Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

I have that book on my kindle! It is in my "read next" file, but I think I will move it up now! I do remember when I read Gary Taubes book Why We Get Fat, that had such a profound impression on me. I changed my diet completely and got rid of sugar. I actually did have wonderful results, but I only kept it up a few months and well, I am eating sugar again. What did stick with me from that book is that I am now much more conscious of sugar in my everyday food and I avoid processed food. But I am back to eating obviously sugary treats (chocolate/cupcakes/cookies, etc). I am very interested in Wheat Belly tho--which is why I bought it--I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I have started using other flours because for my birthday my daughter gave me the cookbook Thug Kitchen and I also recently started using Pinterest and between those two, lots of the recipes use non-wheat flours. I was very wary at first, but I love the results so much I am going to keep doing it. I made peanut butter cookies using PB2 and ground flaxseed and even my husband thought they were the best cookies he has ever eaten. And he is normally adverse to anything he thinks is uberhealthy (like flaxseed).
Today was KCM's TLC workout #2 and Rockout Knockout premix timesaver #1 (leaves out the kickboxing combos). I wore my weighted gloves for both workouts. Holy cow, TLC 2 was a tough one, but I loved it! This is another one where I'm looking forward to doing both workouts 1 and 2 together. I think I need to start researching more KCM workouts to purchase...:eek:
Thanks Jengolf for the Insanity Max 30 info---I may have to bite the bullet and get it! :)

Today I was short on time so I continued my recovery week with workout 1 from KCM's Circuit Burn plus the abs segment.
This morning was Tapout 1 Muay Thai + Max:30 Pulse. Planned doubles is Max:30 Max Out Power.

Jodi--TLC is tougher than you expect isn't it? I really liked it a lot. My only real disappointment with that DVD was that I would have liked the premix that combined the two workouts to have more. She cut out a lot of good stuff in the premix--IMHO. That's a problem with her "combined" premixes. She often cuts out things I still want in my workout. So I usually just do the two workouts, one right after the other so I get everything.

You're welcome SarBear--I definitely think Max:30 is worth it if you like those kinds of workouts. I do. I really think Shaun T has perfected his Insanity concept in Max:30.
This morning I did XTrain Legs - Bonus Barre and Ball & Chair (modified). I'd planned on doing Rear Delts too, but I'm so sore from yesterday's Chest & Tris.

Jen, Gary Taubel's book made a lasting impression on me too. I didn't have a problem giving up/cutting back on sugar and flours -- I can't give up my fats! And this is why it's so hard for me to do the "fitness" diets that come with workout sets.

---> Anyone else having a problem posting replies? Almost every time, I have to hit "Post Reply" a couple times or I have to leave the page and come back, then "Post Reply." It's getting annoying.
It's been a few days since I checked in. Yesterday I did RWH Low impact HiiT #2. This morning I did xtrain burnsets chest, back,& shoulders plus core 1.
Pleased with my workout. I went up in weights for chest and up in to failure reps for back an shoulders. :)
Today was EFX 2. Complex 3 is so hard! I think that's why I think 2 is harder than 3.

Jen, I noticed that same thing about some of KCM's premixes. I guess it's not that big a deal to combine the workouts myself, but it would be nice if every DVD had that option.
Today was KCM's Shape Up workout #2 and my own premix from To The Max - the step Tabata, the 30/20 HiiT segment and the stretch. Great total workout!!
This morning was STS Total Body. That workout never seems to get any easier! It burns my legs out every time. Planned doubles is Max:30 Max Out Strength.

Jodi--I love the premixes from TTM and CF. Cathe always puts together great premixes, but the ones in those two workouts are the best.
This morning was xtrain Burnset bis and tris and a long stretch for both upper and lower body. Yesterday I only did some yoga type stretching.
Tuesday morning I woke up with severe pain in my right glutes, I could barely walk. I've been using a heating pad and foam roller. It's much better today but I'm not taking any chances with lower body work. I'm not sure what happen. I went to bed Monday night feeling great.

Jodi, great premix. I love Cathe's premixes and her chaptering makes it easy too make your own.
This morning I did Cathe's Push Pull. I did all the LB of Push Pull with 1/2 or no weight as a test. I was fine! and thrilled!
What I have trouble with is bending at the knee up to 90 degrees, kneeling on the floor on all fours and doing leg lifts with all my weight on the bad knee, and side planks supported by my bad knee (clams, balancing snow angels, side support moves). I can start expanding my workout selections now, but they still need to be fairly slow and controlled with no jumps, obviously!

Elaine, I hope you're feeling back to normal soon.
Yesterday was a rest day for me although I did get in 30 minutes or so of snow shoveling our driveway again (we got more snow overnight Tuesday...ugh, is it spring yet?). Today I was back at it with Cathe Live. I really wanted to do today's class, but it was not posted in time for my workout so I did Cathe's Metabolic Circuit Blast instead. I have to admit that when I first started into the workout I was feeling a little sluggish and not very motivated, but by the end I felt great! Cathe's workouts are always so much fun that it's hard not to pep up as you are doing them! I still have a couple more days of "active recovery" before I start back into STS, so I'm hoping to try out today's live boxing/kickboxing class tomorrow!
Today I did KCM's Weights workout #2 and the bonus abs. I started with the active warm up which was some of the cardio active rests in another version of the workout. I'm glad I tried it as the warm up and not in the workout...I did not like it...too complicated, no intensity. Yuck. Now the standing abs as the active rests...those are da bomb!
This morning was Tapout XT 2 Fight Night and planned doubles is Max:30 Friday Fight Round 2.

Nathalie--are you still with us? Hope everything is ok.

Feeling any better today Elaine?

That's great news Mary! And I love Push Pull. That is one of my favorite Cathe workouts.

Only one week left of this February rotation I created and I am not going to lie, I am ready for it to be over. I anticipate March to be a little less exhausting tho not so much in the beginning since I am hybriding Asylum 1 with Les Mills Pump the first 2 weeks of March. But at least I won't be doing an Insanity workout nearly ever day. Max 30 5 days a week is exhausting! Plus in March I will be taking rest days again. Right now my only rest day is usually Sunday when I only do KCM's Muscle Up. Not really a rest day but at least I am not doing any plyometics. Anyway, I am very pleased I have gotten through 3 weeks of this rotation as planned. It is tough but worth it I think. I will be glad when it is over tho.
Jen, Muscle Up as a rest day...whew! You are a beast! :D

Today is my rest day. I think my plan for next week and maybe the week after is to continue with KCM workouts but not splitting them. I'll do both 30 min workouts together for 4 days and then also a day of EFX again. I can try that for one week and see if it's worth repeating for a second week. After plan was Lindsay Brin...but there's also Bodyshred, and I would love to do a RWH/XTrain rotation. Decisions, decisions!
This morning was Ab Circuits - Yoga Inspired and Stretch Max #3 Resistance Band.
I was feeling extra tired and a little sore in the knee even though I went to bed early. On the other hand,
I've been grounded for 3 weeks with this knee injury and at times I just feel like I need to explode into a Cathe plyo hiit, or else. I miss that power burn.

Hey Nathalie, I've been wondering how you've been doing too. :)

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