There's a pretty long thread in the DVD recommendation forum for low impact/high intensity workouts. I would love that and another Butts & Guts DVD.
Can't resist the temptation to suggest Imax 4 again! I'd also love to see Butts and Guts 2, Bodymax 3 and High Step Training Advanced 2!!
I third the low impact series. Maybe including something like,i did that one today and i just LOVE IT!
Personally, I think it would be better for both Cathe and her boredom threshold and for all our fitness' levels if Cathe were allowed to engage her creativity and come up with something highly original, something she has not done before.

therefore, I do not wish to see a B&G 2, no Imax 4, no Bodymax 3, no Drill Max 2 or anything with a sequel number attached to it. I would instead challenge Cathe to take a good look at all she has done before and figure out what is the one thing that is missing from her video/DVD library, and the one thing that is therefore missing from our fitness regimes. That, is what I would like to see. And as yet, that one thing does not have a name and no sequel number, thank heavens.

I would dearly love to see a complete workout dedicated to speed and fast-foot agility drills, incorporating rapid acceleration / deceleration drills (much akin to the "suicide" drills both forward running and lateral as in 4DS-Boot Camp), rapid foot-placement changes (feet wide then together in a fast-foot tempo), and step-based fast-foot and straddle-tap drills. Totally wouldn't complain about throwing in some med-ball weighted cardio as well; actually, a separate stand-alone med-ball weighted cardio workout, and then you could do a premix or compilation workout that feathers drills from these two together. OH . . . OH . . . OH . . . and while we're on the subject, PLEASE continue to incorporate squat-thrust, plank-run, cardio push-up and squat-thrust-jump-up drills as well!!!

These could also be filmed outside of the traditional studio environment - say a football field or a warehouse. And maybe film in black and white for a totally different aesthetic.

I'm all for more full body workouts. The past few releases Cathe has done has been body part splits. I think its time for some more full body workouts. I like the idea of a muscle max 2 or muscle endurance 2.
Me too for step, step and more step :D AND circuits thrown in AND step & weights (like 4DS) using strength instead of endurance weights thrown in. AND PREMIXES, PREMIXES, PREMIXES, I can't do without them, they're half the fun!! AND throw in some low impact, high intensity, step too! I LOVE the high impact step BUT I just got diagnosed with achilles tendonitis :mad: last week and have to lay off the high impact hopefully only temporarily until I rehab the tendons. So more low impact options for step would also be a DREAM! AND I have it on authority that loads of others would love it too. Though I still want high impact too!! :p
LOVE the idea of Muscle Max 2. That's one of my fav's. And a KPC-type workout. Low-impact, high-intensity workouts. I like the idea of a med-ball workout. Oh, and keeping limited space in mind for us apartment dwellers. I'm bound to get a high-def TV soon, as I'm pretty sure I'm going to accidentally kick my current TV in the face one of these days!!
Love to see advanced bar work

Something different without weights. I know you could do a "killer" workout for the lower body with perhaps options for very light weights around 2-3 lbs. All variations of squats and lunges and some serious bar isometric work. ""WONDERFUL"

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