Commit to Get Fit for July!!!

Tabatacise premix #2 done. I could only go for two tabatas today after CCC yesterday. It is still hot and humid here, lol. However, having the new fan is working for us, so that is good. We are going to a friend's house for pool and BBQ later.

Deb- the premix was good because you only do each circuit once. It takes a little bit of the dread factor out. CCC is my least favorite Cathe dvd. I rarely touch it, but I was looking for something different, short and intense and it did the trick yesterday. I think that guy was just trying to make conversation with you, ;).

Cookie- I would worry about that (with your mom and the heat/humidity) too. Believe it or not we haven't had any storms since before the 4th of July! I think that is going to change later this week.

So I am noticing on Facebook that people are getting ready for the Road Trip. I had such a blast the last time with all of you. I just couldn't afford it. Maybe next year. . . Then again I know we are planning on going away somewhere next year and getting a pool. . .


Today I went to the gym & did some of the equipment for legs & did the rest of my workout at home w/parts of Xtrain legs. I spent a good part of the day outside cleaning the bbq grill, repotting & adding some new plants & herbs. It was hot out! For some reason the mosquitos are biting me like crazy this year:confused: & I eat a lot of garlic but just heard that doesn't work:eek:

Belinda - I was thinking about you & wondering how your trip is:)

Kristin - I'm going to miss the RT too:( but we had such a great memory of the year almost all of us were there:). I forgot did you preorder the new workouts? & a pool sounds awesome.

Cookie - I would think since your further north the humditiy wouldn't be so bad . . . it seems like this year is a tough one. Perhaps your Mom is always cold. I always remember my grandparents & DH's always being cold even when the temps were high. Hopefully she drinks a lot of water.

Waves hi to everyone

Kristin, we did have such a good time! To be able to know what your voice and laughter sounds like, put it with your gorgeous face, and spend time together - was awesome! I was thinking of the rt last night also and feeling bad about missing it. Perhaps we could meet up somewhere or just do our own version of a rt. Every day, well yesterday was a ligher version, but every day rain and thunderstorms, and it is making everything so humid. Yesterday I had to go to the third floor of our district's main office, a building built in the early 1800"s. With every step rise, my hair was also rising! Glad you're taking and enjoying a slower pace - you deserve it.
Deb, our temps generally are about the same as Hoboken. Since there are so many bodies of water, there's lots of humidity, and the thunderstorms are taking it away. Agree with Kristin, I think the guy was trying to start a conversation. Our yard is looking overgrown in areas. The weather definitely affects my interest in weeding. Mosquitioes are wicked this year. Wicked. Funny just this past week I read about garlic not being effective also.
Am going to teach a class for 8 days straight and fly out this morning. Then I come home and go teach a different one for two days. So my bags are packed, but already I'm thinking ahead to right after that we go to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons! Got to work to get there.
Going to do Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior. Not that I'm any warrior, but I do like the dvd.
Hope everyone else is doing well. It's getting quiet around here! In the Baltimore area and getting ready to go check out the fitness center in the hotel. I'm here to teach a an eight-day course. Since I'm usually by myself in the basement sweating, I feel awkward doing in front of strangers. God, I hope no one from my class will see me.
Evening everyone. Yesterday ended up being a rest day. It was DS's first day of summer baseball. Monday night I had one too many drinks at that bbq and I felt sick all morning yesterday. I could not even think about working out. I basically lounged around and did nothing until DS's game. Then we had pizza, watched some t.v. and went to bed. Today I spent the day cleaning around here and then we went to my parents' house to swim. Made steak and asparagus for dinner. It was good. I just finished the bonus combo premix from the pyramids dvd. This was the first time I did this premix and it was really good. I feel I worked all my muscles thoroughly. I am going to start to switch and cut back on cardio for a bit starting more next week. I just wanted to give myself a "warm up" and see how I did with the heavier weights being as though it has been a few months. I am thinking of doing 3 days lifting (split style) 3 days cardio, or two days lifting, one day yoga and three days cardio. Not sure yet. . .

Cookie- I know what you mean. When we go on vacation and I go to the hotel gym I feel very awkward if there are other people around. I try to focus on pushing myself and not looking at anyone, but it is hard, lol. the mosquito situation here on the island is crazy. If you are out after six, you are getting bit!

Waves hello to Deb, Belinda and Amelia!

Kristin, I hate mosquitos! Honestly, what reason do they have to exist except to torture us! Nasty, evil little beggers of our blood. Yuck. Ok, I'll stop now. You must have had fun at the bbq! Good for you. Pyramid is such a great dvd; you certainly get your monies worth with it.
Deb, Amelia, and Belinda, thinking of you.
Went to the hotel gym with my laptop to do a dvd, only the dvd wasn't working. So I did some weights on my own. There was a lady on the treadmill and I could tell she was watching me at times, but I just kept on working. Tomorrow I have a yoga dvd that I'll do in the room.
It is getting mighty quiet around here. I miss everyone.

I went to go see DS after work yesterday & couldn't get in a workout. DS was so worried about me getting home too late. He looks great!

