A little bit about ourselves..

RE: Mariela...yo tambien soy Puertorriquena, nacida en NJ

Bueno, yo no queria decir para donde va por razones de seguridad, pero adivinaste. Mucho gusto.
I like this thread!! I sat down to quickly check the forum, and 10 minutes later, I'm still reading about all of you.
My name is Jen. I am 27 and live in Harrisburg, PA (originally from Hazleton, PA)with my husband (of almost 1 & 1/2 years-also highschool sweethearts).

I have 2 cats who think they are dogs (they growl and follow me around).

I am a 1st grade teacher and am almost done with my M.S.Ed. in Spec. Ed. My husband is a middle school teacher.

I discovered Cathe a few year ago when I ordered BodyMax-I was hooked since. I actually like doing the tapes better than taking an aerobics class at the gym.

We hope to start having children in a year or 2 (will I EVER be ready?)
Ok, I'll probably get booted off by my daughter before I finish this, but here goes...I'm 38 years old, married 18 years to a wonderful man come December. We have an almost 17 year old daughter who is absolutely the best child ever.

I have been working as a benefits specialist for the last 7 years and have just been fired from my job--yep, fired! I was told I dropped the ball on a major project & my boss didn't want someone like that working for her. Cool. I get to sit home & collect for 26 wonderful weeks. I am currently working on my MBA with a concentration in Human Resources but have always wanted to go to law school. I am taking the LSAT on December 7 with hopes of getting accepted to Rutgers or Temple to start next fall.

I've been working out with Cathe for a year now, was a firm believer before that. I live 20 minutes from Cathe's studio & hope to go there someday. I am 5'5", weigh 147 lbs. I'm hoping this time off will help me to dump 12 lbs and have arms like Cathe.

I'm loving getting to know everyone through this site!
That's really funny that you mentioned Chris Jackie, because when people come to visit and I have to show them the sights, I always point out the house where he used to live (I'm assuming he doesn't still have a place here, but hey, maybe he loves Green Bay ;))because I don't know where any of the other players live, and that house is really easy to pick out because there's a goal post in the yard!!
Hello Everyone! Susan here ;-) Well, I am soon to be 35 years old and the mother to 2 beautiful kids. Morgan will be 6 and Michael will be 3 in December. My husband,Jerry and I have been together for 13 years and married for 11. I am a stay at home Mom for the time being.
I'm 5'6, 136#'s have naturally curly/wavy brown hair and blue eyes! :) I live in northeast Wisconsin where we recently built a new home out in the country. I love reading almost as much as I love to exercise! Give me a rainy day and a good mystery and I'm in heaven! :D I have been a devoted exerciser for about 14 years. Been stepping for 14 and weight training for about 13. I "found" Cathe about 3 years ago after my son was born. She has been my idol ever since!
My goal in life is simple. Be happy, be a good role model for my kids and live life to the fullest! Stay healthy - Susan
This is a great idea! I too lurk more than I post. I will be turning 37 on Halloween. I am a Finacial Analyst for an educational software company in Phoenix, AZ. I have been married for 2 years (together for 9) to a fabulous guy who doesn't understand my video obsession but is totally supportive of it (doesn't bat an eye at all the packages from the UPS guy!)

I have an wonderful 18 year old stepson who just started at the UofA so I am crossing my fingers that he makes it through the first year.

I have always been pretty active but with sitting in front of a computer all day, I really need to start watching my diet. That's my biggest downfall right now.

I have picked up so much incredible information, not just fitness-related from everyone that I just wanted to say a big thank-you!
Hi guys!!

Well, my name is Janice and I am from Phoenix. I am 26 years old and work in claims/insurance. My mom is my boss and we have a great relationship so that is cozy and unique!! My husband, whom I have only been married to for less than one year (yes, we are newlyweds!!:), is now pursuing a career in law enforcement and actually found out today he got the job!! YEAH!!

We don't have kids yet (hopefully never, but don't tell my husband) and we enjoy working out together on days in which I don't act like a slavedriver. We are exact opposites but complement each other nicely. I enjoy spending time with my family..namely my sister and her 3 children.

