Barack Obama is President of the United States of America

I’m not arguing about the importance of “good” teachers, either. I’m talking about what’s fair. Were you, as a nurse, paying out of your own pocket to provide rubber gloves and hypodermic needles? No? I didn't think so.

The more I read, the more I think I understand why some, like your son's teacher, just become deadweight. This type of mentality would eventually beat down anyone. Thank God the parents in my district are as supportive as they are, or I would start thinking twice about pouring my heart, soul, and funds into my work.

Thank you Cathy for all you do!!!! I don't think teacher get enough credit, let alone are they paid enough for all their contributions to our society.

I don't think there is a more important job than teaching the nations future scientists, doctors and fire fighters. If we as a nation don't raise our standards for education we will find ourselves in a real problems and really quick.

As I see it as things stand right now our kids are overtested and undertaught, great teachers are leaving or don't even start because they are not allowed to do their job as teachers but are merely preping the kids for tests. And all that with funding many necessaties for the classroom out of their pocket on a salary that they can barely survive on anyway.
I just visited Obama's site (now and left feedback on what changes I'd like to see in the next 8 years (the legalization of industrial hemp, for one).

Does anyone know of any other president elect/president who had a webstie set up, and/or a way for individuals to give him feedback like this ? (Of course, we have to be talking Internet-age presidents here) ? Could any old schlub email Clinton or George W?

I think this portents well for his desire to 'work together' as a nation. (Don't get me wrong, I know he isn't going to be online reading messages himself, but I have a feeling they aren't just going into the 'trash'.).
I do not know the laws in NJ for teacher certification, but here in MI we have to take college courses in order to renew our certificate every 5 years. That adds up to some serious money. I do not know of any districts who contribute to this added cost. It is all out of my pocket.
Were you, as a nurse, paying out of your own pocket to provide rubber gloves and hypodermic needles? No? I didn't think so.

Nope, we don't have to buy that stuff, but on my med-surg floor I did have to buy scrubs, stethescopes (if you want a good one) and good shoes which can get expensive. I also bought small patient necessities such as chap stick, brushes, decent toothbrushes, soft tissues, etc. for patients who had no family to bring these things in. Good nurses will do that and those costs will add up. I realize teachers also buy their own clothes and shoes as well, but I wonder how often they get soiled with blood and other bodily fluids and need to be replaced.

We also have continuing education credits that we are responsible for. Sometimes the facility that we work for will offer them but not all. However, those are the ultimate responsibilty of the nurse.

I think it would be fair for teachers OR nurses to get a tax credit for items purchased for their profession. Like most tax credits, receipts would have to be saved to help provide proof of the purchases. Good professionals will have the receipts for the full tax credit I'm sure. I doubt the others will....unless they cheat on their taxes.

I'm kinda surprised no one from any other profession hasn't chimed in saying they deserve a tax break as I'm sure there are others out there deserving of a tax break as well. That's what I meant by "where would it end?" That's why I think tax breaks should be based perhaps on personal income rather than on a certain profession.

I just can't bring myself to place more value on one profession over another, nor do I trust Uncle Sam to do so. If my kids are in school and everyone is healthy then a good teacher is more important in my life. However, if one of my family members is sick and needs care then then a good nurse is most valuable. So I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree on this one.

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I just visited Obama's site (now and left feedback on what changes I'd like to see in the next 8 years (the legalization of industrial hemp, for one).

Does anyone know of any other president elect/president who had a webstie set up, and/or a way for individuals to give him feedback like this ? (Of course, we have to be talking Internet-age presidents here) ? Could any old schlub email Clinton or George W?

I think this portents well for his desire to 'work together' as a nation. (Don't get me wrong, I know he isn't going to be online reading messages himself, but I have a feeling they aren't just going into the 'trash'.).

I've been doing that all during the campaign. In one I warned him about getting too cozy with celebrities because middle America hates when Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney try to tell us how to vote. Even if our potlitics match we don't like spoiled celebrities dictating anything TO us, I said. That was just after the $5,000-a-plate Streisand shindig. Sure enough, he was careful after that. I sent my last email just after I heard about the puppy adoption. I wrote #1) Close Abu Ghraib and #2) Adopt your pooch from a shelter.
ITA! However, again, if Obama were a practicing/devout Muslim, he would most likely find it difficult and probably unnecessary to separate his religion from his politics.

