A little bit about ourselves..

I think I may be the oldest poster on this thread! 55 and soon to be 56. A Professor of English, with two books on Sylvia Plath and lots of articles, mostly on film and other women poets. I have been at Williams College for 29 years and was the first woman hired in the English dept. here, when they decided to go co-ed. Married to a farmer. We have two sons, 20 and 18, both in college, both athletes. I have been doing Cathe tapes for many years. Love to step and bought her earliest tapes through Collagevideo.
Hi, I come to this forum everyday, but I don't post much since I am new to Cathe workouts since this past March. Even so, I feel close to the regulars and want to thank you for all the information and inspiration I've received here. Prior to discovering Cathe, I used Joyce Vedrals books for 1.5 yrs and lost 35 pounds.
Up until a few weeks ago I was only doing strength training and walking. I'm now trying to up my fitness level and started doing Tae Bo. I can't wait to order a step and more Cathe dvds next week. I have 2 boys - a high school Jr. and a Sr. Between homecomings, senior pics, announcements etc., I had to hold off ordering for a bit.
I am 48 yrs. old, married for 18 yrs. and live in Michigan south of Detroit. I work part-time as an x-ray tech/mammographer. I am 5'8 and about 130#. My hair is highlighted and shoulder length - but at tomarrows hair session hopefully I'll get it cut way shorter - can't stand lengthy blowdry time.
I would love to go on a Cathe road trip as some of you suggested last week. I'm gonna work hard so I can keep up with you pros in her class.
Well this went on longer than I thought - bored you enough.

Hi Smiley2,

What does a cosmetology license mean ? Sorry, I am from the UK and hold qualifications in Beauty Therapy.

Sorry Everyone,
I forgot to describe myself - I have very wavy dark brown hair with blonde and caramel highlights running through it (verging on curls if I really zap it with the diffuser !), blue eyes, and Spanish runs through my Dad's side of the family ( couldn't tell you how far back though). I am 5 foot 8 inches tall with BIG feet ( I have to purchase Mens sneakers/trainers). I always wear Dr Martens boots, and jeans, unless I am working out.

HI Anna,
with a cosmetology license i am able to do haircuts,chemical services for the hair,nails,skin care,makeup..ect ....prob. the same thing???
This is a great thread! Very helpful me as I've just started lurking and using Cathe tapes in the past several months.

I am 38 years old and live in South Jersey. Married to college sweetheart for 16 years with 2 children 8 and 6 yrs old. I work full time as an IT manager and the only time I can find to work out is at 5AM for an hour.

I emerged from couch potato status 3 years ago when I faced the fact that the 'baby fat' I gained with my pregnancies wasn't going to budge on its own and lost 40 lbs through diet and exercise (started with Donna Richardson's Back to Basics!)...after dealing with a couple of major life issues gained half of it back and joined a gym where I took step class for the first time.

Due to my new travel schedule I had to go back to being a vidiot :) and recently found Cathe (who I love..love..love.. but I guess that's why most of us are here!)

I love this forum and the support and information that you provide to each other. I hope to become a regular here.


PS My user name is waterbabie 'cause I love to swim and hang out at the beach (Jamaica in particular...but the S. Jersey shore is ok too :)
Well, now I'll go.
I am 43 years old and I have a ten year old son named Ian. I have been married 2 and a half years to my dream husband. We used to have a cat, but she died. Now I am taking some time off of cats.

Like Jenn1973 (hope I remembered it right!) I am a dental hygienist. I work 4 days a week, Mon thru Thurs. I live in Walnut Creek, which is sort of a suburb of Oakland, California, and is part of the San Francisco Bay area. I work about 3 miles from home. Still, mornings and evenings are a time crush.

I work out from 5 to 6 a.m. about 5 days a week. One of those workouts is later in the day on one of my days off.

I have been working out to Cathe for less than a year, but I am now in the best shape of my life. I am really looking forward to the new workouts!

Lately I have been dreaming about cats. I don't know what's wrong with me, LOL, but I just would like to borrow one some time.

I have naturally curly brown hair, but now it's overhighlighted and I'm gonna tone it down next hair session. I have the kind of hair that only looks good super short or super long. I'm now in transit from short to long. I'm getting more patient than ever! The other direction is more fun...

OK I'll quit now!
I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts, so thought I would chime in. I'm 46 years old. :-wow
I'm a trusts and estates attorney in New York (you know, helping people plan for their families and avoiding taxes after death).

I was married last year to my dream guy who has a terrific 24-yr. old son whom I adore. This is my first marriage! (My husband worked on the 97th floor of the World Trade Center. We were on our honeymoon in London on 9/11. Long story short: I have a new appreciation for life).

I was the geeky kid in gym who always got picked last for all the teams and who was always cutting gym class. But, now I actually look forward to my Cathe workouts. I still can't figure out how Cathe makes it fun, but I'm glad she does!

