Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

Well I know three folks who never bothered to vote until this year, because they wanted to 'help keep a black guy out of office.' :( Nice huh? Not voting for someone, just against someone.

And don't even get me started on the comments I have heard regarding California Prop 8! Jeez Louise!

Agree. My husband was the one. He never cared enough for election before. But this year, he said he had to make every effort to vote for McCain just to cancel out my vote for Obama.

Yes, no matter who wins, it should be historical moment since nothing like this happened before.
I had someone tell me they just couldn't vote for Obama because she was afraid he was a terrorist. She said "look at his middle name" :confused: I was polite and said you can vote for who ever you want. All the while I was thinking "do you know how ignorant you sound right now" Geesh!!!
I had someone tell me they just couldn't vote for Obama because she was afraid he was a terrorist. She said "look at his middle name" :confused: I was polite and said you can vote for who ever you want. All the while I was thinking "do you know how ignorant you sound right now" Geesh!!!

No kidding!!! I don't know how many emails I got that he is a terrorist, a muslim and other ridiculous claims.

I am glad that Colin Powell stated exactly what I thought. Obama is NOT a Muslim, he is a Christian but what if he was a Muslim? What difference does it make?

I don't know where they make the leap that the name Hussein = Muslim = terrorist. I thought it was really funny when Obama stated "I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn’t think I’d ever run for president". At least he has a sense of humour and he is going to need it.
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Look on the bright side though by not taking public financing Obama just saved the taxpayer $ 84 Mio ;)

I see by that site that both candidates had money donated that they haven't spent.

They should both donate it to a 'reduce the deficit' fund!
No kidding!!! I don't know how many emails I got that he is a terrorist, a muslim and other ridiculous claims.

I am glad that Colin Powell stated exactly what I thought. Obama is NOT a Muslim, he is a Christian but what if he was? What difference does it make?

McCain even had to fight the ignorance and stupidity of some of his supporters at rallies, where they said they were "afraid" of Obama because he's a terrorist/a muslim.

True, what IF he were a Muslim?

Isn't this supposed to be a country of religious freedom?
Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? (I know some right-wingers don't want there to be, but there is, and that's how it should stay).
I would love to save this thread and see what has really changed in 4 years. For Obama's sake, I hope everyone steps back and lowers their expectations of him by a LOT. While the president is powerful, government is not a one man show.

So if you are hoping for change - you might be dissappointed and if you are concerned about what change he would bring, you might be pleasantly surprised.

What I am desparately hoping for is a new emergent market (energy related, eco related, ???) that will get us back on track economically as a nation again. Manufacturing has come and gone, technology has come and gone. What is next? And how will our government support the development of that new market - or at least stay out of the way?
I would love to save this thread and see what has really changed in 4 years. For Obama's sake, I hope everyone steps back and lowers their expectations of him by a LOT. While the president is powerful, government is not a one man show.

So if you are hoping for change - you might be dissappointed and if you are concerned about what change he would bring, you might be pleasantly surprised.

What I am desparately hoping for is a new emergent market (energy related, eco related, ???) that will get us back on track economically as a nation again. Manufacturing has come and gone, technology has come and gone. What is next? And how will our government support the development of that new market - or at least stay out of the way?

I have the same hope for new green technology markets.
But I also realize that this comes with a lot of money that the government will need to front in order to get this off the ground. Considering however in what horrible state our economy is right now I am curious to see what the priorities of the new administration are. But no matter what happens, I anticipate for the deficit to grow initially. In order to turn the economy around the government will need to make investments.

We will se what happens and I am sure we all, no matter if we voted for him or not, hope he will succeed.
I truly do hope Obama succeeds. I hope he turns out to be the best president we have ever had! Four years from now I WANT people to tell me I TOLD YOU SO! So, if we start another thread in 4 years, I hope the thread reads "I TOLD YOU SO."

