A very sad day

I am sending your whole family hugs and sympathy. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet. I truly am sorry and I hope your family can heal together. Peggy
I am so sorry for your loss. Letting go of a beloved pet is one of the hardest things to do. Mercedes was very lucky to have such a loving family!

So sorry you had to do the toughest thing imaginable for any pet owner. I have been there before, too, and know how painful a decision it is. May it bring you some comfort to know she is not suffering anymore. ((HUGS))
Oh Cynthia! I am so so sorry!!! I was just showing pictures of Mercedes that you had posted to my DH this weekend. :( She was such a beautiful girl. (((HUGS)))
{{{{{Cynthia}}}}} I am so sorry for your loss. Mercedes was such a beautiful dog and I know she was a wonderful family pet. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and I hope your good memories will be a source of comfort.
Thank you all for the kind messages and thoughtful gifts of love.
I just wanted to let you all know how much comfort they bring to me.
I've been visiting these messages several times a day. (((hugs to you all))

I was going through photos of my girl and wanted to post a few favorites.
Mercedes loved Christmas and presents (she really was my daughter!). I had a difficult hiding them because she could always sniff out new toys in the house! It was so funny. We smile today thinking about her love of new toys.
Here is her sitting next to her present Christmas morning a few years ago.
Sadly, this Christmas wasn't as joyful for her, but I will remember her happy and excited like this.


She's so adorable! I love the tongue hanging out in anticipation :) So sorry for your loss.

Take care,

I am so sorry for your loss. Even though you probably don't even know who I am, I've been praying for you and Mercedes.

I want to thank you for sharing your journey that you and Mercedes have been on together, especially these last few weeks. Your beautiful attitude will be of comfort to me when I lose my own little sweet Onyx (13 1/2 year old black lab mix).

Take care,

Oh Cynthia, I am so sorry.

I know that Mercedes crossed that Rainbow Bridge and is frolicking, pain-free and carefree, in a meadow with all her favorite treats and toys nearby. God bless her, and you and your family who loved her and gave her a wonderful life here on Earth.

Big, warm (((hugs))) to you, and to all of you who posted about the worries you have for your own beloved pets. My heart's with you all. Our Bichon, Eddie, is 13 and I know we're lucky that he's in pretty good shape at that relatively advanced doggy age.
What adorable pictures, Cynthia! You are absolutely right -- Remember your sweet girl THIS way. She wouldn't want you to be sad or hurt, and I'll bet she'd tell you these are some of HER favorite pictures, too. LOVE that tongue!!!
Aw Cynthia,

I'm been out of town since Xmas so please forgive this late reply. I'm SO VERY SORRY for your loss. :( ((((((((Hugs)))))))) to you and your family. I'm sure your mom will enjoy Mercedes' company but I know how hard it must have been to say good bye to her.

She sounded like a such a sweetie. I hope you'll find some comfort in memories of her. (((((((((more hugs)))))))))

Take care Cynthia~
I'm overwhelmed by all the loving, thoughtful messages. Thank you all from bottom of my heart.:)

Shelley, thank you for the prayers and hug your baby Onyx for me.

Tarheemom, give Eddie a hug for me to.:)

Joan, I told Mercedes to look for Grandma and to wait for me at the bridge. I will look for the two of them. I'm not sure I mentioned this, but my mother went with me to get Mercedes. It was a very special day. I often held Mercedes in my arms and told her the story of how I became her mother. She really liked that.:)
Cynthia:(:(:(:( I am so sorry:(

As soon as I saw this thread title I was tearing up:(

Hugs and prayers to you and family

I did exactly the same thing, even though I found out through Janie's thread and just now read down to this thread. Again, I am so sorry, and hugs and prayers to you and your family from me too.

I'm so sorry to hear about your baby, Mercedes. I read the post while cuddling my precious Punky and just cried as I know the pain that comes with your loss. Time will ease your pain but I know you and your family are hurting. I'm sorry.

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