Today I took a yoga class, wanted to do weights but will save them for tomorrow. I'm working a half day & going to my Mom's my second cousins are coming for a long weekend so I want to go visit tomorrow to avoid beach traffic to my Mom's.

Kristin - Tonight my yoga instructors ex-boyfriend (plays for the Royals) was playing the Yankees, I think she was going, hopefully she wore a Yankee tee:p I prefer to do weights over cardio. DS must be excited about summer baseball.

Cookie - Do you get much down time when you are teaching a class? I'm sure the lady on the TM was checking out your workout, especially if you threw in some exercises form Cathe DVDs. I like to watch the trainers at the gym to see if they do any different exercises.

Waves hi to everyone

Hello everyone. Today it was very humid and cloudy. We had occasional thunderstorms and then it would get very humid again. I basically sat around most of the day playing games on my Ipad or watching t.v. Booked DS's birthday party at my friend's gym and she gave me free passes, so I plan on taking a class or two next week and bring a friend or two. Today's workout was LM, premix 1 (combos 1-4) and then Ab circuits, yoga-based abs. Because of the humidity I was a sweaty mess. I am thinking of starting STS either next week, or next month. Maybe I will do STS TB next week and the week after and then do STS, not sure.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Deb- I was excited for the game because Derek Jeter was finally playing. I stopped watching after the 6th inning, and then I heard he got hurt again :(.

Cookie- how's your class going?

Oh, I forgot. . . Jessica texted me. We are supposed to meet in the city on Saturday. Well, her husband got us all free tickets to the Mariah Carey concert in Central Park. How cool is that!!

Okay, bb tomorrow.

Today I just wasn't feeling cardio or weights so I did Yoga Max. I was due for a yoga workout anyway. I am in the process of looking over the STS/Shock Cardio rotation. I do not own Circuit Blast or Hiit, but I am going to play around with what I have. I figure I can sub part of TTM, or tabatacise for Hiit, and do a Crossfire premix to sub in for circuit blast. I plan on also incorporation workouts from the low impact series and Xtrain into the rotation.

It is still humid but very cloudy out. The temp has come down, but the humidity is still doing a number on my hair, lol.

I am thinking of getting tickets for Annie on Broadway. I had borrowed the dvd months ago at the library and they loved it. I think they would love to see it live. I found out I get discounted tickets through optimum rewards. It would be something nice to do before the summer ends.

Okay, off to toy around with this rotation.


Yesterday I did Supreme 90 shoulders & arms. I went to my Mom's to see my 2nd cousins they were heading to the Catskill Mountains for a couple of days & they tried to kidnap me to go LOL. I thought about going but it was so last minute.

Today I took a yoga class & ran a bunch of errands since it was raining any way. I helped set-up Back to School on Thursday at Macy's but today I saw everyone is getting ready for it, I even bought a day planner.

Kristin - Wow, that is exciting going to see Mariah in Central Park:) I keep going back & forth about doing STS 2 before the summer is over. We took the kids to see Annie when they were young & really enjoyed it. It's so sad about Jeter:(

Cookie - How is the class, are you home for the weekend?

Waves hi to everyone

Sorry I've been so busy with this class, I haven't had time to check in or work out. Have gotten walking around in but that's it. I've been working til 10:30 each night. Just got in tonight from people wanting to talk, ask questions... I'm exhausted. Sorry for complaining but I've missed my friends.
Kristin, that's so exciting about the Mariah concert! I saw her in the Fourth of July NY one and her voice is so beautiful. Lucky you! Did you figure out how you'll do the rotation. Belinda would probably mention hiit workouts on youtube.
Deb, glad your son is doing so well. Back to school sales?!!! Last week I saw Staples was all into it also. Very overwhelming to me right now to think of it. Going to the Catskills would have been fun, esp. with your cousins. What do they enjoy doing there? I wish I had gotten in a yoga dvd today. Had to do paperwork for my district this morning before going to teach this class, so that was my workout.

Today I did Physique 57 seat & thighs. DH & I are going out for dinner tonight. We started watching "The Help" this weekend & it's a really good movie so far.

Kristin - I hope your singing along with Mariah tonight:)

Cookie - It sounds like the RT, you'll need to rest up after this week. At least vacation is just around the corner for you. When we go to the Catskills we do a lot of hiking to waterfalls that we have been going to since I was young. My Mom may go horsebackriding:confused: she is 75yrs. old not sure if that is a good idea but the weather may stop them. My Mom is very hyper & has a ton of energy for her age. She called me today insisting that she bring me home something from the German bakery we always go to . . . went with cookies;)

Waves hi to everyone

Enjoy the weekend!
Good morning,

Just wanted to say Hi to everyone:D Italy was amazing, wished we stayed longer. The internet connection was so slow in Italy. Had lots of fun with my sisters. The weather was perfect too. I ate way to much pizza and pasta:rolleyes: And of course had way to much wine:eek: Oh well! We are back in Nuremberg. I worked out a few times in Italy using my DVDs. DH and I walked a lot, mostly hills.

