Commercialization is associated with dilution and making decisions driven by considerations of how high the stakes have turned versus a small business.
I dont think the OP grudges or resents Cathe's success.
I think it is possible to commercialize/expand without letting go of core values. Everything about the way Cathe runs her business so far suggests bigger will only mean better.
The production values of Cathe's workouts have rapidly been improving. SNM's use of technology costs money. Expansion is necessary to support staying leading edge.
I am glad Cathe is taking up the opportunities and I see what is happening as reward for her talent and effort, with the added benefit of getting her workouts out to many more people. It will let her innovate and set the bar on quality without budget constraints.
I dont think the OP grudges or resents Cathe's success.
I think it is possible to commercialize/expand without letting go of core values. Everything about the way Cathe runs her business so far suggests bigger will only mean better.
The production values of Cathe's workouts have rapidly been improving. SNM's use of technology costs money. Expansion is necessary to support staying leading edge.
I am glad Cathe is taking up the opportunities and I see what is happening as reward for her talent and effort, with the added benefit of getting her workouts out to many more people. It will let her innovate and set the bar on quality without budget constraints.