Commit to Get Fit for July!!!


Today I took a yoga class. It was DS's birthday yesterday so went with DH & my younger son to go take him out for dinner tonight. It was a nice night. I'm afraid to get on the scale:eek:

My car registered at 103:eek: Geez this is one long stretch of heat!

Kristin - I'm sure the waterpark was exhausting not quite a rest day;) but was the perfect way to spend the day. I'm glad I'm at least doing STS Meso 2 too! Do you have a list of things you want to do by the end of summer, or do you just take it day to day?

Waves hi to everyone

Hi there! After working out yesterday, we went to my parents' house and went in the pool to cool off. I was glad I got my workout done early, because the humidity and temp was unbearable in the house last night. I woke up this morning and got my workout out of the way before it became unbearable again. I did MMA KB. It was still hard to get through this morning with the temp and humidity as it is.

I'm probably going to take the boys to the beach today with some girlfriends. I'm really thinking about getting an AC for downstairs.

Deb- happy birthday to your son. Glad you had a good night. I never make a list for the summer. During the school year I have a to do list every single day. Summertime for me is just see where the wind takes me, lol. Whatever the boys and I are in the mood for, that is what we do for the day. It is very freeing.


Today I did STS Disc 13 Chest, shoulder & tri's. It's weird how it seems like a new workouts when I don't do it in awhile.

So today my car temp was 105:eek:, ugh!!!

Kristin - Any other year you probably could have made it without air but this is one tough year & August isn't even here yet:confused: I like your thinking for the summer:) Kudos on getting your workouts in.

Waves hi to everyone

Well we woke up this morning and the second we stepped out of our bedroom it was as if we had opened up the gates to hell. It was beyond hot, muggy, humid. . . it was unbearable. I caved. . . we bought a big AC for downstairs. It is on now and it is beautiful, lol. Honestly, I could not even drink my coffee that is how hot it was in this house. I am happier with the AC, lol.

I just finished my workout, STS D3 Legs and AC Stability Ball Abs. I have not done that ab workout in over a year at least. I forgot how hard it is at the end. My legs are wobbly now too. Even with the AC on I was dripping with sweat.

We are going to the Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake concert at Yankee stadium tonight (don't ask). I am not a Jay-Z fan, but DH is. . . hey I made him go to two Madonna concerts. . . anyway, we are getting a bite to eat and then heading into the city.

Deb- it seems to be down to me and you here, lol. Let's keep the thread alive, lol. Your comment about it being a tough, hot summer and it's not even August yet convinced me to get the AC, lol. Doing Meso 2, do you still follow the 1 rep max or do you pick up what you think you can handle? I lowered my weights a little this week than what my 1 RM said on my cards. I had DOMs in my chest and lower back, but not really shoulders, biceps or triceps. I think I am going to try to follow the exact weights on my cards for next week.

Waving hello to Cookie, Belinda, Amelia :)


Today I did Hardstrikes, worked went to lunch with some friends from work & dinner with DH.

Kristin - Today would have been the breakin point for me too;) More on that tomorrow:)

Waves hi to everyone, wondering if the heat wave is further South to Belinda & Amelia:confused:

Had a blast at the concert last night. They really did put on a fantastic show. They did a lot of songs together. It was great. The only bad thing. . . I fell. We were in the nosebleeds, the upperdeck. I went to go buy some water and it was dark. I couldn't see the steps and I fell. It felt like I was going to fall out of the stadium. Luckily, I held on to the step railing and slowed down my fall, but I couldn't stop the fall itself. I was scraped on my wrist and leg, my left foot is in pain, but I still was able to do my workout today, just with not the force I normally can use. I did step moves and yoga inspired abs. I just did my workout now after lounging around all day. My cousin is coming over in a little bit and we are going to make popcorn and watch a movie.

Deb- love Hard Strikes. . . Was it ridiculously hot and humid by you too yesterday. It is just starting to rain here and I am alone right now in my house. I hear the thunder roaring. I hate being alone in a thunderstorm, lol.

I will bb


Today I ended up taking a rest day. I went to my in-laws pool & because of the weather the temp of pool was 85 but I wasn't complaining. We still haven't had any rain/thunderstorms so the humidity is still here!