I must say that I am grateful that we haven't had any terrorists attacks in the last 7 years.
George Bush gave us a $250 tax credit for education expenses, and I’m very grateful for it even though I spend well beyond that on a yearly basis. It is most certainly a deserved break, from my perspective.

I think that's great. I also think YOU deserve it, especially for all of the extra you do. I am NOT arguing the importance of "good" teachers. But if we or the government start putting value on one profession over another I think that's unfair. It's like Uncle Sam saying that I am less deserving of a break b/c I am a nurse and not a teacher. Well, OK Uncle Sam.....but just wait until you get sick.:p
I truly do hope Obama succeeds. I hope he turns out to be the best president we have ever had! Four years from now I WANT people to tell me I TOLD YOU SO! So, if we start another thread in 4 years, I hope the thread reads "I TOLD YOU SO."

I must say that I am grateful that we haven't had any terrorists attacks in the last 7 years.

I feel exactly the same way!:)

Another reason I like Obama : In his first press conference as president elect, he was asked about the puppy he promised his daughters. He said there were two things they had to take into consideration : 1) his daughter Melea (sp?) is allergic, so they need to adopt a hypoallergenic breed, and 2) they prefer to adopt from a shelter (but many shelter dogs are mutts like him...his words!). They are hoping to find a way to do both.
What I am desperately hoping for is a new emergent market (energy related, eco related, ???) that will get us back on track economically as a nation again. Manufacturing has come and gone, technology has come and gone. What is next? And how will our government support the development of that new market - or at least stay out of the way?

I agree that an eco-/energy-related market is crucial both for environmental reasons, and for more energy independence.

I'd like to see the legalization of industrial hemp, which could replace other less efficient crops, is ecofriendly (no pesticides needed to grow), can save trees (using hemp fiber for paper and fabric), and can even help with the energy situation (used as biomass fuel).

Also, if some of the subsidies the gov't now gives to crops like tobacco would be diverted to organic agriculture and hemp, the money would be better spent.
McCain even had to fight the ignorance and stupidity of some of his supporters at rallies, where they said they were "afraid" of Obama because he's a terrorist/a muslim.

True, what IF he were a Muslim?

Isn't this supposed to be a country of religious freedom?
Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? (I know some right-wingers don't want there to be, but there is, and that's how it should stay).

YES! We're supposed to be THE beacon of tolerance, acceptance, and religious freedom, and yet many don't want someone in our office because:

a) He is black

b) He has a unique middle name

c) He may be Muslim (the idea, not the fact)


I'm very offended by that, and if we are so close-minded that we can't get past such superficialities and look at the IMPORTANT issues, I don't consider us to be even a decent country, let alone the best. I'm actually shocked that there are so many people who would automatically assume that these things equate terrorism. I mean, REALLY? How? I would love to hear somebody actually try to formulate a reason for this.

(Oh, and by the way, I'm not slamming anybody who voted against Obama, only those that would vote against him for these stupid reasons.)

In this day and age, religion does not belong anywhere near politics. I understand that this country was founded on the belief of God, but times have changed. We don't all possess the same beliefs. We can't progress and improve if we're continually trying to go back to where we were 200 years ago.
YES! We're supposed to be THE beacon of tolerance, acceptance, and religious freedom, and yet many don't want someone in our office because:

a) He is black

b) He has a unique middle name

c) He may be Muslim (the idea, not the fact)


I'm very offended by that, and if we are so close-minded that we can't get past such superficialities and look at the IMPORTANT issues, I don't consider us to be even a decent country, let alone the best. I'm actually shocked that there are so many people who would automatically assume that these things equate terrorism. I mean, REALLY? How? I would love to hear somebody actually try to formulate a reason for this.

(Oh, and by the way, I'm not slamming anybody who voted against Obama, only those that would vote against him for these stupid reasons.)

In this day and age, religion does not belong anywhere near politics. I understand that this country was founded on the belief of God, but times have changed. We don't all possess the same beliefs. We can't progress and improve if we're continually trying to go back to where we were 200 years ago.

