Commit to Get Fit for July!!!

Good afternoon,

I did Ilaria Montagnani Powerstrike #6 = 49 min and Jessica Smith "Shape Pink Power Flat Abs Turbo Charged Belly" = 10 min.

Debbie - good job w/your yoga last night. The girls and I had a blast. Today my son's girlfriend is tired, they went kaiaking yesterday. Poor thing!

Kirstin - I agree, that's a tough situation with your sis and parents. Mmm...I actually thought about doing STS next week:eek:, but have so many other workout dads I want to do? Now, I can't get STS out of my head:p

Waving Hallo to Cookie and Amelia.

I will be back in the morning.
Hi everyone. Today's workout was CCC. I really despise this workout, so I did the express premix where every round is done only once. Then I added Crossfire low impact tabata. I think CCC is the only Cathe workout I hate, lol. It just has absolutely no fun factor for me.

It was a rainy day here, but I am not complaining because the humidity broke. I opened up my windows and turned the A/C's off for the first time since getting the A/C. I took the boys to the movies to see Turbo. They loved it, but I thought it was lame. . . anyway. . .

My dad called today and acted like nothing was wrong, so I guess they were not mad after all. They are taking the boys overnight on Saturday and we are having a surf and turf party at our house. . . no kids! I am excited to show off the house and not have the kids for one night!

As I read the facebook posts about the road trip I regret not going. Maybe I will put in for it next year. Not sure. . .

Belinda- Maybe start STS in August. . . it'll be here before you know it. I am loving how I am feeling doing it again. . . I might do it again after finishing the 3.5 month rotation, or pyramid down as I have seen others do. After finishing MEso 3, redo 2 and then 1. I'll see how I feel about it.

Deb- home movie? Fun! What was on it?

Okay, off to put these two monsters, er, I mean boysm to bed.


Today I did disc 16 chest & shoulders will do tri's tomorrow.

DH heard that my gym may be closing, trainers are going to his gym looking for jobs:confused: I will try & ask around tomorrow, really bummed:( I also wish I were going to the RT, like Kristin will try for next year. I'm thinking about visiting Cathe's gym in either late August or early September especially if my gym closes.

Belinda - You are the STS expert!! I bet you have done it the most;) Your workouts always have great names.

Kristin - Your dinner sounds great tomorrow & I'm happy your parents weren't mad. The homemovies were of some Christmases & Halloween really cute. So I watched NJHW & you were right couldn't stop watching it:) The end was sad but it looks like they are finally having a break-thru. I like the part Rosie is taking on this season. Can't wait till this week.

Waves hi to everyone

Morning girls,

Focus T25 cardio = 25 min is done:D Loved it! Thinking about doing S+H Legs/Shoulder later today? Maybe? We shall see;)

Debbie - I think I burned myself out on STS:confused: I have so many other workout programs, need to do them first before I start another round. Good job on D16!

Kirstin - glad your parents aren't mad at you. I did the pyramid down STS rotation, really liked it. Who knows, what I will do in August:p? Glad you enjoy STS.

Waving Hallo to everyone that follows. Our group is getting small:(

I will be back later. Have a wonderful day and workout,
Hey guys. I just finished STS M1 D6. I also did the extended stretch, I needed it. I think my body does better with intense weight work. Although my weight has not gone down, as a matter of fact, I was up one pound last time I weighed myself, I feel myself getting tighter. It's only been two weeks, so I'm sure it's a mental thing too, but I feel better doing a program like STS instead of all cardio circuits and endurance (meaning low weights/high rep) workouts. Getting ready for our surf and turf party tomorrow. I need to shower and then run to Target to get some wine glasses and steak knives. I also have to go to DS's baseball game.

Belinda- ooooo. .. I have been eyeing T25. I have never down any of Beach Body workouts, but Shaun T seems to bring it. Insanity looks too crazy for me, but T25. . . maybe. Are you doing the whole program as written? Keep us updated on the results.

Deb- ok, I admit, I did cry at the end of housewives, lol. I hope it is a real breakthrough and that they can mend their family. That is so cute about the home movies. That's too bad about your gym closing. That stinks. Is another one opening in it's spot?


