cathe- premixes

I read another post that says that the Body Blast premixes are overkill and could probably be the reason for those tech problems. I agree about the overkill description. I love premixes but I don't need numerous premixes. I have almost all of Cathe's DVDs and I have to say, I experienced a lot of problems with the Body Blast Series (unable to play in different DVD players, problems with pixeling/freezing). I didn't have the said problems in your earlier released DVDs from CTX all the way till the Intensity Series. I don't have the Basic Step/Body Fusion, High Step Circuit Beg/Adv DVD and the Beginner/Intermediate DVD, High Step Training Adv DVD and the Cardio Hits DVD - so I cannot tell if these DVDs have the same problems as the Body Blast Series.

>I can certainly understand the reluctance to not overload the
>DVD's with feature and such.
>But, perhaps if you went in the middle ground, somewhere along
>the Intensity Series - you can still offer some premixes, but
>eliminate the BodyBlast style features. It seems from what I
>have read, that the majority of people have experiences issues
>with the Body Blast series -- this may not be fact.
My best guess is that getting rid of the blender would eliminate a lot of problems, but I'm not sure. I don't know of any reason why too many premixes would cause a problem, but that also can't be ruled out as a factor. What I'm hoping is that some of the newer commercial software that is coming out will also help to reduce the problems. Our #1 goal is to give you problem free discs. We love adding features to our DVDs and will certainly do so if we feel we can do it without problems for you and us.
The only DVDs that have premixes are the Intensity series, The Body Blast series and High Step Training. None of our other DVDs have these features.
Hi Chris, I don't mind if you get rid of the workout blender as for me I never use it. I would pefer premixes over the workout blender anytime. Something like the IS series would be great.
Hi Chris again, those are the DVD that I go for the most IS and BB just because of the premixes. I guess we got really spoiled. Please consider at least some premixes like the IS series. TIA.
I have been buying Cathe videos for years and have actively read the forums, but have never felt the need to respond to a thread until now. I do a variety of exercise including cycling (both indoor & out), my love, and numerous other things to keep me stimulated and shake up my program. Home exercise was my staple for years with small children, but I added more outdoor since I live in UT and my kids are grown. I also joined a gym to add variety a few years ago. That said, Cathe has always been a favorite of mine and has always been a part of my program. Although there are other instructors I like also, no one has the quality of Cathe. The Premixes add great value her DVDs. I would hat to think that a vocal minority would cause us to lose this option. For instance the ME & Boot Camp premixes are some of my favorites. I don't have just 2 workouts on that DVD. They are the only company with this option. Please, please don't go backward. You are a cut above everyone out there and I've never had a problem (& I don't have high end DVD players).

Oh, wow. I hope you will do premixes--they are definitely a feature that set your DVDs apart, and one that I know many people (including myself) use frequently. I think deleting the workout Blender and keeping the premixes to a few (5-10 per workout) would be wonderful.

I do have a question, though. Since only 3% of your consumers have problems with DVDs (due to all the material being too difficult for certain players to compute), why would you make the decision to remove the premixes? I could see basing a decision like that on a much larger percentage of people having issues, but since it is such a small amount, wouldn't it make more sense to keep the features that draw (and keep) the other 97% of your customers coming back for more?

Anyway, I just want to put my vote in for keeping premixes. Even if it means there may be pauses and stutters here and there (which I don't think there will be), I use them and appreciate them.


PS I don't care about how long it takes you to make the product. I always expect a 6 to 7 month wait, and it is well worth it to me. Take your time, and please continue to create DVDs that exceed the industry standard.
Well said, Brenda.

