Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

'Morning! Sorry for not checking in the past two days. Went to visit ds3 and dil. Had a very nice time and got in lots of steps. Today I'm going to a quilt show in VT, so should get in some steps there and hopefully visit my mom and get in an Essentrics wo this evening. My legs and ankles are tightening up and are more stiff lately.

Deb, it's so aggravating to be w/o a phone! Like you, I've gotten dependent upon mine. What color couch did you decide upon? The style? I've decided the recliner sofa we watch tv on needs to be on the to-be-replaced list.

Belinda, my son's dog that lives w/us came with two big storage bins of clothes! She greatly dislikes shoes and boots but will begrudgingly wear sweaters. She has a strong personality.

Melissa, hope you're having a great weekend and are feeling better.

Walk with Sadie and FUEL Series 30 Min DUMBBELL CARDIO Workout - Giant Sets | Day 5 is done.

Debbie - I hope you doing well.

Cookie - LOL, your son's dog sounds like Sadie clothes. We adopted Sadie almost 1 year ago. Sadie has a strong personality too.She knows what she wants. Have fun quilt show today.

Melissa - how are you doing?

Have a great Sunday everyone.
Hello! I'm still alive lol...turns out I had a sinus infection on top of strep and today is the first day I actually feel somewhat human. Go big or go home I guess lol. I was upset though because yesterday I was supposed to go to the city to hang out with a friend whos in NY this month and then catch a concert with another friend, but I had to cancel both of those plans. Bleh. Today will be continued rest/chores and I will ease back into fitness stuff starting tomorrow.

Cookie, sounds like you had a great weekend! Nice job on getting those steps in. Isn't it crazy how dependent we are on our phones? I love dogs in sweaters, they're so cute!

Belinda, I am loving these colder mornings! I absolutely LOVE fall and cannot wait for it! Smart to take the vacation over the RV, I probably would've done the same. Hope you had a nice time at the restaurant!

Deb, I always feel naked without my phone or that I will miss something super important (I never do lol). Crazy how phones have become such a part of us.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sorry I didn't check-in yesterday, DH had bought me play tickets for Michael Jackson play in NYC. The play was really good. We also went to our favorite italian restaurant. The manager remembered us it's been 3 years since we have been there. We also only go once a year. He sat with us and showed us pictures of the dog he got during Covid. He said his wife did not like dogs but now she is in love.

Belinda - Nice walks & workouts! The manager showed us pictures of his dog dressed up. It seems like the little dogs do love it. I bet Sadie's boots and coat keep her warm & stylish;) How long is your son here for?

Cookie - It sounds like you had a fun weekend:) It's funny your ds's dog came with clothes. I decided on beige & L-shaped. I didn't get the chase but did get a matching ottoman instead.

Melissa - I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well:( Hopefully now it's over and will feel better this week. NYC was pretty crowded on Saturday.

Hi everyone! Did Supersets this morning and man does it feel good to get back in the game! I don't usually see clients on Mondays but I had a few appointments today to make up for the poop show that was last week.

Debbie, your night out in the city sounds awesome! Which Italian place do you go to?

Waving hi to Belinda and Cookie!

I walked this morning and did D6 LB Fuel.

Debbie - how nice! Glad you enjoyed the M. Jackson play. Nice, you went to your favorite italian restaurant and the owner recognized you. A lot of people got dogs during covid. Sadie is very warm and stylish. DS left on Sunday, my DIL is still here for business.

Melissa - I do enjoy the colder weather. Although it gets very hot during the day. I am looking forward to next week. Restaurant was very nice.

Hi Cookie.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. We had a quick thunderstorm at least it was after the walk.

Belinda - Nice walk outside & Fuel lb workout! The kids will miss you when you are in FL.

Melissa - It must feel good that you were able to get your workout in. We went to Lattanzi's it is in the theater district. We saw a few restaurants closed, they also have seating outside on the street, but I think that would be dangerous in NYC. The restaurant owns 2 buildings on the block or they said Covid would have closed them.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

No walk today. I did Fuel Day 7 UB.

Debbie - great job with your workout at the gym. Glad you got your walk in yesterday. It was already to hot to walk. I will try to get a short one in tonight.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Melissa.

Have a great workout and day.
'Evening! Had a meeting that went late last night, so that why I didn't check in. Got in a walk today and a slide and glide wo.

Deb, what a wonderful gift! Great that the manager remembered you. Guess we all love our dogs!

Belinda, have you started packing yet? Is Sadie packing a bathing suit? We have a dog life preserver that has a fin, like a shark's. It looks good on my son's dog.

Melissa. glad you're back in the game! Be careful, though, please. Maybe I'll do supersets upper body tomorrow. Haven't done that one in a while.

Today was a walk outside. I ran so many errands today but still don't feel like I have more to do. I finally made a list tonight LOL.

I saw a fox walking on the sidewalk across the street from my house. I thought it was a lost dog, TG I didn't go up to it:oops:

Belinda - Nice Fuel workout! It has been getting hot here mid-afternoon but it's supposed to get cooler this weekend.

