Cathe now everywhere and now QVC

There's another thing too - if she's going to be a single mom - NJ is notoriously communally property/split everything,including kids equally,and she could lose half of all she's built....I don't blame her....
The Squeeze girl just went Gaim because its not the money maker it would seem to be independant.....and her stuff is great too....KBWay was financed by Beth and Anthony....its tough to do things on your own, and Cathe has done is so well for so long....I don't blame her....but wish she'd divorce Eggland too!

Could you please explain your post? Between the punctuation and the seemingly unconnected statements, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Could you please explain your post? Between the punctuation and the seemingly unconnected statements, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes - what are you talking about?????:confused:

Posts like this really work me up! I feel this urgent need to defend Cathe anytime anyone talks down on her, since she has helped me so much. Why would I deny other people the chance to be helped by her too? I am proud to say that I've been with Cathe from the start, and she is one of the few people that I can be unconditionally loyal to till the end. Like I said on another post, if Cathe makes workouts till I'm 100, I'll still be on my rocker tryin' to keep up! She deserves all of her success, and I will forever love her work!!:D

Yes - what are you talking about?????:confused:

Posts like this really work me up! I feel this urgent need to defend Cathe anytime anyone talks down on her, since she has helped me so much. Why would I deny other people the chance to be helped by her too? I am proud to say that I've been with Cathe from the start, and she is one of the few people that I can be unconditionally loyal to till the end. Like I said on another post, if Cathe makes workouts till I'm 100, I'll still be on my rocker tryin' to keep up! She deserves all of her success, and I will forever love her work!!:D


i understand how you feel and fully agree with your sentiments, but the writer may be looking for such a response and wanting to stir up some controversy or get everyone guessing and talking about something which is really none of our busines. out of respect for cathe, i think it's best to leave this post alone.
Did anyone see Stephanie Huckabee on the QVC show the day Cathe was on? She was telling the viewing public she lost weight and those muscles from a band workout. Yeah right.

She's telling the truth. She didn't use that particular band, but she did use bands. Stephanie may be many things, but she is not a liar. On The Firm boards after being asked, she said she uses Cathe's workouts. Big deal for her to admit that.

OP, I do understand the way you feel. It's like when every started using high end makeup. What used to be a passion, suddenly became the most boring thing in the world. Same thing with mass marketing fashion. Most of us have little snobby things like that. :eek: It's ok.
I understand what OP is saying, but I don't feel the same way.

I'm happy for Cathe and her accomplishments also. She makes great workouts. I've told many people who/what has helped me keep a great, positive attitude, slimmed down and able to do 'big girl' pushups on one foot, makes me stand in front of the TV almost every day at 6:45, hands on hips, dripping with sweat and saying out loud, "and, call it a very good day." It's Cathe and crew. They really are like old friends. I wouldn't want to be selfish and keep all this knowledge and fun to myself. The more people that can enjoy her and what she offers the better.

Maybe OP is a little burnt out. I know I can't go too long without measuring my endurance and strength or just getting in a strong, fun with Cathe. Maybe she'll be able to enjoy these great workouts again soon. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
Oh didn't mean to stir anything up at all.... I was defending all the attacks people are spewing at her increasing visibility...I always believed she deserved more publicity for her excellent products..... her products are easily equal to or superior to other products...Maybe she needs to become more market oriented in this economy.... she's sustained success for decades....all I was saying,is that in this economy, maybe Cathe needs to bring her supreme product to a larger market for survival - to protect her business, home, and lifestyle...didn't mean to offend...things come out in writing differently than if verbalized sometimes...
Sorry for the grammar/punctuation errors...
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