Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?


New Member
I started using videos like Cathe's and the firm, and I still don't have any weights. I'm never gonna see any results without the weights. I have ABSOLUTELY no money to buy any either.
So I was wondering if anybody that doesnt need their smaller weights(3,5,8 #) would be willing to help a youngster out.
My email is [email protected]
PWEEZE!!! :'(

What state are you in? I'm in Nj! I have old sand dumbells from Bollinger that came with weight tree to put them on--3s-5s-8's---you can have them! Also Check out weekly ads--Sports authority has a .10 sale on weights a couple times a year! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Also see if there is a play it again sports store in your area. You may find cheap weights there.

One other suggestion, this is a great time of year for yard sales. People will practically give away weights in a yard sale.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 11:04AM (Est)[/font][p]I want to give you the benfit of the doubt and hope you are true to who you say you are, but I want to warn other readers to be careful about sending something to people who beg for items on the internet. Does anyone remember Candygirl from the old FIRM forum who posted she was overweight and deserately wanted FIRM tapes but could not afford them. About 15 people sent her tapes and it turned out she was scamming on other websites also begging for tapes. I admit I was one of the foolish ones who took sympathy on here and sent her a tape. I felt so dumb after words. But I feel for a small amount of money I learned a very important lesson to not send items to a stranger from the internet. She took advantage of kind people and many of us from the forum felt really used.

Again, I don't mean to offend this person who posted but I don't think it is appropriate to come on here asking people to mail you something for nothing in return. There are other ways to get dumbells. If you can afford the Cathe tapes, then I'm sure there are other resources you can use to get dumbells.

I agree with the suggestions to look for sale ads for sports stores, yard sales, second hand shops, even contacting a gym about buying their old weights.

I agree with Mari that it is not appropriate to ask for freebies on this forum in this manner. We all have our own budgetary restraints. Each must make do as best she (sorry Trevor et al!) can and solve these issues in a private way. This is not the place. Just because we are older, does that make us rolling in money?!?!?!

Also there is an almost identical post today at the Joyce Vedral board. Only thing different is the email address and this person says they are starting out with Joyce and Firm videos.
Well, unless you know me you really can't make judgements about me. I can't even afford Cathe tapes, the only ones I have been able to do are the ones I rented from the library. And no, I live in the country, I've asked my mom time and time again to buy me a few weights but she deosnt care to listen. Right now, I've been using lousy soup cans for weights. And no I am not Candygirl, I'm sorry you got scammed by that person, but that doesnt mean that i'm one too.
I live in Oklahoma and would be willing to pay for the shipping cost. At least that way I know they can get to me directly, I dont really have other means to getting to other places
And btw I never said anybody here was "rolling in money". I'm only looking for a few weights to get started besides my homemade ones. ok
Another place you can often get weights for, say, $3.00 for a pair of 3 pound dumbbells is Play it Again Sports. Do you have that store in your region of the country?

By the way, even though I have been exercising to Cathe for almost a year now, I still need my 3's and 5's. I don't think I'll ever outgrow them.
-Connie (in California)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 09:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi SomeGurl -

Do you get an allowance or have a afterschool job? It might take awhile but if you save up your money and look through want ads or even garage sales - you'll find extremely cheap weights. I found some of my dumbbells (ranging from 10 - 25 pounds) at garage sales and I just paid a total of 8 bucks for them. Save money any way you can...pool your soda money, movie money or whatever and you'll be surprised how much money you have and then you can buy your weights.

The gals are right. This isn't the place to ask for free stuff. This is a place to get inspiration and encouragement. I know how hard it is but save your money and you'll get the weights you need.
>Also there is an almost identical
>post today at the Joyce
>Vedral board. Only thing different
>is the email address and
>this person says they are
>starting out with Joyce and
>Firm videos.

Same at YaYas... with Firm, in the Swap section
Yes only the person in Ya Yas supposedly lives in Alabama. This doesn't smell right. With the cost of shipping you could buy cheap weights. And yes, milk cartons filled with sand can substitute temporarily.
"Yes only the person in Ya Yas supposedly lives in Alabama. This doesn't smell right. "

It's even the same signature with the PWEEZE at the end.
I must say, if you are willing to pay for shipping, it would be cheeper for you to go to Wal Mart and buy new dumbells. Shipping costs for something that heavy will add up very quickly.
I don't know if you are on the level or not, nor do I care. Yes, several people have been taken before my others begging for videos,equipment, and not just Candygirl. She was just the one everyone remembers. I've seen several others begging for freebies, and getting them, only to be fond out.
I'd say look into getting a part-time job, or saving up any and all money you can to get weights of your own. you will feel so much better buying your own stuff, than having begged off of others,
Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to
Ahh, Rest assured I'm getting some 5 pounds dumbbells in the mail. Yay!!!At least this is something official besides homemade stuff. Man this post is sure getting alot of replies lol. Thanks to all the people who mean well. And to the people who doubted me, then too bad, b/c I dont care either. All I need is a start and I'm satisfied with that. Yes I eventually plan to look at garage sales but until I can, I need to work with a little something
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-02 AT 07:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Marci, Don't ever feel dumb for being an honest, generous, and kind person! The world needs more people like you!
Gee, I remember when I was in HS and afterward that I worked part time and was able to slowly accumulate some exercise equipment. It felt great to be able to know that I earned the money myself. I have to completely agree with the others, I really don't understand how the shipping costs could be less than being resourceful and perusing garage sales or anywhere that might sell dumbells cheaply??

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