I worked in a gym for seven years and have been interested in fitness since high school. I have to say that it is probably my only real "hobby". I read all the books I can about it and love looking up stuff on exercise physiology or anatomy. Went to college for 3 years to become a registered dietician but never finished due to moving away from the college and financial constraints. Nutrition is another passion of mine. Hope to one day be able to complete my degree if I can get through the chemistry!!

I also love to watch detective type shows like New Detectives or Forensic Files, you know, all those shows on TLC and Discovery (my favorite channels).

I have gotten four other people at my work into Cathe and they now email me everyday to tell me whether they will be "in class" at noon. Some of them are coming along quite nicely. One even thinks IMAX is fun now!!!!

It is nice to hear about all of you as well. However, does anyone know how to view all the posts on this thread or do you have to click on each seperately??


What a fun idea! It's so nice learning about all your interests and a little about each of you. What a neat group of people! My name is Linda and I am fairly new to this Forum, but it's something I love to read a few times a week!!

I am 52 yrs. old, I've been married for 30 years to a terrific guy. We have 2 daughters,Jill, 25, and getting married in March 2003. and April, 23 and she made me a grandma to 3 yr old Preston. MY JOY!!!

I work at the Post Office for 32 years. (No jokes, please) :) I have been working out like forever--since before the old Jane Fonda Videos--and also own over 225 Fitness Videos. It's been fun. Iam 5'9" and weigh 150. Hope to lose 10-15 lbs soon.
We are involved in our Church--love to have friends over to play cards or games--I am an avid reader. Oh well...enough already!!:)
Linda :)
Hey, I think this is a great idea. I am 38, married for the 2nd and last time, an ICU/CCU RN. I have 4 teenagers at home, 2 boys 19 and 19, and 2 girls, 17 and 16. My DH is a nurse, also. I live in Texas. I've lost 21 lbs. this year thanks to ww and Cathe's work outs. I love the forum and all the great people I meet through it. Thanks to all!
RE: This is a great thread!

I love Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy! I'd love to be on Jeopardy someday, and I may get my wish since I wished for Paul McCartney tickets and got them!

Just Do It! :)
Yeah, instead of clicking on the post, click on VIEW ALL in under the post.This as been fun , it was like meetinf 70 new people all at once.
I to have brown hair, with highlights.And it is very naturally curly.I fought the curls all my life but then I decided to stop.You can only iron your hair so many times.My little girl doesn't have 1 curl.It is sraight and blonde.
I have green eyes( cats eyes) and I am almost 5'4" and weigh 125.My pre prgnacy weight was 118.i don't think I will every see that again.
RE: Mariela...yo tambien soy Puertorriquena, nacida en NJ

My husband was stationed there before we met. He has good memories.

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Hi Cathe Clan: My name is Linda,I will be 46 next month.I guess you can tell by my username that I am a nurse.I have 3 children:27,26 and 15.I also have 3 grandchildren and a new and improved husband of 2 years.I became a Cathe follower 3 years ago.I am a brunette and am 5'4" and weigh 134.I'm trying to lose 14 more pounds.I live in Cow Hampshire near the beach.Its great hearing a little about everyone.
Hi Everyone,

My name is Ali. I usually lurk more than post, but I figured this was a good opportunity to thank everyone for all of the wonderful information and advice I have gotten from this board.

I am 30 years old and married for 5 years. I work as a product marketing manager for Latin America in a financial services company. I have my MBA and an MS in international business studies and speak Spanish fluently. I met my husband when I was living in Mexico and he later joined me in Miami. We moved to NY about 2 yrs. ago and each winter I start to look for jobs in Miami!!!! We don't have any children yet.

I have been exercising, mostly classes at the gym for 15 years. I have recently started getting into the home videos and quite honestly I find Cathe's videos a lot more challenging than any of the classes I go to at the gym. I was overweight as a child, runs in my family, until I discovered the wonderful world of aerobics. I am usually sitting in meetings or at my desk all day, so it has been wonderful for me. It is also a great stress reliever!