GREAT post! I couldn't agree more!
I think that's great. I also think YOU deserve it, especially for all of the extra you do. I am NOT arguing the importance of "good" teachers. But if we or the government start putting value on one profession over another I think that's unfair. It's like Uncle Sam saying that I am less deserving of a break b/c I am a nurse and not a teacher. Well, OK Uncle Sam.....but just wait until you get sick.:p

I’m not arguing about the importance of “good” teachers, either. I’m talking about what’s fair. Were you, as a nurse, paying out of your own pocket to provide rubber gloves and hypodermic needles? No? I didn't think so.

The more I read, the more I think I understand why some, like your son's teacher, just become deadweight. This type of mentality would eventually beat down anyone. Thank God the parents in my district are as supportive as they are, or I would start thinking twice about pouring my heart, soul, and funds into my work.
YES! We're supposed to be THE beacon of tolerance, acceptance, and religious freedom, and yet many don't want someone in our office because:

a) He is black

b) He has a unique middle name

c) He may be Muslim (the idea, not the fact)


I'm very offended by that, and if we are so close-minded that we can't get past such superficialities and look at the IMPORTANT issues, I don't consider us to be even a decent country, let alone the best.

Well, if Obama were a practicing/devout Muslim (which to me he is clearly not) he probably wouldn't consider his religion a "superficiality." In fact it would probably be his defining component.

In this day and age, religion does not belong anywhere near politics. I understand that this country was founded on the belief of God, but times have changed. We don't all possess the same beliefs. We can't progress and improve if we're continually trying to go back to where we were 200 years ago.

ITA! However, again, if Obama were a practicing/devout Muslim, he would most likely find it difficult and probably unnecessary to separate his religion from his politics.

The Obama/Muslim thing has shown how little people really know or understand about Islam in this country. One the one side are people who don't realize that pretty much any devout Muslim is not going to sit in church for 25 years and listen to Christianity being preached. On the other are people with no understanding of Shar'ia who believe that he could be practicing and yet willing to put his religion aside when it came to political realities or decisions. Hey it could happen, but in many years of living in Saudi Arabia, almost marrying a Palestinian man, and at one point planning to convert to Islam myself, I've seen how very difficult it is for Muslims to separate religion and politics, simply because the very core of Islam says that you shouldn't. This is an especially tough struggle for western Muslims.

Islamic scholars have written a ton of material on this very topic.

I see by that site that both candidates had money donated that they haven't spent.

They should both donate it to a 'reduce the deficit' fund!

If what you say is true - then get a grip on this. I am stunned. After all the money he raised I would think there was some money left in the coffers to handle this.

And I am getting sick of how the media is making it sound like he is president already. He's not in charge yet.
If what you say is true - then get a grip on this. I am stunned. After all the money he raised I would think there was some money left in the coffers to handle this.

And I am getting sick of how the media is making it sound like he is president already. He's not in charge yet.

Baylian, even Obama says that there's only one president right now, and that and he's not it. I heard him say it yesterday in his news conference. Personally, I've only heard the media calling him President Elect not President.
If what you say is true - then get a grip on this. I am stunned. After all the money he raised I would think there was some money left in the coffers to handle this.

And I am getting sick of how the media is making it sound like he is president already. He's not in charge yet.

He IS president - President Elect and that's what they call him.

Money that has been raised in the campaign for election can legally NOT be used for funding the transition. Money that was raised for the election can ONLY be used for elections.

Incoming presidents get federal tax payer money to fund their transitions. It’s been standard practice for incoming presidents since at least Ronald Reagan in 1980 to seek private donations to help set up their administration. In 1980 President Reagan raised $ 1.25 Mio for funding his transition. President Bush raised $ 3 Mio in transition funds in 2000.

Disclosures of money raised for the transition are due by Febuary 15.
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I haven't posted much in this thread but I just want to raise the roof for Carola (hiitdogs) and Cathy (runninteach). You both have such sensible, well-thought ideas and you have expressed them clearly and eloquently. Thanks!

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