Age(not that it matters!!)....

I'm 48. I worked out regularly up until my early 30s. I started up again with Joyce Vedral about two and a half yrs ago and have moved up to Cathe since last March.
I will be 35 on the 19th! I have been working out 5-6 days a week for 14 years. I started going to a step class that a woman started in an old school room for about a year. Then I went to the gym and fell in love with weight training. I stayed at the gym for about 3 years. We moved out in the country and I didn't feel like driving so long to exercise so I started working out at home and have been ever since(about 10 years).
Now that I've found Cathe I have no desire to go to a club! Susan
I find this a very interesting thread! I'm 37 years old (38 in March) and I too remember the Jane Fonda record with my Mom in high school. She bought it and I would do it too when she wasn't around. In college I would just run, and after I got married I would do jane and Kathy Smith. I tried Denise Austin once and only once I couldn't stand her. After the birth of my second child in 1992, I found the firm. I thought I was in good shape until I did vol 1 and I remember my butt hurt for days afterward and was hooked for about 10 years. I thought the only decent videos were by the firm. Just this past summer my friend bought this "weights tape". I had never heard of this person. It was MIS and I have have been a Cathe fan ever since. I must have over 20 of her tapes. And love each and everyone of them. Nobody compares!! i had ordered the intesity series in vhs and love them; so much that now that we just got a DVD player I'm ordering the intensity series in DVD (I want my terminator) Currently I'm selling all my Firms if anyone's interested let me know! I 've noticed alot of nice changes in my body in the last 6 months. I raved about Cathe all the time. of course I get upset when someone asks whose tapes I'm using and I tell them "Cathe" and they say "Kathy Smith?" I soon set them straight.
I find this a very interesting thread! I'm 37 years old (38 in March) and I too remember the Jane Fonda record with my Mom in high school. She bought it and I would do it too when she wasn't around. In college I would just run, and after I got married I would do jane and Kathy Smith. I tried Denise Austin once and only once I couldn't stand her. After the birth of my second child in 1992, I found the firm. I thought I was in good shape until I did vol 1 and I remember my butt hurt for days afterward and was hooked for about 10 years. I thought the only decent videos were by the firm. Just this past summer my friend bought this "weights tape". I had never heard of this person. It was MIS and I have have been a Cathe fan ever since. I must have over 20 of her tapes. And love each and every one of them. Nobody compares!! i had ordered the intesity series in vhs and love them; so much that now that we just got a DVD player I'm ordering the intensity series in DVD (I want my terminator) Currently I'm selling all my Firms if anyone's interested let me know! I 've noticed alot of nice changes in my body in the last 6 months. I raved about Cathe all the time. of course I get upset when someone asks whose tapes I'm using and I tell them "Cathe" and they say "Kathy Smith?" I soon set them straight.
Oh, (waving hands madly) I'm The Oldest!!!!

I'm 56..I have been working out regularly since 1986. I'm a bonafide Cathe-aholic. My mother started it..she was a gymnast in high school and of course, she had Jack LaLane on the tube every morning. Mum is 79 and she works out with the senior tapes and 3 pounders. She's committed - or maybe we should both be, hahahaha.

I did teach a fitness class for awhile at a Navy base - but now I work out just at home.

