Cathes new push up challenge

Push up challenge

I did it, & I beat the leader (so far!) with 56! I love a challenge - it gets you to do more than you think you can do! Thanks for doing this, Cathe!
I did it, & I beat the leader (so far!) with 56! I love a challenge - it gets you to do more than you think you can do! Thanks for doing this, Cathe!

Cakebaker and Lori, You are very impressive! I won't tell you how many I did today (WAY less than you) but I will try to do one more tomorrow.
We seem to have a bunch of competitors on this!! My chest and Back are too sore today from STS, so I will attempt another day to beat your 57. I am sure by then the number will be higher...UGH!!
I love this... I read this thread today and it inspired me.. I was shooting for 60, I forgot about it and just tried, I got 52 and gave up. I'm full from just eating dinner and licking the bowl from peanut butter bread I have in the oven.. I'll have to try again tomorrow. :)
I doubt I can do anything in the 50's (good going BTW:)), but I am thrilled that I could even do 35, considering 8 mos. ago I could barely do 8 on my knees!!! I will try for more tomorrow, but I am still good with my 35. However, I am working on it, since a few weeks ago I started 7 Weeks to 100 Push-ups, which is a book I found in the in about 4 weeks maybe I will be able to beat you all and do 100!:eek:;)
You all are amazing! For me I know my number is 50 and I've never tried beating it.

I have two excuses for not joining...this is my rest week from STS and I broke my nose mountainbiking yesterday...ugh!
I managed 30 without pausing. Then I paused at the top of the push up (still in form though) for 10 seconds and worked my way up from there.

The pauses became more frequent as the count went higher. ;)

Oh man. 58 sounds ugly.
Road Trip Push Up Challenge

Not that it would do me any good since I'm not going this year, but I think the Glassboro Road Trip should feature a push up challenge. How 'bout it, Cathe?!
Wendy, It is in the workout manager at the top right hand side. It is a new thing Cathe is starting...

Now I am going to have to go try and see if I can get up to 50:p
I'm nowhere close to 50, but I managed 20 which is great for me since last year I could only do 10-15 straight, but I'm determined to do more so I'll try again tomorrow.
LaughingWater said:
I managed 30 without pausing. Then I paused at the top of the push up (still in form though) for 10 seconds and worked my way up from there.

The pauses became more frequent as the count went higher. ;)

Oh man. 58 sounds ugly.

So it's ok to pause at the top of the push up?

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DirtDiva: so sorry about the proboscus breakage!:( I have to say though, I have never been happy with my nose...and if I broke mine, I would get a nose job so fast it would make your head spin! I hope you aren't too banged up!!

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