Hey There! Remember me?
Sorry I haven't posted in like forever, but I've missed you ladies. I'm now in the Bad Lands of South Dakota, which are totally amazing. Having a very hard time keeping up with a workout but am doing either pushups in the morning or using a band for arm exercises in the car. My dh tells me when a car is approaching so I can stop - he worries they'll think he's in a car with a crazy person. Can't believe we're missing the road trip. Miss you all. Saw Belinda's back and glad to hear it. Wonderful that Kristin has an air conditioner, and still have to read about Deb and the bees.
Been thinking about you all a lot and miss you. Things should calm down a bit next week.
Good morning,

I also did Cathe's road trip class last night. I was a KB kinda of class. Very fun! I didn't had time to change into my workout cloth, ended up working out in a summer dress and sneakers:eek: My DH and DS got a kick out of me wearing a dress! LOL!

Cookie - hope you have fun on vacation. Dakota sounds amazing. Never been there? Using bands in the car, sounds like something I would do:p I looked pretty crazy yesterday working out in a dress:p

Kirsin - T25 is a shorter version of Insanity. T25 is only 25 min, which is doable! I had a huge dread factor doing Insanity. My calves are so sore today. I will follow the the program for a week or two and see how I like it. It's a lot of high impact moves:confused:

Waving Hi to Debbie and Amelia!

I will check in after my workout. Enjoy your weekend.
Hi guys. Just finished my workout, which was MMA Boxing. I am halfway through mesocycle one! Now I have to clean the house and get ready for our surf and turf party today. I am a little nervous because we decided to make it a sit down dinner. We have 8 couples, so we are putting in the leaf in our dining room table and then bringing in another table (a folding banquet table). It is going to be a bit more formal than I thought. It should be good though. Needless to say, tomorrow will be a rest day.

Belinda- Laughing on the idea of you working out in a dress. Between you working out in a dress and Cookie doing band work in the car.. . I don't know what is funnier, lol. RE: T25 I might just give it a try. Did you get all three sets? I heard there was a phase 1, 2, and 3. Gamma? I dunno.

Cookie- see above, lol. No one understands the dedication, even if it seems a bit crazy, unless you are a true cathlete ;). I'm glad you are enjoying your trip!

Deb- enjoying the weekend?

Okay bb tomorrow,

Belinda, I'm with Kristin, when in Rome ... plus how could you not eat and drink there?!! How long will you be in Nurenburg?
Kristin, this afternoon we went to see Laura Ingalls Wilder's place where she grew up and wrote four books. Didn't realize she won four Newberrys. Makes me want to reread them, or at least skim over them. How was the dinner party?
Deb, I loved the book The Help, and couldn't wait to see the movie. I thought they matched each other quite well. Didn't you love the part with the "terrible, awful?"
Did band work in the car again and walking around again.

Yesterday I took a yoga class, the yoga instructor didn't hear anything about the rumor about gym closing but she did say that they recently were on Groupon (so less money for memberships).

Today I finished up tris from Disc 16 & Disc 17 Legs. I've been looking here and there at the workouts at the RT & recognize a few faces. It will be strange not to be so sore & tired tomorrow LOL.

DH & I went to dinner last night & it was the owner's birthday (DH's friend) so we had chocolate cake. Today went with my SIL & MIL to help them find dresses for nephew's wedding. The dress my SIL picked looks great on her.

Belinda - I've worked out in my p.j's once or twice but the dress tops that:) I was wondering if the T25's are high-impact, I never did buy Insanity.

Kristin - I hope your having fun at your party . . . you will be tired tomorrow like the RT'ers;) I hope if the gym closes another one takes over. So the other day I go to a Macy's (small one) which is in a strip mall which I have been going to for 5 years but I stopped for coffee & parked in a different spot. I notice a store & staring at the name realized it was Posche boutique which is on NJHW show. It is so small & the clothes look like they would be for a hooker:eek: on the show they make it look so much better.

Cookie - I can't wait to hear about your trip it sounds exciting & I bet you wear out those bands at the end of it;) great idea! Did you do the class 1st or will you do that next week?

Hi Amelia


Today I did M2 D18 back & bi's. It rained here this afternoon but was back home before it started. I looked at different gyms & some yoga studios not sure what I will do maybe will wait till my busy season is over:confused: I just don't like change:)

Waves hi to everyone, hope you had a great weekend!