My plan is to start Turbo Jam Elite rotation on Monday.

I will read and try to catch up on personals Monday.
Hi everyone. I did Hard Strikes. I did the cardio and core #1 premix. Then we headed out to the city for the concert. It was okay. Mariah only sang four songs. Two before the intermission, and two after. It was a lot of waiting. We left after the first song of the second set because all the kids were "cranky".

So put together some substitutes for the Hiit and Cardio Blast. I will be using All Out, Intensity (hiit premixes), tabatacise, to the max and athletic training as subs.

Friday night DS's baseball game was cancelled due to the rain. My little cousin came over and we had pizza, played board games and then watched Swingers with Vince Vaughn. I'm a big VV fan and had never seen the movie before. It was pretty good. He was so young.

Thinking of starting STS this week. I am just trying to plan it all out.

Belinda- so glad you are having a wonderful time. Don't feel too guilty about eating all that yummy Italian food. When in Rome. . . :)

Cookie- how many days left for this engagement you are doing? I know when DH has to go away for the entire week he gets down and depressed by the end of it. He gets so homesick. Can't imagine why he misses the insanity, lol, jk.

Deb- I really liked the movie, The Help. I love Emma Stone (I think that's her name).

Okay, bbl,

Hey, I'm back. STS D1 completed. I lost some strength these last few months. How did I forget about all those push-ups, lol. :confused::mad::D:eek:. My arms were quivering. Now we have to clean up the house. Having some friends over later for some WWE wrestling thing, money in the bank or something. DS is really into this wrestling crap. It is so freakin' humid out, ugh! Anyway. . . I am glad I am starting STS again. I figure I will do the 3.5 month rotation, maybe even the 6 month pyramid rotation if I feel up to it.

BB tomorrow.


I took a rest day today. We went to my in-laws pool today, sat in the shade of the pool & just put my feet in, not sure why I didn't bother going in. This week the weather is going to be rough, so humid.

Belinda - The food sounds so yummy & worth it with all the hard work you put in your workouts. It's great that you are having so much fun & spending time with your sisters. Do they ever visit the states?

Kristin - The waiting at concerts is the hardest part, you would think the artists would want to get it all done quickly. Your rotation sounds good & it's nice to go back to STS too, so much was put into that series. I loved Emma Stone in The Help.

Cookie - I hope you are done with your class & relaxing.

Holy Humidity! That is all I have to say about that, lol.

Well, last night we had a good time. DS wanted two of his friends to sleepover and we reluctantly agreed. They slept in DS's hot room. Granted, they had a fan, but it was sooooo humid, it was gross. Today DH was off and took DSs and friends to the Ducks game (minor league team on the island). I went to see Man of Steel with my brother. I am a huge closet superhero fan, and Superman is my favorite, lol. It was a great movie. I am glad I finally got to see it. Anyway, when I got home I had the house to myself, but it was so humid, I just vegged out.

I just finished my workout now. I did Intensity, Low Hiit and boot camp premix, and then I did my own abs routine. It is so hard to work out in this humidity.

Tomorrow will probably be a rest day. I am taking the boys to the waterpark with my girlfriend, and then DS has a baseball game in the evening, so I don't think I will get my workout in. We shall see.

Deb- the waiting would not have been half as bad if we didn't have the kids with us, but what are you going to do? I'm glad I chose to do STS again. I think my body needs a bit of a shock, lol. All the cardio wasn't doing much for me.

Waves hello to everyone else. I need to shower. I am dripping over here.


I decided to do STS Meso 2 (thank for inspiration Kristin) I didn't feel like doing a 3 mo. rotation so I picked my favorite Meso. I switched to do legs on Mondays so I started with M2 week 1 legs. I also stopped at the gym and did some leg machines I can't do at home.

This is going to be one hot week, Belinda is lucky to be in Europe:)

Kristin - I was thinking about you with this heat. Kudos on even turning the TV on let alone working out;) That is the perfect movie to see in the theater, I sure it does it justice. I saw on TV today that Mariah had a bling sling on at the concert LOL.

Cookie - Are you back yet?


No one stopped by today;), it was too hot for me at one point my car felt like the inside of an oven . . . it hurt to sit on the seat:confused:

Today I took a spin class, I have DOMS from legs yesterday.

Waves hi to everyone!

Hey everyone. Yesterday I took the boys to the waterpark out east with my friend and her son. We had so much fun. It was great. My older DS is a good swimmer and he was tall enough to do all the rides. He felt so "big". Lol. Afterwards we went to DS's baseball game. Thankfully the coaches ended the game early because it was too hot and humid. Needless to say, yesterday was a rest day.

Today I did STS D2, back and triceps. I'm glad I chose to do this series. Between losing muscle strength and the humidity, it is good for my body for right now, lol.

Deb- sorry to leave you hanging here by yourself yesterday. The day was fantastic, but exhausting. That sling was a bit ridiculous, lol. She was excellent live though. I will give her that, even if I only got to hear 3 songs.

Waving hello to everyone else.


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