Kristin - The concert sounded like fun. That must have been so scary falling, that is always my fear and I am afraid of heights. I glad that you are ok & didn't stop you from working out, could have been much worse. The good thing about room a/c's you can just turn them on as needed so your electric bill isn't as high as a central unit.

Waves hi to everyone!


Today I did Disc 15 back & bi's. I started organizing my closet. We have about 5 bees nests on our basketball set & our cars are right underneath. DH went out with the spray, I didn't want to kill them but don't want to be stung either:confused:

Belinda - Wondering how you are doing?

Kristin - You left me:eek: I misplaced my STS 1 max folder so I am just winging it for now. I'm nervous too during thunderstorms so to be alone must be tough & a new house too!

Cookie - You must be leaving soon?

Good morning,

I am home again. We had a blast with my family in Italy and Germany. I ate and drank way to much. Starting today, I am back on track with my diet and exercise.

Kistin, thanks for starting us off this month. Glad you had a blast at the concert, sorry you fell. That's scary!

Debbie - are you doing STS? It's hot here too. Germany having a heat wave and no AC:rolleyes: Happy birthday to your son.

Not sure what I will do today? I will be back later.

Have a wonderful Monday. BBL!
Good afternoon,

I did S&H Chest + Back today. I had no energy to do cardio today.

I will be back in the morning. Good night.
Hi everyone. Deb, sorry to leave you here all by yourself yesterday. It was my rest day. Today I completed STS M1 D4. I upped my weights and tried to do as many pushups on my toes as I could. I wish I could do them all on my toes. . . I don't think it will ever happen. With the drop set pushups, I did the first 14 on my toes, the rest on my knees. I already feel the DOMs coming.

Is anyone watching the Real Housewives of NJ? I couldn't take my eyes off of it last night. Craziness.

Deb- the bees would freak me out. I would think with the cars so close that they were "hiding" on me in there, lol. I would be afraid to get in the car, lol. I hate bees. Years ago I spent my summer vacation cleaning pools with my cousin. Rich people have fancy pools with fancy gates that bees like to build their nests in. Well, I got stung three times that summer! Each sting worse than the one before. It was awful!

Belinda- welcome back. Are you jetlagged at all? Have you seen the kids yet?

Waves hello to Cookie and Amelia!

Kirstin - I am jet lagged:( I can hardly keep my eyes open:confused: Are you plan on doing the 3 month STS rotation or the 6 month?

I did STS M2 D14 legs, I did this one last week but am trying to do 2 leg workouts per week. We finally had rain here, it's funny I woke up to lots of leaves falling from the trees the weather is tricking them:confused:

Belinda - Welcome back!!! We missed you, the time went by so quickly. You must have had so much fun. Rest up:)

Kristin - DS said the bees were going into his drivers side mirror so they used his gf's car yesterday:eek: DH sprayed that too just in case. My ds is like you he attracts the bees too! It's a good thing your not allergic to them. I watch NJ Housewives but I have it taped, I should be able to watch it in a couple of days . . . can't wait:)

Waves to Amelia & Cookie

Morning Heidi and Sherry,

Plan for today is: S+H Legs & Shoulders.

Thank you, Debbie:D Missed you girls too! So, you doing STS? Mmmm.....maybe I should join you;) Love STS! Thinking doing XTrain next week?

Waving Hi to everyone that follows.

I catch up on personals later this afternoon.
Hello ladies. I spent my morning cleaning and folding and putting away laundry. Thrilling stuff today, lol. My parents picked up the boys a little while ago so I could finish. Once I post this I am heading over there and swimming in the pool. I just finished my workout. Today was TTM, 30/20 premix plus step tabata premix. I did the warm up in both premixes as an interlude in between the hiit and the tabata. DS has a baseball game later today, so I am glad I got it in now, otherwise I would have to do it after the game and dinner which would be late.