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday! Aleisa and I did Focus T25 cardio and abs yesterday. Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie - good job on D18 yesterday. Sorry to hear about your gym:( T25 is high impact. It's a shorter version of Insanity, very intense. Not sure if my foot can handle it:(

Cookie - I am home again:D Glad you having fun. How long will you be gone?

Kirstin - hope you had fun at the party this weekend? My friend gave me her T25 set, it's too high impact for her:( And yes, it's a 3 set program.

Waving Hi to everyone that follows.
Good afternoon,

Thanks to Kirstin and Debbie, I couldn't get STS out of my head:p I will mix STS with other workouts. See how that goes?

STS D1 is done!

Hi Amelia and Cookie - miss you girls!

I will be back in the morning.
Hey girls,

Remember me? :eek:

Went MIA again, but I will try my best to stick around for a while this time.

Today was MM UB premix + ab work

Tomorrow I plan on going to the gym for some cardio, maybe elliptical or spin.

Hello to everyone!! Nothing new with me...except I'm still looking for another job. Recently my husbands job had 'open applications' online so I applied for anything I had experience in. Oh man, I wish I could work there and get away from my crappy job!! Im so sick of my boss, Im suppose to be switching to a different department in a few weeks because I told the store manager that I couldn't handle being her assistant anymore. I asked him if my pay would be cut and said it wouldn't, im going to hold him to it. ;)

ok..hope everyone is well. I will bbl :)

Today I did the step machine at the gym w/CC8. It is official my gym lost it's lease and it will close on Aug. 31st, I will try & take a bunch of classes while it's still around. I spoke with the manager & he said the members are taking it really hard some even crying. It was a quiet gym but it had a little bit of everything. I guess it would be the same for us if Cathe stopped making DVD's.

On a lighter note DH is teasing me because this is the 4th gym I've been to that has closed their doors:eek: Geez, no gym will take me LOL.

Belinda - Too funny about STS, it's great that you can use that series in so many ways. Maybe a see if their are any clips on you-tube for T25. I've been eyeing Bodypump w/o's without the barbell.

Amelia - Yes, we do remember you;) Stop by when you can. I hope either the different department or the job at DH's place works out for you. How often do you get to the gym?

Kristin - I was wondering if you drank as much as Melissa (NJHW) the other night;) Just saw on the news that Joe & Theresa are in more legal trouble. I can't imagine how scary it must be for them & why they didn't try and straighten it out before if was so bad:confused:

Cookie - I hope your having fun, have any huckleberry jelly or ice cream?

Hi ladiessss!!! I was just looking at pics from the RT from this year and thought of you girls....and how I havent been on this thread/site in probably 2 yrs :eek: hopefully you still remember me, and I'd like to start checking in again with you! Miss you girls :)

Ok, off to go back and read everything that's been going on for the past month. Will check back soon!
Hi guys. The party was a success. We had a great time. I did have a bit too much to drink, but it was so much fun. The food came out amazing and it was great to have a party without the kids around for once. I love having a house where we can finally entertain. Yesterday I took a class at my friend's gym. It was a Hiit class, but focusing on cardio and weights in a crossfit style fashion. I had planned on doing STS and then going. I'm glad I didn't get a chance to because there was a lot of push ups and burpees. I would never have made it. Today I did STS D7, Chest, shoulders and biceps. My upper body is fried, fried, fried.

My older DS is driving me nuts today. He is acting like a cranky brat. I wanted to take them to the beach and he is giving me a hard time. He wants to stay home and play video games. I am not having it. He played all morning. I told him we'll stay home, but no video games. Then he asks for my Ipad. Uh. . . no, I said no games. He threw a huge hissy fit. He is now punished in his room. I cannot even look at him right now.

Melissa- so glad to see you back on here. We've missed you too. I saw the pics from the road trip and thought the same thing. I would like to go next year, but only if we all go. It wouldn't be the same without the group.

Deb- Oh my, that was funny with Melissa, lol. Did you see the latest news. Teresa and her husband are in some serious legal trouble this time. It is sad. I think he will definitely be going to jail. Not sure if she will follow or not.

