Maybe you don't have a problem with the OP's opinion and that is great! But maybe other people do and their opinion is just as valid. Just as the OP has a right to voice her opinion, the other posters have the same right.
It is getting really tiresome around here. Every time someone posts something and other people dare to disagree, some people feel the need to jump into the thread and scream "flaming" "negativity" "personal attack", "don't make people feel unwelcom", etc. Come on, peeps, people disagree on things, so what. It'd be pretty boring if every time someone brought up a topic eveyone said "Yes, I totally agree". Just because someone disagrees with someone's opinion doesn't mean that they dislike or disrespect the other person. One of my closest friends is on the very opposite spectrum of many of my believes, I disagree with her but nevertheless I respect her and love her dearly.