The Obama/Muslim thing has shown how little people really know or understand about Islam in this country. One the one side are people who don't realize that pretty much any devout Muslim is not going to sit in church for 25 years and listen to Christianity being preached. On the other are people with no understanding of Shar'ia who believe that he could be practicing and yet willing to put his religion aside when it came to political realities or decisions. Hey it could happen, but in many years of living in Saudi Arabia, almost marrying a Palestinian man, and at one point planning to convert to Islam myself, I've seen how very difficult it is for Muslims to separate religion and politics, simply because the very core of Islam says that you shouldn't. This is an especially tough struggle for western Muslims.

Islamic scholars have written a ton of material on this very topic.


Is that any different to the fundamentalist or devout Christian believer who also bring their faith into politics? Aren't there in the Muslim faith just like in the Christian faith more "moderate" views who allow for a pluralistic society with seperation of church and state?
Is that any different to the fundamentalist or devout Christian believer who also bring their faith into politics? Aren't there in the Muslim faith just like in the Christian faith more "moderate" views who allow for a pluralistic society with seperation of church and state?

Of course there are moderates in Islam. I don't believe I said otherwise. I can't speak for all Muslims worldwide but the moderates I know also struggle with the separation of church and state, despite many of them having been raised in already pluralistic societies like the US and the UK. Indeed I think it is probably more difficult for them because they already enjoy the benefits of separation, whereas someone living in Saudi Arabia does not and can only speculate.

I think even a moderate Muslim American President would find it very difficult to navigate the tension between these two concepts as they are right now, especially on the world stage. I have no doubt that that will change as Islam develops as a religion. Compared to Christianity and Judaism it is still a young faith, and has not yet gone through the kind of Reformation, Enlightenment-type upheaval as Christianity has done. Actually I think it may be going through that now. Fascinating times. I wish I were still in Saudi to talk to people first-hand, and see it for myself. Really, it was all over once the Saudis all started to get satellite dishes. :D
Of course there are moderates in Islam. I don't believe I said otherwise.

I didn't mean to imply that. If I did, I apologize.

I was just asking your opinion, so thanks for answering this. Growing up in Germany there were a lot of immigratants and temporary workers from Turkey. Some of them moderate, some of them not so moderate.

One of my closests friends was dating a guy from Iran, she ended up studying and graduating in Arabic language and culture. It made for some very interesting conversations (and actually some really good food :D - yummy) and she always stresses that in her opinion that there is a huge struggle between the moderates and fundamentalists. She also says that most Muslims do not support violence and what Al Queda stands for.

It is always enlightening to hear different views. Thanks again!
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*snicker* - Good point!

Someone on CNN said the other day that, in regards to Obama's victory, Pelosi "already has her back up" but is waiting to see how they mesh. I haven't heard any congratulations from her but, if it's true that she plans to be an impediment within the party, I think Obama will run her over. She's too far left and everyone's fed up with extremism so, if there's a showdown (really, what IS her problem, anyway?) I'm certain she'll regret it because nobody will take her side.
Not sure why Pelosi would have her back up. Obama is pretty far left as well, so I would think there would not be an issue. His Chief of Staff is also far left.

Of course in Illinois the Democrats are always fighting with each other, which is why nothing is getting done and our state is in shambles....and yes I know, before that was good ole George, a Republican now in jail.
Here Israeli analyst provides a detailed comparison of Obama to Michael Jackson:

I am not sure where the detailed comparison of Michael Jackson to Obama is, aside from one sentence. Boy, that's a really serious piece of analysis. Anything that starts with "Whether or not Hussein Obama is elected president or not ......" we already know which direction that goes. Nevertheless I did read it. There is a lot to say about this guy spreading falsehoods but I will leave it at that: Whoever wrote that piece clearly is a xenophobic. Good grief!!!!!

And since there has been so much worry about Israel in a Obama presidency, I guess everyone can breath a sigh of relief. His new chief of staff, Rahm Emanual, is Jewish and a staunch supporter of Israel. I guess it depends on where you stand if you would consider Rahm Emanuel far to the left. Most independent and non-partisan analysis have concluded that he is a centrist, although he has a 100 % voting record of being pro-choice.

