Hi Nathalie--yes, I am doing strength/lifting. Even though I am doing primarily Tapout XT and Max:30, every week I also do STS Total Body + KCM Muscle Up. So two days of total body strength work every week. Plus, Max:30 and Tapout XT both have lots of bodyweight work and Tapout XT does band strength work. So I actually get quite a bit of strength work overall. I have reviewed Tapout XT 1 on my blog already. However, Tapout XT 2 and Max:30 will go up at the end of the month. And yes, Max:30 is Shaun T's newest Insanity program.
112toGuru--I have a question for you about Bodyshred. Would you consider the strength work in Bodyshred the level of Cathe strength work (STS, RwH, Xtrain, Gym Styles--even things like Muscle Max) or more metabolic strength work along the lines of Patrick Goudeau, Toby Massenburg, Peak 10 Cardio Strength--even Cathe's RwH HIIT Circuit workouts. I have decided to definitely get Bodyshred and now I am trying to decide how to fit it into my April rotation.
I'm kind of busy this week, but wanted to get back to you on that, had some over blown critique of it for you but really, I don't have most of those workouts you mentioned. The exercises are like JMBR, but the structure is like others she made with the 3-2-1 system. I can compare Bodyshred to running, the 2 strength workouts are like a running workout with intervals, the cardio is like a moderately high intensity run at 85 % max heart rate, or on the Borg scale hard to very hard. Between 80 - 90% Max HR, anaerobic.
Speaking of workouts runners seem to like, did you ever do Lindsi Sanor's Ultimatum? Catch you on the flip side.