Anyone willing to give away Dumbbells to a broke teenager?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[/font][p]To SomeGurl,

Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3 requests (Joyce, Ya Ya, and Cathe):

See Joyce thread:

See Firm ya ya thread:

All threads have PWEEZE! All threads are almost identical except for the starting videos.

If you are or are NOT this person, then just say so! I don't like people to be taken advantage of, especially when they're just trying to be kind.

So, what's your answer? Are these other people (who either live in Oklahoma or Alabama) you?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[/font][p]To SomeGurl,

Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3 requests (Joyce, Ya Ya, and Cathe):

See Joyce thread:

See Firm ya ya thread:

All threads have PWEEZE! All threads are almost identical except for the starting videos.

If you are or are NOT this person, then just say so! I don't like people to be taken advantage of, especially when they're just trying to be kind.

So, what's your answer? Are these other people (who either live in Oklahoma or Alabama) you?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:17AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:16 AM (Est)[/font]

I am the one who posted this ORIGINAL comment on the YAYA board. I live in Alabama.
I was just informed tonight of what was going on & I honestly can't believe this.

To SomeGurl:

Even if you wanted to asked a similar question you could've at least worded it differently. Now I have people that have been extremely nice to me not trusting me just because you copied my post.

There has to be a to verify the difference. Can't someone check our IP addresses or something. I even posted mine before she(??) did.

God this has to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever done.
Hey CCluvsbsb,

Thanks for taking the time to respond! I agree with you that this is a dumb thing for someone to do x( . I hope you found what you were looking for on the Ya Ya forum.

Theresa :)
Benefit of The Doubt

I've been in contact with Somegurl. I choose to trust that she is sincere about wanting to engage in a fitness program. I just can't go through my life, personally, not trusting my gut and heart. Some of us have just been more blessed than others and I intend to pay it forward whenever I can. Enough said...I chose to help her out with tapes.

Anyone else feel open and trusting today? Please I'm not preaching or telling you to believe her. Just follow your gut.

RE: Benefit of The Doubt

i am a lurker, but I read alot. Yes, doing good IS good, but Hardbodie and Somegurl are the same person (do a check for hardbodie on and look at her email address in her profile)
Hardbodie is SELLING some things at other sites and ASKING if she can buy things from other people,but she is also posting that she is a teen who needs weights for free...
These two names have the same email address.
Thanks for The Heads Up's good that we have so many people who can let us know when we are being had. It never ceases to amaze me how many duplicitous people will take advantage of others who are willing to help out. When I did not get a response to my second e-mail, I became suspicious. I guess this person doesn't have any concept of how we regulars will protect each other.

Over at VF once, one of our own's apartment burned and her whole fitness collection with it. Many of us went through our collections and all but replaced her lost collection. I will never forget how many of us stepped up to the plate to help a total stranger. (PS..her apartment fire WAS confirmed).

Still lookin' for the good,

What the heck would they do with them

I must be pretty thick headed but here his my?

What on earth would someone do with used fitness videos and dumb-bells and inexpensive sports equipment if they were not gonna workout with it???????

I never get things like I should I'm too trusting I guess.


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