And I am just curious since it was questioned before how many of us would have called it a historic event if Sarah Palin had been elected VP. I wonder how much celebration was for the historic event of having the first female Speaker of the House a couple of years ago? Just sayin' !
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Regardless of who you voted for, this is very sweet. It's nice to have the whole world pulling for you and celebrating with you. :)

And we could certainly use some goodwill around the world. In the last 8 years, the reputation of the US has taken quite a beating internationally (mostly due to our actions).
That is just a stupid article. How many of you would even answer to your middle name, so right there the Hussein Obama thing was just there to slam. The future Chief of Staff is Jewish, so the whole thing makes no sense. I also do not believe for a minute those who think Obama is not a US born citizen. I don't like his politics, but some of these rumors are just plain ignorant.

I have read some disagreeable articles that black people only voted because of Obama running and they normally would not vote. To that I say, I understand it. And maybe once people who have never voted before have now voted, they will continue. Our voting percentages in this country have been a bit pathetic especially compared to other countries. It was actually very heartening to see this election bring out people and I hope that they continue to vote. Voting is our right, and more people need to see that and take advantage of it.

I for one cheered for Condoleeza Rice. I really, really like her, and it is too bad she does not want to go further in politics.
And maybe once people who have never voted before have now voted, they will continue. Our voting percentages in this country have been a bit pathetic especially compared to other countries. It was actually very heartening to see this election bring out people and I hope that they continue to vote. Voting is our right, and more people need to see that and take advantage of it.

I for one cheered for Condoleeza Rice. I really, really like her, and it is too bad she does not want to go further in politics.

I agree that the voter participation in the US is pathetic. And even in this election it was only 4 million more votes cast than in 2004 :( bringing it to a measly 61.7 %.

I just keep thinking maybe it has something to do with election day always being on a Tuesday, most people have to work. But with all the early voting and possibility of absentee ballots it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Other countries usually designate the weekend as election days and it usually is a couple days, not only one day.

I like Condi Rice, I don't necessarily agree with her views but she is a class act and I admire her greatly.
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My co-worker is from Sri-Lanken and I swear she is more patriotic than most. She actually took the day off, had people over to watch the election. She cannot vote, but she does not understand why people would not register and vote here. Sri Lanken's government is fairly corrupt, and she sees much to be admired in the US. Something we don't always see because we live here. We should be thankful.
There are so many good posts here. I have been reading for over an hour and still haven't caught up but I had to post.

First, you can't throw money at problems. Let's look at sports. The NY Yankees have the highest payrolls and can't win the world series...or even get into it lately. The Tampa Bay Rays have one of the lowest payrolls and were in it.

At Syracuse U, basketball coach Jim Boeheim is the highest paid employee there. He makes more than the college president!! How come so many scholarships are given to athletes to throw a ball into a basket yet hardworking "B" average students have to take out loans to go? However, do I want the govt stepping in and saying how the school should spend their money? No.

I live and teach in a school district that was again named in the top 200 in the nation. We as teachers work very hard. Do all of us? No, of course there are some who slack off. Unions have made it nearly impossible to get rid of them.

Also, why is it that we can vote on our school budgets but not on the state or federal budgets? School budgets have no pork spending though many people think they do. A majority of school spending is on special education because of all of the federal mandates. Most school districts spend close to $75,000 per year per special education pupil. I have no problem with that but then why aren't the regular education students getting their fair share? And why can't I get pens??

As for welfare, my family has a business that is now in a "bad" section of town. It has been there for 80 years and is not relocating. When I go there I see lots of people sitting outside on their porches hanging out all day while my family works. Why can't the men of these families go to work? How come they all have satellite tv while I have to suffer with the cheapest cable? They know how to work the system. Unfortunately the govt can't afford to hire enough people or pay them well enough to check on the fraud.

Another thing about welfare. Why can the kids get free/reduced breakfast AND lunch. Welfare doesn't give them enough to buy a box of cereal, milk and bananas for breakfast and bread and peanut butter and jelly for lunch? So the only meals they have to provide are dinner. These poor welfare kids usually have the best clothes and shoes. And in one school in our area they all got free coats from a national program.

