Anyone else think that Sarah Palin resembles....

Well I don't know if she looks like Cathe at all, but I LOVE her! What a breath of fresh air! And I think she demonstrated a great deal of class in view of how the left wing nut jobs have tried to savage her.

I knew I could count on you Michele to make me feel like I wasn't the only right wing nut job left on this board!!! :eek: I loved her too! And I've been on a number of Democratic sites that have called her a who$e and a bunch of other names that I will not repeat, so the name calling is definitely not contained to just one party! :cool: I think I actually threw up in my mouth a little yesterday when I read one blogger say she should be at home with her children, not running for VP. Sexism anyone???
I read one blogger say she should be at home with her children, not running for VP. Sexism anyone???

Regardless of whether I like her or not, I got in an argument with my grandmother the other day about this same thing. No one would even consider making comments like this about a man in the same situation.
Edited to add: Both sides do their fair share of name calling, which is why I'm going to stop watching the media coverage of all of this. I can't stand the nastiness, the hypocrisy, the lock-step thinking some display, and I don't want to be manipulated. I'll stick to the facts and go from there.

ITA. My goodness, there is all kinds of hypocrisy and revisionist history going on, from both sides. On the left you have people asking, with a straight face, "can she handle being VP and a mom?" a question that tends to make their heads spin around when it's a Democratic woman asked that question. And on the right we have folks claiming that it's sexist to ask that question, when the right has, in the past, absolutely eviscerated woman like Hilary Clinton, who aggressively went after a career while raising one child, never mind five! Not to mention the fact that all of a sudden people's reproductive decisions are suddenly a private family matter, and no one else's business. This from people who have been butting into other people's private reproductive choices, from abortion to contraceptive availability, for the last thirty years.

The whole thing repulses me, on both sides.

ITA. My goodness, there is all kinds of hypocrisy and revisionist history going on, from both sides.

None of this should really be all that surprising since in the end they are all simply a bunch of rich politicians who have (IMO) lost touch with the general populace long ago. Hearing someone lament of barely being able to afford 10K in music lessons and summer programs for her two children shows me just how out of it they are. Sorry, I'm just fed up with the whole thing at this point. I really did enjoy Sarah's speech though. I thought she rocked it out and it will be very interesting to see how she handles herself with Biden.
I agree with Sparrow and interested in seeing how this whole things pans out...its a freakin' circus though isn't it?
Well then, call me a left wing nut job. :p Of course, this is not an unusual Republican strategy--when all else fails, resort to name-calling. :D
By left wing nut jobs, I am referring to the blogosphere -- the Daily Kos, Huffington Post, etc ;) . Talk about Satan!
Sparrow, once again, I agree with much of what you said (except that I DO love Sarah). Why don't YOU run! :D
NO! Please NO! This woman is downright scary. I couldn't even listen to her I found her so frightening. As far as I am concerned she can keep her personal beliefs to herself and not try to hammer me with them. Creationism? You gotta be kidding. If that is your belef fine but it is not mine. Banning books? Firing librarians? What century is this woman living in. And lets not even get into reproductive rights. She certainly doesn't speak for this woman!
Possibly an older Monica Louwenski?

I'm not big into politics but what I have heard doesn't sound bad to me. I like how she came out sassy. That's me though - no flame throwers.
NO! Please NO! This woman is downright scary. I couldn't even listen to her I found her so frightening. As far as I am concerned she can keep her personal beliefs to herself and not try to hammer me with them. Creationism? You gotta be kidding. If that is your belef fine but it is not mine. Banning books? Firing librarians? What century is this woman living in. And lets not even get into reproductive rights. She certainly doesn't speak for this woman!

OK,that's the first I've heard of that. Told you I didn't follow politics. Guess I better do my research before I hit the polls!!
As much as I may get pummeled for saying this....I do think there is a difference between being a mom and being a dad. There are different feelings involved. And your children act differently towards "mom" or "dad" as well. I always seek out my mom for comfort or healing.

I would also be uncomfortable bringing my family under such scrutiny and the public eye with so much going on.

On the other hand, I think it's tremendous to have someone so high up in the White House fighting for Downs Syndrome issues...
Sparrow for Prez!!!!

Michele and Al, you guys are too funny! I could never get involved in high-level politics, I'm too crabby and besides I have a short attention span. Someone would be talking up some important legislation on the floor and I'd be in my seat with my MAC booted up, posting on the Cathe board. :D

I do like the "hero" angle though...can I get a cute outfit? With a pink cape? :D

NO! Please NO! This woman is downright scary. I couldn't even listen to her I found her so frightening. As far as I am concerned she can keep her personal beliefs to herself and not try to hammer me with them. Creationism? You gotta be kidding. If that is your belef fine but it is not mine. Banning books? Firing librarians? What century is this woman living in. And lets not even get into reproductive rights. She certainly doesn't speak for this woman!

It's probably the fact that she scares the crap out of liberals that makes me like her so much. ;)

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