Cathes been airbrushed!


Cathes home page picture has been airbrushed or whatever it is "they" do to remove what "they" think are faults.

Cathe I love you. You are a 40 plus woman with an awesome body who is incredibly fit and a natural fresh face. You or whoever did it, didn't need to remove the temple vein or wrinkle or whatever it was, admittedly it was there and yes, I noticed it. But the more I looked the more I went - "Cathe you truly are inspirational" for all us non surgically corrected women out there.

I think Im disappointed
I don't notice any airbrushing. I think it looks like the same sweaty Cathe. If it was "enhanced", it isn't as bad as some of those I see on the covers of magazines!

I think that is the real Cathe! I dont notice any air brushing either. When I see Road Trip pics she looks the same as on the home page. Almost incredibly too good!

Cathe looks her best ever, now in my opinion. She was always a good looking woman but when I see her older videos versus those from the sash series and beyond I think a certain blooming started in the sash series and has only grown progressively better since then. Her face has acquired a glow. Her eyes and smile reflect such gentleness and graciousness that adds to her beauty.

Digressing from topic - I have a theory (borrowed in part and in part from observing faces). People who are prone to anger and discontent tend to have downward drooping faces and lines. A negative temperament is aging (apart from genetics and lifestyle factors). People who are at peace with themselves, content and try to make the best of life and face their challenges with courage, age much better. They develop smile lines around the eyes and mouth that are the least looks-detracting form of wrinkles and have relatvely unlined foreheads. Their faces seem to succumb to gravity and sag much, much later.

Of course this excludes the really unfortunate who are victims of great and prolonged adversity. Such stress does take its toll including on looks.

Back on topic: I think Cathe's passion for what she does (that keeps one youthful), and her personna (positive, kind by my perception) put her in the latter category. That plus how much she works out/eats right will keep her looking young for her age is my prediction. Then, her genetics too will play a factor that I can only guess at. So I think Cathe is someone who is truly likely to defy the clock and when she finally ages, will age very well.
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I think she looks the same to me too.
What picture are you referring to?

Vee, as always....excellent post! :DAll so true, so true!
Well, it disappoints me that people don't use apostrophes correctly (or at all when they are necessary), but life is full of disappointments. Hope you come out on the other end unscathed.
Well, it disappoints me that people don't use apostrophes correctly (or at all when they are necessary), but life is full of disappointments. Hope you come out on the other end unscathed.

Oh Tete! I must be such a disappointment to you. I frequently dont (see...I did it again).

I hope that came out right. I meant it in jest. :)
Cathes home page picture has been airbrushed or whatever it is "they" do to remove what "they" think are faults.

Cathe I love you. You are a 40 plus woman with an awesome body who is incredibly fit and a natural fresh face. You or whoever did it, didn't need to remove the temple vein or wrinkle or whatever it was, admittedly it was there and yes, I noticed it. But the more I looked the more I went - "Cathe you truly are inspirational" for all us non surgically corrected women out there.

I think Im disappointed

Did someone put you up to posting this??? Did you honestly sit down in front of a keyboard and decide to post this?? I'm just wondering because I don't ever want to find myself in a situation where I find I have enough free time to notice every "fault" on someone's picture. Un "freaking" real.
Great posts Vee and Jerry.

I looked at the picture....hard....ain't seeing no airbrushin' and IF I did, I sure wouldn't care.

It's spring time for goodness sakes....get outside and be happy!
I think it was the picture on the main page
that Andrea is referring to. And yes the vein appears to be gone.
I don't think Andrea meant any harm and I don't think she's attacking Cathe but just saying Cathe does not need to airbrush for us because we think she always looks beautiful.
I don't think that Andrea deserves to be attacked either.

I had to edit. I missed the capital A in Andrea's name and didn't want to be flamed for that.
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I think it was the picture on the main page
that andrea is referring to. And yes the vein appears to be gone.

I agree with Tamrahan, I noticed the vein myself and thought it was really cool, I wish my veins would pop like that :)
I am kind of bummed they brushed it out too.