I'll be 40 in a few weeks (arrgh). I started exercising --- distance running -- when I was 31. Injuries forced me to switch sports, so I went from Nordik Track to stationary bike to videos and occasional rowing machine sessions. I started lifting weights, thanks to Cathe, about 3 years ago.
I am 27 years old, and I have been exercising since I was 12 (my sister who is 4 years older then me discovered aerobics and I followed in her footsteps). When I was in 9th grade, I started weight lifting at a local gym, but wasn't consistent. In my senior year of high school, our gym class was separated (boys from girls), and our gym teacher would put on exercise videos for us-Cher, Cosmo :) Anyway, I really liked them and would even come down to do more during study halls. From then, it was Buns of Steel, Jane Fonda, Cindy Crawford. During college, I did aerobics, a little weight lifting and tapes. I discovered The Firm during college and Cathe right after (in 1997). I was hooked since then (and I used to think Cher packed a punch????)
I am 27 years old, and I have been exercising since I was 12 (my sister who is 4 years older then me discovered aerobics and I followed in her footsteps). When I was in 9th grade, I started weight lifting at a local gym, but wasn't consistent. In my senior year of high school, our gym class was separated (boys from girls), and our gym teacher would put on exercise videos for us-Cher, Cosmo :) Anyway, I really liked them and would even come down to do more during study halls. From then, it was Buns of Steel, Jane Fonda, Cindy Crawford. During college, I did aerobics, a little weight lifting and tapes. I discovered The Firm during college and Cathe right after (in 1997). I was hooked since then (and I used to think Cher packed a punch????)
I am 41. I started out bicycling and doing leg exercises from a Good Housekeeping Magazine when I was 12. In high school, I ran, biked, cheerleaded and played softball. In college I did not own a car, so my legs or my bike took me where ever. I got married at 20, and my huband wanted to join a gym, so I started weight lifting and aerobics. I did not like the aerobics as much as the weights, so I continued and have always loved weights. I exercised all through both of my pregnancies, and my kids really enjoy exercise. Both are competitive swimmers, and because they love the water so much, I decided to learn to swim at 38. I took lessons, and then later joined a Masters team, so I have added swimming to the mix. This was about the time I became a vidiot also. With kids, it is just easier to work out at home.

My husband just turned 42, and is one of those people who is on the slim side. He never works out, except for a 3 month bout of Cathe last spring. He is realizing how out of shape he is and went and bought running shoes. We have a indoor track two blocks away, so he is going to go run. Let's hope he does this.
Fun thread! I am 41yrs.old (42 on the 4th of July) and was an athlete in school: track, gymnastics, and a baton twirlller with USTA...I know, I know...Ak!! Anyway, I married, had kids and homeschooled them for several years (what a blast!), looked up one day and found myself 65lbs. overweight. I too was a Firmie. I bought them when they were almost $50 a pop! I kinda got tired of hearing the intructors ask me to "internally contract" in that "sex kitten" kinda way...this aside, I am grateful to The Firm for teaching me the basics of weight training in conjunction with the cardio. I found Cathe 3yrs. ago and have lost the weight, learned a heck of allot from all of you! My favorite cardio is running( 15-20 mi a week)and kickbox ( I am certified to teach) I will always add Cathe weight and interval tapes to my cardio mix. My Husband is also a Cathe fanatic and uses the weight tapes like religion.

Debbie Dailey
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 09:56PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm 47 and have been working out since 1980. I first started with videos in 1985 when Jane Fonda came out with the "New Workout"...I have been using and collecting videos ever since. And, when I discovered Cathe in 1994, well, I own all of hers and use them the majority of the time for my workouts. Besides Cathe tapes, I am also a runner though I don't run as much as I use. I cross train running for my cardio at least once if not twice a week.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 09:56PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm 47 and have been working out since 1980. I first started with videos in 1985 when Jane Fonda came out with the "New Workout"...I have been using and collecting videos ever since. And, when I discovered Cathe in 1994, well, I own all of hers and use them the majority of the time for my workouts. Besides Cathe tapes, I am also a runner though I don't run as much as I use. I cross train running for my cardio at least once if not twice a week.

Sorry for the double post! Don't know what happened!
I'm 51 and started exercising in 1984 (almost 19 years ago!!!)but wasn't real consistent about it until about 10 years ago. You are never too old!
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
Hi, I'm 26 and while I've been lurking at these forums for the past 2-3 months, this is my first post.I've been working out for a year and a half now. I have over 40 pounds to lose, having gained these when I first came to the United States 2 years ago. Lack of exercise and a lack of awareness of the nutrition content of my food were the major culprits. The realization struck me when I went back to my home country for my wedding and everyone was just shocked instead of being happy for me. The marriage photos that came out, showed me as startlingly obese and my husband looked as though he were my son!!I look much better now, though the scale shows only a 5 pound loss.

This forum is a great motivator, and got me hooked on to Cathe's workouts. Thanks to all of you!
Hey Anna!

Sometimes, I find it hard to believe myself! I am always learning on this journey and this place has taught me sooo much. Now that you have found Cathe, trust me, you will stay committed. Have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
51. working out for 30 years. Remember Jazzercise? Remember barefooted aerobics? Remember .....LEG WARMERS????!!!!
I'm 42 almost 43 and I just started with Cathe and I'm having a ball learning her tapes.
I used to do the firm until I burned out on them.
So now I'm a new Cathe recruit and Loving it.

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