Belinda- yea on doing STS with us! I am loving it. I am sooooo glad I chose to do it. I am getting tighter all over already! Cool about T25 and not having to buy it. I want to give it a try one day.

Amelia- nice to see you on here!

Cookie- I would love to see Laura Ingalls' house. I grew up with those books and the tv show. I read them over and over again.

Okay, off to see what the rest of the day will bring. Maybe DS has cooled off enough and is ready to return to reality.

Ok I'm back!

Kristin, you had me cracking up with your heat/humidity reports. This month has been a horror, hasn't it!? I also caved and got an A/C; I couldn't take it anymore. The worst feeling is coming out of an ice cold shower in a full sweat. BLECH!! You're inspiring me to start STS sooner than originally planned (sept). I think I'm gonna do a STS/P90X combo cuz I really wanna do both but can't pick one lol. Awww it is so nice out, hopefully your son will change his mind about staying inside!

Deb, your trip out west sounded amazing! Glad you had a good time. Sorry to hear about your gym closing, that stinks.

Belinda, I'm also jealous of your trip to Italy/Germany. It's always been my dream to go to Italy! I found a free online course where you can learn basic Italian so that's my goal for the next 5 weeks ;). Hahahahah I could picture you working out in a summer dress, too funny!

Cookie, LOL @ your DH giving you the heads up on when cars are coming during your workouts on the road. I give you major kudos for getting something in though!

Amelia, I'm sorry to hear about your job being sucky :(. Are you still at the bakery?

Ok so here's my update in a nutshell, lol: I moved to LI for school last summer and I absolutely LOVE it out here (minus the traffic, which I'm still getting used to). I still do my liquor tastings on the weekends. I just finished my first clinical rotation at a hospital and I miss it so much but am excited that I get the next 5 weeks off for summer until classes start up again. I'm still single but after a year and a half, I am finally ready to start dating again after overcoming all the negative crap the ex did to me; we'll see what happens. Two of my roommates and I just moved into a new house that is literally 3 houses down from the beach, can't complain about that! Ugh, i did have a 15 pound weight gain over the first year of grad school which is very disheartening, but I'm trying to get back into the whole exercise and eating healthy again, especially now that I finally have some downtime. I think I covered it all, more or less :cool:

Yesterday I swam and then I came home and did XT cardio legs. Today is XT chest/shoulders/back. I was looking at all the RT pics and I'm also sorry I missed it this year, but between my internship and money it just wasnt possible. Looked like a blast and I remember how much fun we all had when we went a couple years ago :)

Have a great day!
Last edited:
Good afternoon,

I finished Turbo Fire HiiT 30, Turbo Fire Abs 10 Class and Turbo Fire Stretch 10 Class awhile ago.

Melissa & Amelia - welcome back:D I missed you guys!

Amelia - sorry about your sucky job. Hope something new will open up for you soon. Fingers crossed!

Melissa - we had a blast in Italy/Germany. Where did you find the free online course? Need to learn the basics.:confused: LOL! Glad to hear the move and everything else is working out for you. I would love to live on the beach. Lucky you!

Debbie - LOL, about your DH teasing you:eek: That is funny! What a shame they are closing the gym:confused: I would be crying too! What are you going to do? Look for another gym? That's sucks! Good job with your workout last night.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

I will be back tomorrow. Good night, girls.

Today I took a spin class & went back tonight & did a yoga class. Yoga always seem harder at night:confused: DH & I are going to the beach tomorrow for the day "The Jersey Shore" LOL! We'll go to a quiet beach.

Belinda - It seems like everyone is leaning towards the YMCA which is a block away from the other gym. It is actually on the same street as Eggland's Best Corporate offices . . . maybe I'll see Cathe on the road:eek: Great job with the turbo's today:)

Kristin - I can't believe they could deport Joe, I feel so bad for the girls:( I have a feeling he will try & take most of the blame so Teresa can be with the girls. The class you took sounds like fun.

Melissa - Welcome back it doesn't even seem that long:) At 1st I thought you were going to look back the last 2 years:eek: I was wondering if you went to the RT. Let us know how the Italian course is, I always wanted to just learn the names of food in case I ever went. It must be awesome living by the beach.

Waves hi to Cookie & Amelia


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