Last 3 days workout
Wednesday: Low impact challenge from LIS Series
Thursday: Rest---Doctors!
Today: I did 4DS kickboxing segment and KCM Powersculpting. I had a good workout.
I do have mixed opinion about few moves though. I did my own modification
Jen You were right I do own powersculpting. It is the second segment from LIFT dvd. I have
enjoyed LIFT more and have visited it I believe at least three time.
Ript90 look intense.
Svetlana: Every summer I have to face hayfever and this year food allergie and intolerance just took a toll!
Any way now I know for sure that I can no longer eat cashew and almond butter. No nut at ALL a part
from coconut. I have to be carefull about thickners as well. Vegetable oil, Soya, lecithin found in various packages.
Now my doctor confirmed these allergies have caused energy slump within the day. I was feeling
sick sometimes. three more days medication and I am done. Basically I have eat SUPER SUPER Clean!
Slide and Glide stretch is one of my favourite...Love it.
Tom: I too am looking forward to review on Nia Program...I am not looking to move trucks
. Never say never
but I may change my mind. I am very happy with a balance pack such as STS with some hypertrophy focus.
That being said I am not looking to increase size. I am happy with the current mass. I am just looking to improve
and gain a better body composition and gain more definition, flexibility, endurance and better VO2max.
I will do a strength cycle later.
That is all I have to share today.
Will report more tomorrow