Art Carey fell in love with you

I absolutely love this article! I printed it out to show people to still doubt home exercise videos can work!!!!
I absolutely loved the article! I'm really pleased that he honestly shared his experience working out
with you, Cathe. I think he got what he truly was looking for. That not all exercise videos on the market
are easy.

Good for you, Cathe! :) Lorrayne
Great job Cathe!! I knew there was no way he could write anything bad about you. Thanks for educating Art and other people that exercise videos can be serious workouts. I giggled when I read the "low end" comment.


Hi Cathe!
Yes, it is true that the Artster did fall in love with you and actually told me so in his e-mail to me the other day (I had e-mailed him saying that I was impressed that he was open-minded enough to reconsider his comment that exercise videos are made and done by "morons.").

Still, there are a few things that bother me about his article. He made minimal mention of your videos/dvds. I wonder if he even looked at them.

I also like the part about why he thinks you have no future together, especially when he says you are fast-twitch and he is slow-twitch. What I think he really means is that he is slow, and your workout made him twitch.

Congratulations, Cathe!
RE: Hmmmm

Abbe I love that last line! :7

Way to go, Cathe! I'm so pleased to see this article- I printed it to bring to work and show my co-workers and my patients!

(I'm a dental hygienist)

RE: Hmmmm

Way to go Cathe!

I am just smiling very wide as I read this! You are THE best. I live in Vancouver, BC and I hate to say it but I don't know of anybody else that knows you! I spread the word as often as I can.

Keep on keepin' on, Cathe!

Hi Karen! I had to chuckle when I read what you wrote about getting that German grammar. I grew up speaking a German dialect (which was not so grammar sensitive) so when I got to high school thinking I could breeze through German classes, boy was I in for a rude awakening. High or proper German is a lot tougher than I thought and while I did well in every other part of that class, I struggled through the grammar end of it:)

Guten Tag!
RE: Hmmmm

Hi Abbe! You're last comment is funny! Btw, he did say that he viewed some of the videos I gave him after we met. That was about a week before the article was printed so I don't know how many he viewed by the time he actually wrote his article.
RE: Hmmmm

Push-ups off the bumper of your truck!! I would have given anything to see that. You are so cool Cathe.

Hi Cathe

It's good to hear that Mr. Carey did view your videos; it's also good to know that he used his post-workout recuperation time productively and in a way that would allow him to simultaneously rub on Ben-Gay.

There's no one in the world who could have had this effect on him, except you, Cathe! He couldn't help but love you---you are truly special in so many ways.
E-mail response I received from Art

Hi Cathe,

Just thought you'd like to see the response that I got from Art when I e-mailed him to question why he didn't mention your videos in the article:

Dear Amy,
I did look at her videos, and Cathe's performance was awesome. I can't imagine even attempting one of her pyramid workouts, at least until my sore buns heal.
Best wishes,
Art Carey

Way to go, Cathe!
RE: E-mail response I received from Art

Cathe - all I can say is "YOU GO GIRLFRIEND"! That is the Cathe we know. Now he knows what us "morons" endure every single day in the comfort of our own home! Thanks to the one and only Cathe!!!!!

We love ya'!

p.s. PLEASE don't ever stop making videos!

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