Cookie - Nice walk & slide & glide workout! I haven't done one in a long time.

Waves hi to Melissa


Last night DH and I ended up taking a walk with Sadie. it was nice and cool.

Today I did FUEL Series 30 Min POSTERIOR CHAIN Circuits Workout | Day 8 in-between Sadie's vet appointment and groomer appointment. I had an hour time, I figured I get my workout out the way.

So DH told me it's suppose to rain all week long in FL. I am not sure if we are going at this point. I was so excited. Which the bad weather hitting the coast, not sure what we would do?

Debbie - wow, that's crazy the fox walked on the sidewalk. A few weeks ago, we had a fox running in the middle of the night in our back yard. Our alarm alerted us. We shared the footage with your neighbors to let them know, in case they let their dogs out. We saw a fox the other day in our walk in our neighborhood, it ran into the fields. We also so mama bobcat and her 2 babies. That was a little scary. The mama cat was watching us while her 2 young ones where playing in the someone yard near the field. I didn't know we had them in our neighborhood. Great job on your walk yesterday. People in our neighborhood also reporting a black bear near our neighborhood. Apparently he/she is there for years. We are surrounded by a lot farms/fields.

Cookie - I did started to pack a little. No, Sadie doesn't have a swim suit, she does have a bath rope :) I don't swim, I will not let Sadie except her little paws touch the water. Too many sharks are in the water. You really pulling out all the goodies with Cathe. I haven't done S&G in so long. Are you planning on getting Cathe's new STS 2?

Melissa - hope you have a great workout.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
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'Evening! Got in a walk and a CL upper body wo. I forgot how fast Cathe goes in some of those workouts! It got warm here in the afternoon.

Deb, my dh and I were just chatting today on our walk about seeing more foxes this year than prior years. Are the trees changing colors already by you?

Belinda, Sadie is a little fashionista! Not sure if I'm going to get the new series. I'm going to wait to for more info. What about you?

Melissa, how are you doing?

Today was a walk outside & zoom yoga. It was a nice day but it did get hot. Tomorrow is fall, boy did this summer fly by.

Belinda - I saw lots of storms in the Caribbean which I'm sure some will give US lots of rain. Wow, you do have lots of wildlife too. Bobcats & bears would scare me, I guess fox too! A few years back a fox killed a neighbors small dog, so sad:(

Cookie - Nice walk & CL upper body workout! Our leaves are changing but only slightly.

Waves hi to Melissa

Hi everyone! Happy 1st day of fall..even though you would never know it here cuz I'm running the AC being that the humidity today is INSANE. I think it's supposed to go down to the 40s tonight though and I am so excited about that! This week has been crazy trying to play catch-up but I think I'm finally there! Still have a bit of a lingering cough which stinks. Tuesday I went for a long walk and yesterday I did my own strength training with some dumbbells. Today is crazy with clients so I'm thinking it might be a rest day? IDK we will see how it goes.

Belinda, ugh I'm so sorry you might have to cancel your FL trip. There are storms everywhere it seems; my fiance was just saying how Canada is expecting a hurricane which they hardly ever get. Crazy stuff! Where do you live? We had a bobcat roaming around in our area too last year and black bears have gotten increasingly prevalent, probably because there is so much development going on around here and we are surrounded by woods.

Debbie, oooh I've never been to Lattanzi's, I will have to check it out when we are in the city again. Zoom yoga sounds fun!

Cookie, FYI I wound up using all our tomatoes to make homemade petite diced tomatoes and it was SO much better than canned! And yes, Cathe does go fast in some of her workouts; I usually wear ear buds that allow you to pause when you tap them so I'm always tapping away to get equipment for the next move lol.


Today is a rest day from Caroline's workout schedule. I went for a walk this morning, got socked. It wasn't suppose to rain until later in the day. Surprise!! Luckily, DH just got home from his doc appointment he picked Sadie and me up. Glad he did. I had a rain coat for Sadie. I didn't bring any for myself. I did get in 1.5 miles.

I will do some stretching/yoga later.

Tomorrow I have 3 doctors appointments. I will try to get my workout in early in the morning. I will not be back until later this evening.

Debbie - yes, we do have a lot of wildlife in WV. I live in the country, lol. I never leave Sadie alone in our back yard for that reason. My other dogs, I never really worried that much. Although, Brawler never left my side.

Cookie - I know I will regret not getting Cathe's new series. I probably end up getting them. I have to wait for more details.

Melissa - I live in the country in WV. I will sent you the name privately if you like. I just don't want to post my address on the Open forum. DH and I decided we will postpone are vacation until the end of this month. DH is watching the weather. Hopefully we don't have to postpone it.

That's it for me today. It's raining here.
'Evening! Got in an short Essentrics stretch and another walk. Thankfully the storm broke midafternoon.

Deb, summer did fly by very quickly! What type of yoga do you during in your class? You are so consistent in your workouts.

Belinda, sorry your trip is delayed. The weather is crazy! Alaska and Canada having tornados?!!