It was pretty noticeable (in a good way) not to sound too geeky but it could depend on the size of your monitor screen. I'm a geek so I have a fairly large monitor but those with something a little smaller may not notice it as much....just my $.02.
I didn't notice it either way. Maybe it bothered Cathe, I know there are a lot of things that bother me on my pictures. Sometimes pictures add something that is not there in real life or emphasizes what you don't see in person. Cathe is in the public eye and as we have seen with Susan Boyle on that British talent show or on many posts about celebrities on this and other forums people can be a little superficial and judge based on appearances.

I don't care if she did have it airbrushed or if she didn't. Either way, I don't think it is very nice to call her out on that. On the other hand, she probably would have gotten called out on the vein (if it was there), I don't envy her, be damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I for my part think there are more important things in life than if a fitness instructor or a celebrity had plastic surgery, an airbrushed picture or what shoes they are wearing but I guess to each their own.
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I don't think Andrea meant any harm and I don't think she's attacking Cathe but just saying Cathe does not need to airbrush for us because we think she always looks beautiful.
I don't think that Andrea deserves to be attacked either.
*nods* I agree. :) Most of the dust-ups here would be nothing more than pleasant conversations provided the forum would just chill.

I wish I could airbrush some of my pics. I have a couple of fillings that show when I smile real wide or laugh, and it looks like I have something in my teeth. :rolleyes: Very attractive.
I didn't notice it either way. Maybe it bothered Cathe, I know there are a lot of things that bother me on my pictures. Sometimes pictures add something that is not there in real life or emphasizes what you don't see in person. Cathe is in the public eye and as we have seen with Susan Boyle on that British talent show or on many posts about celebrities on this and other forums people can be a little superficial and judge based on appearances.

I don't care if she did have it airbrushed or if she didn't. Either way, I don't think it is very nice to call her out on that. On the other hand, she probably would have gotten called out on the vein (if it was there), I don't envy her, be damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I for my part think there are more important things in life than if a fitness instructor or a celebrity had plastic surgery, an airbrushed picture or what shoes they are wearing but I guess to each their own.

Amen to that sista!!
Damn - I best hurry off to the eye doc b/c I've been obviously ambling through life with very poor vision b/c I don't see anything. I *thought* I had 20/15 vision but I guess not. LASIK must have been for nothing. Then I shall make an appointment with a time management specialist b/c I clearly do not have the time to sit and stare at a screen, looking for faults on somebody that I truly admire.

I'm not one to come down on anybody - not my nature. Maybe you were just trying to say that you noticed something and she should not feel like she needs to airbrush b/c she is awesome as is, but the fact remains, even if it was touched up, you don't know the reasons why. You have no need to be disappointed. If I knew I was posting a pic of myself that would be freakishly scrutinized, I would want it to look right too. It's not like she is airbrushing muscles in and fat out. Good grief.
OMG! Points been missed by most!

I refuse to explain my post you, Interpret it how you will. So many around here seem to deliberalty miss the points of others posts, just so you get an opportunity to jump in and have a good old personal attack.

To Cathe, You are inspirational and fantastic. You don't need to alter anything . I wasn't being a bitch to you Cathe, I don't even think I was "calling you out on it" (it was just an observation in a nice way to say, cathe, you are fine, just the way you are) , this sort of thing happens to celebs all the time (around here you are a celeb). You don't need to alter anything.
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OMG! Points been missed by most!

I refuse to explain my post you, Interpret it how you will. So many around here seem to deliberalty miss the points of others posts, just so you get an opportunity to jump in and have a good old personal attack.

To Cathe, You are inspirational and fantastic. You don't need to alter anything . I wasn't being a bitch to you Cathe, I don't even think I was "calling you out on it" (it was just an observation in a nice way to say, cathe, you are fine, just the way you are) , this sort of thing happens to celebs all the time (around here you are a celeb). You don't need to alter anything.

Could it be that you missed the point on these posts as well?

Everyone got your point of view that you think Cathe doesn't need to alter anything. I agree that she doesn't!

But aside from being a fitness instructor or a celebrity or whatever you want to call it, she is also a human being and a woman who may have the same insecurities, vanities or whatever that the rest of us has and to point to what she may or may not have done with one of her pictures on a public forum may not be that comfortable for her, if you get my drift. You could have just emailed it to her instead of posting it in the Open Discussion forum that Cathe normally doesn't read anyway.
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To the OP -- I'm confused... If the point of your post was to tell Cathe that she was beautiful and you didn't want her to feel like she had to change a thing, then why was this posted in Open Discussion...............???

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