Hope you all doing ok. Have a great Sunday.

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