I also would strongly urge SNM not to rule out the premixes as an option because of the problems a few people have had. The premixes are a wonderful value-added feature; I love them dearly and use them often, particularly when I'm short on time. They do make Cathe videos stand apart from the rest. Please hold fast and continue to set the gold standard for the industry, rather than fall into lockstep with how other, less innovative companies produce their workouts.
premixes are great but the BB series has over 20 premixes for each dvd AND a blender feature. why do we need a blender when there are already 20 premixes (which is far too many IMHO)? of course i'm among the so-called vocal few disappointed and frustrated with BB - i couldn't play the damn thing! i pre-ordered and waited for several months for these dvds to be shipped and then when i got them, they just wouldn't work no matter what cleaning with pledge, water/soap and what have you. some people here even have the gall to tell me to buy a dvd player!!! x(
I've never used the blender, but I LOVE the premixes...absolutely invaluable! Rarely do I do a workout as produced. I agree with whoever said, "Don't go backward." Your stuff is well worth the wait, cost, etc. Premixes, please!

Your frustration is exactly why we’re considering not offering premixes or the Workout Blender on our next release. If a DVD does not play on a particular player there are two possibilities #1 defective disc or #2 defective firmware on your player. The only way to find out which is to blame is to take the disc that will not play properly and test on another player that is not the same as the player in which the DVD will not play on. If the DVD plays okay, then the problem is with the player, not the DVD. Again, it is impossible to make a DVD with advanced features that will play on every player flawlessly. Your only choices are to try to get a firmware upgrade for your player or buy a new player.
How about a poll of Cathe users before making assumptions that we don't value the pre-mixes? There is a growing number of options available to home exercisers. The pre-mixes have been one of the special things about Cathe DVDs - other than Cathe, of course.
It is unfortunate that you seem to have so many complaints about your DVDs. I have all the DVDs put out by your company including Bodyblast and the Intensity series. I, like many, love your product. I have 2 Dvd players and have never had a problem with any of the premixes. I don't use the Blender, but I love the Premixes and use them all the time. Please continue with the premixes. Since I have purchased Cathe's product I seldom buy other workouts. Why? Because I use your product almost exclusively for working out. The premixes make the workouts extremely flexible. I am actually saving money since I discovered Cathe workouts, because I feel I have found the best and don't waste money on other products. I know you all work hard to make these products the best and hope you will continue. Because I, like many, love your product. Helen
Polls on the web on subjects like this are usually very misleading. But we would like to hear your comments and feelings about this. We have plenty of time to debate and discus this issue and to make the best decision. The whole purpose of this forum is for us to listen to our customers to make better products. We always hear from our customers that have a problem with our premixes, but rarely do we get feedback from customers that really like our premixes or workout blender. I guess I’m saying we need to hear from both sides so we make the right decision. :)
I adore the premixes, but the workout blender is just too much work for me. I have had no problem with your DVDs in any of the DVD players we have here (2 stand alone, 3 in computers).

If you can't include even a few premixes, can you at least make sure that the DVDs are chaptered as thoroughly as the IS or BB?

I think the premixes are the best thing going. I would miss them terribly. They have made me able to vary my workout and maintain motivation. Each one is like a new workout. Please reconsider.

I have hesitations on my DVD player occassionally. However, since I know what they are from the forum, they do not bother me. If need be I run in place or step in place for a few moments.

I appreciate your technology. I assume that I will be playing the DVD's in the future on other players and their more advanced technology will take care of the hesitation.

My vote is to continue the advanced technology and include the workout blender and premixes. They are worth every cent.

I feel the exact same way...a few well-chosen premixes would be the best! I vote for a few premixes Cathe and Co. Please? I don't mind waiting a little extra time for them either :) They add so much usefulness/useability to the workout.
Okay, lets start a poll. By Fall when the Hardcore Series is ready to film, that should give everyone time to voice the yea's and the nay's, plus give Chris time to talk to the NFL people etc.

In the meantime, I'm for premix, no blender if the blender was the problem for the DVD's not working. I haven't used the blender as yet, so I can't say if it worked on my player or not. But the premixes sure do. I love the versitility of the premixes.

:) :)

I would enjoy having some pre-mixes on your DVD's. Maybe somewhere between IS and BodyBlast.
I don't use the workout blender but have used the pre-mixes and often.
There is a 2 to 3 sec. freeze on my BodyBlast DVD's and nothing more.
Either way you decide is o.k. as I have already pre-ordered.


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