cathe- premixes

I've never used the blender and probably never will. I do, however, use the premixes. A lot. I love being able to say, "I have only 45 minutes to do step today. Let's see which premix fits that" or "I'm in a Step, Jump and Pump mood today, only without the Jump" and I'll then pick a S,J,P circuit without the hi/low.

I can certainly live without 20 premixes for each DVD, though, if that simplifies things. I also love the premixes in the Intesity Series even though there are fewer. A small number of well thought out premixes would be very much appreciated (and very much used).

I dont' usually use the blender as the premixes are so well selected. The only blender I thought about using was on Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2. Otherwise I just use the premixes. Cathe's premixes are such fun. It has been so nice to see this feature used by some of my favorite instructors. Kathy Smith and Karen Voight both have these on their newer DVDs.

Sometimes when I do not have time for a full workout I just select a premix.
Ditto what Kathryn said. I LOVE the premixes, but I say ditch the blender. The Intensity series did not seem to have anywhere near the complaints/issues that the Body Blasts did. Maybe a nice happy medium? Thanks,

I only use the premixes and have never done one of the workouts as they were initially intended! PLEASE, PLEASE keep them! Your High Step Training workout has a few premixes on it and I haven't heard of any problems with it. OH PLEASE INCLUDE PREMIXES! Just a few!!!!
Pre-Mixes allow me to work out just to Cathe, no matter how much/how little time I have. There was a time I was desperate for shorter cardio workouts and the pre-mixes have filled that void.

The Push&Pull/SuperSets DVD wouldn't be half as interesting without the Pre-Mixes. The one round workout is fine if I want to heavy up but sometimes I like to emphasize certain body parts and I want to do 3 rounds.

Please don't let a minority of bad mouths win - if you get rid of your special features the Cathe bashers will have won. I have P90X and I have no problem doing the workouts as is but your workouts are much more fun so that I am always squeezing in pre-mixes. I like SJP a lot, especially the step section. So one day I do SJP as is, the other day step only premix, next day a circuit premix followed by a day of step/hi-low premix - That way I did a whole week of only SJP but still worked out to different workouts (I had to get the great music out of my system).

The pre-mixes make Cathe workouts special, just add a few but please add some.
I would like to add my voice to the pro premix side. I love, love, love the premixes and often use them in lieu of the original workout as it was intended. On the other hand, I have never used the Workout Blender and wouldn't miss it if it was gone. Perhaps less premixes would help alleviate the the momentary freeze issue some have.

(Keeping my fingers crossed...thanks):)
Hello Cathe and folks at SNM,
The post about a flurry of negative feedback coming from a few people who experienced some glitches when viewing their DVDs struck a chord with me and I needed to reply. I have only had one minor glitch with one of my DVDs and it is not a problem, only a minor trivial annoyance that I would gladly put up with on every DVD so long as they were Cathe DVDs and I would prefer this annoyance on my DVDs as opposed to no premixes. I am one of the very satisfied customers who has not expressed my satisfaction with these workouts. I heard about Cathe about a year ago from posters on the Firmbeliever web site (which is not free by the way). I tried my first Cathe workout about a year ago and the rest is history. Cathe's workouts are the most challenging I have tried, intelligently designed and offer so much variety which is an important component to keep your body challenged and guessing. The premixes add to this variety and I wouldn't want them to be deleted for the sake of a few individuals.

I also really appreciate that SNM gives us these great deals through the preorder. Where else can you find high quality challenging workouts for such a low cost? We even get free stuff thrown into the deal (the bands and free shipping on other videos). I also appreciate this great forum and all the wonderful advice I get from the Cathe community. I think this is SNM's way of saying they appreciate us and I am just letting SNM know that I appreciate them..ALOT!
I also vote for premixes. I just love the mix and match and premix options:7 !!

Thanks for taking the time to hear our pleas;-) !

I LOVE the premixes. I almost rarely do an entire Cathe workout - without the premixes I probably wouldn't even do Cathe as much as I do. PLEASE don't let a few complainers spoil it for the rest of us.

I agree - a few premixes without the workout blender would be great (like the Intensity Series).

PLEASE give us premixes!! PLEASE!!!
The premixes are FABULOUS!!!!!!!! Some of the workouts, I have never done. I just do the premixes. The premixes are the best there is. Please do not exclude these, and I am sorry I never told you how much I LOVE your workouts!!!!! They are the best!!!!
I've never posted here, but feel compelled to add my thoughts. Your DVDs are THE best fitness DVDs available. So, my vote is:

Pre-mixes - Yes! I use them all the time and am happy to pay more for them.

Blender - I don't use it.

I'm another truly devoted Cathe fan who bought a 5-disc DVD player solely for the purpose of playing Cathe DVDs! I had originally preordered the Intensity Series on VHS (which I absolutely love, by the way), but after reading about all the awesome premixes available on DVD, I later purchased the Intensity Series on DVD, got my 5-disc DVD player, will never buy VHS again and will always be in the front of the line to preorder new Cathe workouts. The workouts themselves and the premixes are absolutely awesome!!!

So my vote is for premixes please! Don't really care one way or the other about the workout blender.

Thanks so much for the fantastic workouts and for being so "in touch" with your customers. As I was reading through this thread, I was so impressed that you actually take the time to respond to your customers and educate us as to how the process works. And thank you so much for actually being interested in what your customers want!

I like the premixes but I have never used the workout blender. I love when it is chaptered so I can create my own workout.

On the newer DVDs I use the premixes more than the original workout. What I like best is that they give you options for intensity and also the amount of time for your workout. This is what makes these DVDs so versatile to fit more fitness levels and exerciser's schedules. I have never used the blender but please keep the premixes!!!
I agree with what a lot of folks have said on this subject: if either the premixes or workout blender have to go, let it be the blender. I love the premixes and, though I really like the blender too, I just purchased a 5-disc programmable player and can now blend for myself. I also think fewer premixes is a good compromise, if we must compromise, and I can understand why me might need to.

The timing of this subject is interesting b/c I just spent hours in Fry's Electronics testing out 5-disc players. I took 2 Cathe DVDs to test program so that I could make sure and get a player that did what I wanted. I attracted some onlookers, who were quite impressed w/ how fun and difficult Cathe's workouts looked and w/ how technologically advanced the discs were (when people asked, I went on and on about all of the discs' wonderful features, demonstrating each). This experience made me realize how much value the features add. It also made me realize how much I've learned about DVD technology on this forum b/c not even the people who worked there knew anything about programming DVDs. They had to get the DVD-player instruction booklet out of the back so I could test program the players.

So, as I said above, I'm willing to compromise, but if we can find a way not to and keep all the features, that would be great!!!!

I really hope you decide to keep the premixes :) I use them all the time, but like others have posted I hardly ever use the blender feature.
I really love and appreciate all of the Pre-mixes and the Blender option on the BB series. I use both of them, quite often and I have not had any problems with them. I have enjoyed the variety tremendously. I also loved the IS with its premixes. If you have to leave out any of the options, I agree the premixes would be the most used option and I guess I would rather give up the blender. ;(

Don't need the blenders, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the premixes - PLEEEEEEASE put premixes on the new series!

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