I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone better.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-02 AT 01:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Its been great reading about everyone else on this board and thought that I should share a bit of information myself. As I only post occassionally, howver read the posts daily!!!

I am a 29 years old stay at home mom, with an 18 month old daughter, Haley. I live in Maple, Ontario, Canada which is about 20 minutes north of Toronto. 2 dogs both Yellow Labs..Maverick 2 years old..Dakota 8 months old.
I worked out quite avidly before getting pregnant in July 2000, at the gym doing step aerobics and weights. I had an awful pregancy with severe nausia for the entire 9 months, and ordered of work(dental hygienist) at just 3 months due to severe vomitting and dehydration which required frequent hospital visits. Therefore exercise was eliminated all together. I quickly packed on the pounds as all I could eat and hold down was french fries and gravy.(who knows why? ;)) I was 126 lbs pre pregnancy and by the time delivery came I was 210lbs. I delivered via.emerg c-section after 29 hours of labour as her heart rate dropped to almost 0. I became a really obsessed mom...who wanted to be with her baby 24...7...so I could not bar to part with her and go to a gym...so I convinced my DH to build me an excercise room in the basement...he not only gave me an exrecise room...but equiped it like a real gym for me...rubberized flooring, mirrord wall., tv, vcr....and all the machine possible...which motivated me to a pont..but still missing out on my old step classes...until I found Cathe....
Now my rountine is back on track...I am now down to 140 lbs...and onle 15 pounds from my goal weight!! Thanks to Cathe...I do not need to go to a gym top get in a great step class!!! Cathe rocks!!! Just started to train for my first marathon...about 5 months away...
Sorry to ramble.....
May God Bless all you Americans who have been traumitized by the recent terrorist attacks in VA. you are in our prayers!!
What a good idea!

I'm 25 (going on 26 November 1), live in Texas (near Austin). Been married 4 years August to my high school sweetheart and we have two kitties together. We plan to have kids, but waiting til DH finishes his bachelor's degree. Plans to move to NC in a couple years too - can't wait, I love it there!

I have a BS in Psych (with a minor in Art - wish I'd gone for a double major...) and a masters in Social Work. After a couple months in the field (administrative social work) I went into computers. LOVE programming and graphic design, working on getting certified with Microsoft (MCSD .NET). I'm a System Analyst for a non-profit, plus I'm trying to get my own business up and running (http://www.distinctive-by-design.com).

Discovered Cathe 2 1/2 years ago and love her! Videos are awesome and I enjoy checking in on the forum. Knee problems keep me from some of the higher impact but I can do the step videos without the step and that works really well. I've been working out since track in High School (distance runner - no more running due to knees). Like to cycle too - got into it at Indiana U, my almamater.

Constantly trying to gain some more muscle mass; currently a little underweight. I enjoy a vegan lifestyle for the most part, cheat once in a while (I admit - I am a sucker for Dunkin Donuts.)

:) kelli
Can I add on? I didn't give my stats! I am 5' 6" 130. I have hair that is so dark brown it's almost black. This was an accident because the last time I used dark brown it didn't cover my silvering temples and so, this time, I left it on too long! My eyes are brown too. I am a stay at home mom but next year I hope to start taking classes a few at a time so that I can become an RN. I want to take care of elderly patients. I live in Tucson so that's a good desire. My youngest son is 5 so I want to ease into this and do it over 4 to 6 years. Eventually, I'd like to work part time and then go full time when my nest empties. I am looking down the road, way down the road!

These forums are like a home away from home for me and I love hanging out here. What an excellent thread!

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Hey everyone,
I am 22 yrs. old,been married for 4.5 years(i know i got started young!).My husband was my boyfriend way back in first grade!We do not have any kids yet..would definitely like 3 or 4.We live in Florida.I am currently not working ,but have a cosmetology license.I am 5'8"med.length dark brown hair...and addicted to Cathe videos!She is the BEST instructor that I have ever used!I love working out too,I have been doing it since i was 15.thats all for now.

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