Age(not that it matters!!)....


I was just curious how old (or young;-) )everyone is....and how long you have been into fitness.I am 22 and i have been exercising for 5 1/2 years.Then some before i started 5.5 yrs ago but not faithfully and i didnt keep track of it.I love it though!!
Hi Smiley2,

I am aged 31, and have enjoyed fitness since the age of 15, my enjoyment which was overshadowed at that time with anorexia. I have exercised on and off over that time. Most of my exercise lapses were while pregnant.

Anna :)
I'm 45 (46 in February) and started exercising (sporadically) in 1978. Unfortunately, this was the "no pain, no gain" era, and my daily runs up and down hills on sidewalks did permanent harm to one of my knees. I also did a little yoga and weigts, but didn't stick with it. I started weight training more consistently in 1981, after taking a class when I was a grad student. I stopped working out when I got a job, but stated working out more consistently two years later (1992), after I found that I'd gained 10 pounds in those two years without having changed what I ate. I've been pretty consistent ever since, but have gone through periods of months at a time when I got out of the habit.
I'm 39 and have been exercising consistently for just 21 months. Prior to April 2001, my idea of exercise was walking into McDonald's rather than using the drive-thru!

Donna :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Great thread! I am 29 years old and have been working out with Cathe for almost a year. I did The Firm for about 3 years, burnt out and took a much prolonged hiatus. But then I found Cathe and all of you so something good did come out of it!
I am 24 yrs old.I have been back into working out faithfully for the last 4-5 yrs.I use to work out faithfully from grade 9-grade 12.Then I got pregnat in grade 12 and stopped for a couple of yrs.
I'm 41 (almost 42!) I started using the Firm 12 years ago. Stopped, 8 years ago. Started yoga and a better nutritional plan 4 years ago. Started back with the Firm and FitPrime July 2002. Started Cathe in October 2002.
I just keep feeling better!
I'm 38. I have been a terrible yo-yo dieter my entire life. I have been so thin I was ill, and at one point 267#. I have no idea how many pounds I have gained and lost in my life. Me and Oprah! I have been constant and healthy for the last 3.5 years. I would, in my dreams, like to lose about 30 more lbs. I began with Denise Austin, went on to the Firm, and then found Cathe.
I am 50 and have been exercising consistently for 21 years! I have taught hi/lo classes for that many years, but it wasn't til I found Cathe that I feel my fitness level was knocked up to a whole new level, especially after adding in strength work. THANK YOU CATHE!!! I feel beter at 50 then I did at 40!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi I am 44 years young and have been using Cathe's Tapes for about 2.5 years. Before that Firm,Kathy Smith & Charlene Prickett. I love Cathe's Tapes I own about 26 of her tapes and they are all winners. I have always been into exercise I danced & was a cheerleader when I was younger. ( I still tap dance on Monday nites) Exercise makes me feel good. I hope I will always be fit :9

Susan G.
I'm 53. I've working out fairly consistantly since 1989, and was certified through ACE as a personal trainer last year. I've been into Cathe tapes for 4 years now! Yikes!

Just Do It! :)
Hi! I am 32 and a half years old and have been working out consistently since the age of 16. At 16 I ran and lifted. Got into the home videos when I had children. Worked out through both pregnancies. There were a few years in there where I did no weight lifting and all cardio, which I will never do again. Gotta have both.

I'm 38 and emerged from couch potato status in Spring of '99.
Started with Donna Richardson, Denise Austin & Taebo. Moved to aquaerobics and step class. Then fell off the wagon in 2001. Started back up in 2002 and found Cathe in Sep. 2002.

It's a continuing struggle to have an active lifestyle but I'm determined to keep trying.

TMI I know...
~~ Sharon ~~
What a neat way to get to know each other better.;-)
I actually started with the very first Jane Fonda workout (anyone remember the record album?)
Then I discovered the Firm in 1986. I did this faithfully until I found Cathe two years ago. Just as Deborah said, Cathe took me to a new fitness level. More strength gains, muscle and much better endurance. I'm also better educated by listening to all of you on Cathe's website.

My age...A little older that Deborah and a tad bit younger than Honeybunch. :D:D

I'll be 46 in August. I started exercising in 1977, running and swimming and going on long bike rides. I started lifting weights in 1979. Started video fitness in 1987 with Kathy Smith and 1990 with the Firm and Cathe in 1995.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 06:11PM (Est)[/font][p]Okay, here's my worst fitness confession. My best friend and I used to do leg lifts to the Jane Fonda album (Yes, I remember the album, too. In fact, the thread above prompted this recollection.) while smoking a cigarette or eating a slice of Pizza Hut pizza with extra cheese (one of many slices, of course) and a real (all the sugar, all the caffeine) frozen Pepsi. Of course, we didn't even do this much consistently, as you might imagine. Fortunately, I was in my twenties at the time and it didn't show (yet). We actually felt quite virtuous for doing this once a week or so.

I'm 41, now, and I began exercising consistently about three years ago and have since quit smoking (7 years ago), cleaned up my eating habits, and lost nearly a hundred pounds. I discovered Cathe less than a year ago, and I'm hooked. I've learned a tremendous amount about fitness through this forum, and I've also received an incredible degree of support, the quality of which I'm not sure I could find anywhere else.
I'm 47 and have been a home vidiot with increasing consistency (proud of that) since right after the birth of my first son in 1987. I was a bridesmaid while still feeling post-partum chunky and overheard another (much younger) bridesmaid raving about The FIRM Vol. 1 with Susan Harris. I ordered it immediately and was hooked (I still like Vol. 1 -- I know most people can't stand Susan Harris but when I'm 85 I'll smile thinking about hearing her breathe "Now isn't this better than dieting?"). I was a devoted FIRMie through the release of the original "Variety" series, which disappointed me. I've bought several FIRM videos since then, always hopeful, but none have ever lived up to my hopes. Sometime in the early '90's I heard about Karen Voight through a friend and bought a few of her videos and liked them, but once again I found that the more videos she produced the less I liked them (or her, or both -- don't know which.)

I found Video Fitness right after it debuted, and from there found Cathe's website when it was very new, too. I ordered my first Cathe video, I believe, in 1996 and within four months I had bought all of them and was a total slave to the tiny Miss Cathe. :)

Now all my other tapes just gather dust, although I can't seem to part with them. I will always buy everything Cathe produces, and I have to say that there isn't a single Cathe video that I don't like (and I have them all, I believe). I even enjoy occasionally pulling out "Rock Bottoms" :).

I am in Cathe's debt for inspiring my dedication to fitness, my enjoyment of it and my current fitness level, which is pretty darn great if I do say so myself, despite my endless battle with the Perimenopause Ten (pounds, that is! :)) Kathy S.

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