Belinda- I am doing the 3.5 month rotation and subbing in different dvds I have for the two Shock Cardios I do not have (Hiit and Circuit Blast). I think using premixes from TTM, CF, AT, AB, Intensity will work and give me the same effects. I am trying my best to follow the chock cardio/sts rotation. I am in the second week. Deb is doing Meso 2 this month. I have to say I did not realize how much I misses STS and I am glad I am doing it. I definitely lost some strength and muscle doing a lot of cardio the last few weeks.

Deb- oh my, that would totally freak me out. I would be afraid to get in the car, lol. I hate bees. This last episode of NJHW was crazy and sad too. Very sad. After you watch it, tell me what you think of the last few minutes.

Waving hello to Cookie and Amelia,


Today I took a spin class with lots of people on vacation there are usually 2 or 3 extra bikes available after class starts:)

Belinda - Yes, as Kristin said doing Meso 2 also forget how much I like that series. I hope your catching up on your sleep.

Kristin - It does seem like the laundry never stops:( Oh sh*t now I'm dying to watch NJHW maybe if I'm home early tomorrow:)

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Ended up doing High & Tight with Alesia and my son's girlfriend:eek: We also did Aleisa's 250 ab crunches (from her personal trainer).She is taking boxing classes since the beginning of this year.

Kirstin - now, I want to do STS too:) Miss it! Good for you starting STS, it's an awesome program. I think, it's a great idea subbing in the other dads. BTW, I did that rotation once it came out, really liked it;) Hope you had fun at the pool.

Debbie - glad you enjoy STS! Love everything about this series! Will you do M3? My favorite series. I am catching up on a lot of sleep! :p I guess, I need it!

Waving Hi to Cookie and Amelia!

Today I will do S&H Tri + Bic. My head been hurting since I came home Saturday, I will try to get a cardio wo in tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day, everyone!
Hello everyone. I just finished STS M1 D5, back and triceps. Those drop sets! I forgot how they burn, lol. I am loving STS and I am glad that I chose to do another round of it. I am already starting to see a bit more definition, is that possible?

So yesterday when I went to my parents' house, my sister and her husband were there. I felt set up by my parents. I would have never gone if I knew they were going to be there. When I walked in the backyard where they all were, I said hello to everyone in general, hello, hey and neither of them turned to say hello to me. Whatever :rolleyes:. I was so uncomfortable. I went in the pool but stayed to the side. I just hate being around them. I got out and checked my messages on my phone. Then my dad tells me its BIL's birthday to say happy birthday. Now this honestly pissed me off. When we were all together on my birthday (father's day), neither one of them said hello or happy birthday to me. Did my dad say anything then? No. So I half-heartedly said happy birthday to him. He was still in the pool. He acted like he didn't hear me. I was not about to repeat myself. I stayed for another half hour and then lied that I had to go because we were taking one of DS's teammates to the game and I had to pick him up. Well, it was true but I still had time that I could have stayed. The truth is I would rather have someone punch me in the face fifty times than be around the two of them. Anyway, I normally get a call from my parents every day. They did not call me today. I guess they are mad that I cannot hide that I hate being around them (sis and BIL). I am mad too though. Why not give me the option of not coming over when they are there. To invite me and not even give me a heads up is wrong. They know how I feel about it. . . I know I am sounding immature. I just have been through so much with her and I am done, just done with her. I realize it is sad. I realize it must be painful to my parents. However, I feel that they do not deal with her and her craziness the right way. I say hello and they don't acknowledge me and somehow that is acceptable? Whatever. I am thankful that we have good friends that have become like a pseudo-family for us. I wish my sis would move far far away.

Sorry for the venting!

Belinda- I never did buy Slow and Heavy. Maybe you should start STS next week ;). It would be good for all of us to do it together.

Deb- watch it yet?

Waves hello to Cookie and Amelia,


Today I did yoga at the gym. The weather was beautiful, wish everyday could be like this, it was even cool out tonight.

Belinda - It looks like your getting back to the swing of things. The boxing dd is taking sounds like fun. It's great that you workout with the girls.

Kristin - We ended up watching a home movie that our FIL gave us, but soon:) It sounds like you could cut the tension with a knife, I can easily see why you would want to run right out of there. It does seem like the feelings were mutual so it shouldn't be anyone's fault. It's a tough situation with your parents:(

Cookie - I'm guessing you may be out West by now.


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