As far as healthcare for the poor in NYS they have it pretty good. I heard from a friend who is an ambulance worker that they got a call to bring a patient to a hospital an hour from where we are. When they got there she got out of the ambulance and thanked them for hte ride. She needed a ride to get there to go clubbing! Meanwhile, I had to wait over an hour for an ambulance at the hospital to get transferred to a bigger hospital because I was about to deliver our daughter 9 weeks early. Once the ambulance arrived I had an hour ride. I was in the ambulance and the baby was ready. I was told to and I quote, "Do not push, hold that baby in if you want it to survive." True story!

Sorry for the long post but I just had to get that off my chest.
There are so many good posts here. I have been reading for over an hour and still haven't caught up but I had to post.

First, you can't throw money at problems. Let's look at sports. The NY Yankees have the highest payrolls and can't win the world series...or even get into it lately. The Tampa Bay Rays have one of the lowest payrolls and were in it.

At Syracuse U, basketball coach Jim Boeheim is the highest paid employee there. He makes more than the college president!! How come so many scholarships are given to athletes to throw a ball into a basket yet hardworking "B" average students have to take out loans to go? However, do I want the govt stepping in and saying how the school should spend their money? No.

I live and teach in a school district that was again named in the top 200 in the nation. We as teachers work very hard. Do all of us? No, of course there are some who slack off. Unions have made it nearly impossible to get rid of them.

Also, why is it that we can vote on our school budgets but not on the state or federal budgets? School budgets have no pork spending though many people think they do. A majority of school spending is on special education because of all of the federal mandates. Most school districts spend close to $75,000 per year per special education pupil. I have no problem with that but then why aren't the regular education students getting their fair share? And why can't I get pens??

As for welfare, my family has a business that is now in a "bad" section of town. It has been there for 80 years and is not relocating. When I go there I see lots of people sitting outside on their porches hanging out all day while my family works. Why can't the men of these families go to work? How come they all have satellite tv while I have to suffer with the cheapest cable? They know how to work the system. Unfortunately the govt can't afford to hire enough people or pay them well enough to check on the fraud.

Another thing about welfare. Why can the kids get free/reduced breakfast AND lunch. Welfare doesn't give them enough to buy a box of cereal, milk and bananas for breakfast and bread and peanut butter and jelly for lunch? So the only meals they have to provide are dinner. These poor welfare kids usually have the best clothes and shoes. And in one school in our area they all got free coats from a national program.

As far as healthcare for the poor in NYS they have it pretty good. I heard from a friend who is an ambulance worker that they got a call to bring a patient to a hospital an hour from where we are. When they got there she got out of the ambulance and thanked them for hte ride. She needed a ride to get there to go clubbing! Meanwhile, I had to wait over an hour for an ambulance at the hospital to get transferred to a bigger hospital because I was about to deliver our daughter 9 weeks early. Once the ambulance arrived I had an hour ride. I was in the ambulance and the baby was ready. I was told to and I quote, "Do not push, hold that baby in if you want it to survive." True story!

Sorry for the long post but I just had to get that off my chest.

I'm all for helping people who need it and we need to figure out how to do that responsibly. I've had similar experiences, teaching kids on free and reduced lunch yet everyday they came in with name brand new clothes on and one of my students would not have ever considered wearing anything that wasn't a particular name brand (expensive too). I've had children on free/reduced lunch who talk about all the expenseive entertainment and games they own. One parent even called me to ask me to get back her child's $50.00 X Box (I'm so not up on this so it could have been some other box) game that was full of violence and rated for Mature and this child was in kindergarten and I had repeatedly told him/his parents not to let him bring to school. Apparently he let another student on the bus take it home and "borrow" it. I could go on and on and I realize not everyone treats the system this way. I'm just relaying my experiences with it.

There has to be somewhere we can meet in the middle and I'm not saying I know what the answer it.

I know the issues are endless, but we do have a lot to be thankful for. Just visiting or talking to others who live elsewhere reminds me, that despite our many and varied problems, we have it so good here in America. We also do a lot of good and we are NOT just messing up everywhere. The media's job, unfortunately is to put their biased spin on everything and to report the worst news they can find. The media needs to report fairly without the spin and include the good America is doing along with all the bad.

I will continue to pray for our new president and his staff, our governement, his/our protection and wisdom to find and implement some of the answers we need to these pressing issues.

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