Melissa, I used some of my tomatoes in tonights dinner! Thanks for mentioning about the earbuds. Why do I never think to tap them? I needed that reminder.

Today was a walk after the rain & lower body machines at the gym. My younger SIL invited me to dinner with her 2 friends (who I know for many years). It was a nice time and we sat outside. We went early 4:30 and one of her friends complained, we were like old people LOL.

Belinda - It's nice that DH came to the rescue. My DH has been watching the weather and said a hurricane may hit the West Coast of FL next week. Hopefully the weather will calm down when we leave the following week. Good luck with your appointments.

Cookie - Nice essentrics workout & walk. The yoga instructor does mostly Vinyasa flow with stretching. I saw on the news that you are further along on Fall Foliage. It seems sooner than usual.

Melissa - It wasn't humid here, and now it is cool, 25 degrees different than last night:rolleyes: When you have so many clients it mustn't feel like a rest day.

Good morning! Yesterday wound up being a rest day for me. Today I plan on ICE Rock Em Sock Em after clients. I was supposed to get my Covid booster this afternoon but rescheduled cuz I still have a cough and I'm worried about making it worse cuz I hear people have not been feeling great after this new shot.

Belinda, omg re: getting soaked in the rain but nice job getting those miles in! Totally agree with you in not posting personal info on a public forum! For some reason I thought you were in the NE, I honestly had no clue you're in WV! It's beautiful there with some great hiking. Hoping the weather holds out for your vacay!

Cookie, lol the earbud tapping is a godsend! I love that feature...unless I raise my arms over my head and accidentally tap, sometimes that's a pain haha.

Debbie, LOL at the early dinner complaints. Sometimes dinner happens at 4:30! Yep, when I have a full schedule of in-person clients it def doesn't feel like a rest day! I see my clients in their homes and have to carry my table around with me so it's definitely a workout hauling that thing around, setting it up, and breaking it down. I once treated someone in a small city but she had a walkup so walking 5 blocks + getting up those stairs was...interesting haha!

Today was Gym Style chest & back & a walk outside it was nice out! Our house on the other hand is cold, DH was thinking of turning on the heat. I was like that is crazy it's 68 degrees in the house but it does feel so much colder. We are going to get a bite to eat, just can't decide where.

Belinda - DH just told me a Category 3 could hit the West Coast of FL on Wednesday. I'm sure all of Florida will be rainy. I don't remember too many hurricanes in FL in October (I guess it's still September).

Cookie - Do you get lots of guest to see the Fall Foliage?

Melissa - ICE Rock em Sock em is a good/fun workout! I would wait too, till your cough is gone to get the booster. Wow, on needing to walk and then a walkup too!

Have a good weekend:)

I ever got Fuel in today. Too many doctors appointments today. I saw my Rheumatologist today, my knees are so swollen again. Probably the worst pain I ever experienced in my knees. He drained both my knees and I got steroids injections in both to relieve the swelling. My knees are sore. I am trying to hold off as long as I can handle the pain, on getting both knees replaces. My Rheumatologist disgusted surgery eventually. I saw my DH's surgeon a few month back, he also thinks I should get surgery when I can't handle the pain anymore. As long as the shots help, I try to avoid surgery. All my joints are hurting lately. My Rheum wants me to go back to PT. Hips, shoulder, knees and ankle are really causing me a lot of pain. I will set up my PT appointments on Monday. I also saw my Orthodontist today. They rescanned my Invisalign. Did I mention, my Orthodontist has their own Starbucks in the office? Every time I am down they remind me to get something free at Starbucks. It's all free to patients. I usually don't buy or get Starbucks unless I am in DC and DD get's us something.

Debbie - I was afraid of the hurricane in FL. We will wait until it passes. I don't want to sit in the hotel the entire time. Boy, it was cold today. I had the heater on. With everything I am going through I can't handle a cold house. I am always cold. It was nice to eat outside during my wait to the Orthodontist today. I can't remember the last time DH and I did that without any kids. Today a year ago, we officially adopted Sadie. She is a blessing.

Cookie - isn't it crazy with all the bad weather all over the world. I rather sit at home than in a hotel in such a bad rain/storms. DH and DD are watching the hurricane. DD works with hurricane disasters. She is updating us daily.

Melissa - my husband retired after 32 years in the military to WV. WV is beautiful. It's growing on me. He too on an government job. Last year he fully retired after I was diagnosed with a rare, no cure autoimmune disease called relapsing polychondritis (RP). I wasn't happy to move to WV. Now I am thank full, otherwise I wouldn't be diagnosed with this horrible disease. I was diagnosed and hospitalized in 2021 during the pandemic. The Rheumatologist that diagnosed me in Walther Reed is also my Rheumatologist. He is amazing. He is the reason I haven't moved away from WV. I also take part in a RP study at UPenn university and NIH. I pray they will find a cure. Their are no approved drugs available for RP. I will pm you shortly. I can't get anymore covid shots. It's attacking my RP. DD was very sick after the booster. She also caught covid right after. I hope it doesn't cause you too much problems when you get it.

Good night.

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