Art Carey fell in love with you


Hi Cathe,

I've just read Art Carey's article about you two exercising, he is great about you !
This is too funny :7
Here's a link to his article for all to enjoy:

I would have liked it better if he had told the world how great your videos are, but at least you came off as a terrific person and definitely no "moron"!

I didn't know you spoke German. Meantime I've been here in Germany for three years and still can't get my brain wrapped around that grammar. I don't suppose you could make a "Learn German with Cathe" video? I'd even be willing to do low-ends while practicing...

Thanks Fitness Priestess!!! --Karen
Stop! Think about what you're asking! Oh the pain! Aren't they painful enough in English? It reminds me of that Dustin Hoffman movie with Lawrence Olivier as the German dentist -"Is it safe?" Torture (which of course we would all pre-order):) :)
What a fabulous article!!!

Cathe, I'm so proud of you! He literally GUSHED over you. Gushing, of course, is contagious when it comes to you. I smiled the entire time while I read the article. You really kicked his butt...with grace, intelligence and dignity of course. Way to represent!!!!! You are all class, with spunk to spare!
:) Thanks for the great article! It sounds to me that Cathe proved her point to Art that she is not just another hard bod, pretty face, who hasn't got a clue about exercise. You proved Art wrong Cathe, way to go!
Way to go Cathe!

My favorite piece: "rhythmic squats with a barbell, and something especially cruel and incinerating called "low ends" - slow, sustained reps at the bottom of the squat."

LOL! Oiy I can feel them right now. ;-)
I smiled the whole time reading this too! What a great article!

My favorite part:

"After five minutes of "warming up," I was drenched and panting, barely able to speak. "I'm not even warmed up yet," Cathe confided, terrifying me."

I'm so glad he was so sore the next day! See, this whole thing had a happy ending. Lemonade was made out of lemons. The first article was not too nice, but if he never wrote that, he would have never heard about Cathe and this great article about her would have never
been written. Now everyone can read about how wonderful Cathe is!!!



Dear Cathe,

You are so awesome and inspiring! I read the latest article regarding your workout with Art Carey and I chuckled the whole way through. Not only was Carey so impressed by your athletic ability but your down-to-earth style, humility, humor, and graciousness. I appreciate the example you provide for me and the rest of us exercisers!

Thank you!
Dawn :0)
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Cathe, that is so awesome!!!!! I grinned from ear to ear reading that article!! Woo hoo!!!!! :7 :7 :7

Like everyone else has said....Way to go Cathe!! I couldn't help smiling through his article either. It was nice to be able to read about the workout from both Cathe's perspective and Art's. I think Cathe was being nice in her recap about how well he was able to keep up. ;)

I'm an even bigger Cathe fan than I was before, if that's possible.
Cathe,it's great to see yet one more person drawn in by your wonderful personality! You are such an inspiration and hopefully this article will get others to take a chance and try you out! They won't be disappointed! Stay strong-Susan
Way to go Cathe!

Sounds like Art was very impressed! I got the feeling that he does NOT think videos are so easy any more. }(

Great article!

Bev K.

Way.....To...... Go !!!!!!!!!! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Why is it Art Carey reminds me of an ex cast member of Coronation Street ????????????? :eek:

Anna :)

The Art Carey article proves what I tell everyone and anyone who will listen, that you (Cathe) are totally awesome. You are definitely one of a kind. You are totally down to earth - reachable - You showed everyone that you take your fitness instructions and videos to the highest degree.

I am proud to say that I own all of your videos (most I own 2 of for my cottage) and I own all of your DVD's. If it wasn't for your vidoes I wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have, since doing your videos for the last 8 years.

My sister came over last week so I could set her up on a program using your videos - she was overwhelmed with you. I hope I hook her in to you , too.

Keep up the good work,

OH Wonderful article! I too smiled the whole time. I KNEW that he would love you Cathe.

BTW DawnA that movie with Dustin Hofmman and Sir Lawrence was Marathon Man...

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