This rotation looks really good! I have a lot of the dvds and between those, I have enough to fill in the blanks that I don't have. I think this is a wonderful way to get back in shape after an absence or an injury or whatever. Thanks for sharing it.
I created (and shared) this rotation in Cathe's Workout Manager. Since each rotation can only be 4 weeks, I broke it out into Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.
When you go to download a rotation from another user, look for the following rotations:
FitnessFreak BIA - 12 wk - Begin Wks 1-4
FitnessFreak BIA - 12 wk - Inter Wks 5 - 8
FitnessFreak BIA - 12 wk - Adv Wks 9 - 12
BIA stands for Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced.
For the rest/stretch days, I randomly chose Stretch Max or Total Body Stretching.
Thanks again.