Anyone do Cathe workouts barefoot?


If so, why do you and have you have any negative reprocussions from doing so?

I'm thinking about trying HiiT Pyramid Wave with no shoes and maybe Travel Fit.

Thanks a bunch.
I workout without shoes a lot of the time, and I've never had a problem. The only times I always wear shoes are for workouts with heavy weights (just in case I drop one) or when I'm running. I like doing step and HiiT without shoes. It feels less cumbersome to me, I'm not sure why. :) Something about that extra weight on the ends of my legs, I guess. I've done Insanity a couple times, and I tried it with shoes because of the extreme high impact, but ended up kicking my shoes off so I could really get high on those tuck jumps! It all depends on your body. If you try it without shoes and it hurts, then put those puppies back on! :)
Hi Shereta!

I do all my workouts in my vibram 5 fingers. So..nearly barefoot! I took things a bit easy the first few workouts to get all those little muscles in my feet and ankles used to the idea.

If you're comfortable then there's no reason not to! I'd go completely barefoot but I workout on a wood floor and sweaty feet + slippery surface = broken things... :(

I prefer the way it feels - I feel more grounded and more like my body can make it's own adjustments as I go. For me...YMMV...I just felt like the "poufy shoes" were forcing my knees and hips to align unnaturally and it was bothering my knees.
I do quite a bit in bare feet. I'm always barefoot when I'm swinging kettlebells. Most of Cathe's full body weight workouts I'm barefoot also because I'm not lifting too heavy. I was doing Insanity barefoot along with Hiit from Cathe too. I do kickbox with shoes because I wear shoe irons for added weight. I wear shoes when I'm squatting heavy on my Body Solid, or I'm lunging with weights over 25 pounds in each hand.

I would be aware of your floor before you do a lot of high impact work, or until your quads, knees, calves, ankles and feet become used to working this way without shoes. Women especially are more susceptible to knee injury from high impact. There are a lot of *studies* that say one should train without shoes just for that reason, but I take studies with a grain of salt. I have a very good floor for high impact, I wouldn't workout on concrete, or on carpet over concrete either. Plus if you are lifting weights, for example lunges with a barbell on the shoulder, your floor should be slip resistant. I have little nubs on my flooring which make it nearly impossible to slip barefoot, especially so with shoes on.

I love the freedom of working out barefoot, I feel more in control in certain ways and my calves feel better after a weight workout for sure.
I do some things barefoot - some kickboxing for example. I never do anything that involves weights without shoes. Even a 5-pound weight that clips your foot when you put it down is going to hurt. I have bad knees, however, so I tend to wear shoes more often than not to ensure my feet and ankles are properly supported/aligned (squats, lunges, etc). I can't really handle anything high intensity anyway, but if I could, I would likely at least get Vibrams (I really like the idea of those "shoes"!)
I do almost all of my workouts barefoot. I really, really hate shoes! I have much better proprioception and balance barefoot. My knees and ankles actually hurt more when I wear shoes because like story1267 said, I feel like they cause my knees and ankles to align unnaturally. Plus, I feel so disconnected from the ground with shoes and it's really hard for me to do proper form with lunges and squats when I can't feel the ground. I did work up slowly though and didn't do high impact for quite awhile when I first started to build up the muscles in my feet, ankles and calves. I also workout on puzzle matts over berber carpet so I have great shock absorption and grip. My feet just need to be free!:eek:
Thanks gonnabea5 for starting this thread. I always wanted to do some indoor w/o's barefoot, but was always afraid of aggravating my knee's with high impact. I am going to give it a try today and see how it goes...

Thanks ladies for your wonderful feedback!

Yesterday, for the FIRST TIME EVER, I did TBT barefoot and MMA Boxing barefoot. Loved it! I workout on hardwood and have puzzle mats over top. It was perfect :)

Jayne, I have a pair of the KSO's because they come in my size in purple.

(I have a little thing about purple.....:p)
i do quite a bit of my weight workouts barefoot....but high impact stuff bother my feet so i wear shoes when i do those....i really want to try the five fingers tho and see how those work....b/c i love to be barefoot....i only wear sneakers when i workout and at no other time, so those would right up my alley:)
I started working out in 1980 and I have NEVER once worn shoes while doing so. If I am at a gym and they are required, it feels very strange and uncomfortable. I have not had any issues at all with my feet or knees. Interesting that working out barefoot has been a recent trend. I can't imagine it any other way!:p
I have tried the sliding disc exercises with and without shoes and IMHO I have much more control when I am barefoot.
I read at runners world site that vibram shoes are being sued because of their claim. That is so wrong!!!
Depends on the workout. Higher impact I tend to wear shoes. I have done walking workouts and kickboxing without shoes. I have also done weight workouts without shoes. Haven't tried step or treadmill workouts without shoes. I may have to try some more workouts without shoes and see how I feel.


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