I'm particularly into the toys. Love my heart monitor, Novel Notion box and Troy lite barbell. Love to shop. Typical New Yawka. But now all my shopping is for fitness stuff!! :)

With 4 teens we always expect the worse and hope for the best. It's always interesting! I have enjoyed reading these posts about everyone. I don't have any friends here where I live that are into fitness. This site really motivates me to keep at it when I need motivation. We are such a diverse group of people, with so many interests, yet one thing in common. This has been such fun to read about everyone else out there.
I will add that my DH and I have a Harley and like riding on the days off. Went to a rally in Austin in May and what fun that was! Wild and crazy! I'm 5'4 and (now) weigh 131. My dream job would be to be a performer and song writer. If they had an American Idol open for my age group, honey, I'd be there! I love working out, and weight lifting is my favorite. I bulk up easy, and I don't mind those thighs and calves bulging - I think muscles are very sexy!
So glad to have all the fitness friends here.

36 until the end of this year.

I have 2 daughters - 3.5 yo and a 14 month old. No more kids for me! I love kids, but pregnancy and I don't get along too well (pre-eclampsia, etc..). I co-sleep with my 14 month old and believe in baby-led weaning (for me. Others can do as they please :)

I am happily married to a great guy - and we are both full time software engineers.

I've been exercising on and off for about 16 years, and have a goal to be my fittest ever by 40.

I have a black lab and two cats!

RE: Me...

Hi All!

Great to read all your threads - it's just taken me about 20 mins to read them all, LOL!

My name is Karen (my friends call me Kaz), I am 31 years old and live in the UK. I have been married to my soul-mate for 4.5 years (nearly lost him 2 years ago to a brain haemorrhage, so I feel doubly blessed to still have him with me!).

I am a 6 feet tall meso (large frame, broad shoulders) with long reddish-brown hair. I love working out and only discovered Cathe at the beginning of this year - what did I do before her? She is the best!

I think I must have the only reason for gaining weight whilst doing Cathe workouts as I am currently expecting our first child in January 2003! Still managing to do 5 workouts a week (with modifications!). Am anxiously awaiting the Intensity Series, and relying on these (and Cathe's other workouts, of course!) to get me back in shape after the baby.

I am a qualified Aromatherapist, Reflexologist and also practice Indian Head Massage. I work in conjuntion with my local health authority, working specifically with people who have special needs (physical/mental health challenges, learning disabilites, etc). A very rewarding occupation!

Take care all!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
RE: Me...

Nice to meet ya! Congratulations on your pregnancy and best of luck in your last trimester! Hope all has gone well so far. I found Cathe after my 2nd pregnancy and she helped sooo much!!
Take care and stay healthy! Susan
P.S Both of my babies were born in December(week before Christmas!) and I must say I loved being pregnant during the winter! It gave me 6 months to get ready for summer!;-)
I took a vacation last week and look what I missed! Well, better late than never. This is a great thread, I've enjoyed reading all about you people...very impressive!!

OK, I am 47 years old and married for the second time to a great guy named Steve who plays guitar and sings in a band--that's how I met him....website www.nightshifters.com. I have a 20 year old son who is going to college and working. DH and I are also waiting to adopt a little girl from China (like a few of us on this forum), should be travelling to China next summer some time. We are VERY excited about it! I have worked for the same company for 26 years. I supervise a Customer service call center in the managed solutions business. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats-Jackson (greyhound), Eddie (Westie) and Roy (Shih-tzu), Mojo (tabby cat), Coco, (Siamese). We live in Massachusetts, but don't hold it against us! LOL.

I have most of the Cathe tapes and can't wait for the new ones. Working out is my first and foremost hobby, then reading, crocheting, quilting(new), shopping, cooking, dining out, OK that's enough!!

Nice to meet all you awesome people!!

Donna M
Hi everybody! I have been a devoted lurker for quite some time, and I have finally decided to introduce myself to you all. My name is Heather and I am 27 years old. I am married and have two little boys (20 months and 3 months). I used to teach elementary school but stay home now full time. I have always been very active but have struggled with my weight since getting pregnant with my first. Now that I am done having kiddos (at least for a while) I am really focusing on getting back into good shape. I love my Cathe videos and find myself getting rid of most all of my non-Cathes. Nothing even compares to her. My favorite tape that I have is probably Cardio Kicks. I have already pre-ordered all her new dvds (they are my Christmas gift from my hubby). I love being on these forums and learning so much information. Everyone here is so nice and takes the time to help out "newbies" like myself. Well that's about it. Heather
Hi All!

I'm fairly new to posting around here, but I've been reading and lurking for a few months. I've been going to vf for a few years, but have recently discovered Cathe (was too scared to try her until this past July - WOW am I glad I tried!). I am 31, mother of a wonderful 2 year old boy, and live in beautiful Nova Scotia on Canada's east coast. I'm a tech writer by trade, but my loving dh and I have decided that I will stay home with our son until he goes to school if/when financially possible. I have a small home office and have done a couple contracts from home in the last year which was great (earned some Cathe DVD money!). I think these forums rock and want to say thanks to everyone for their helpful advice, encouragement and support! :)


Our attitudes control our lives. - Tom Blandi
besides my fitness interests!

My name is Francine--everyone calls me Franci Girl!(AKA "Wild Child" in high school!) I was born on 3/9/69 I'm a true pisces--(Big dreamer) I'm the youngest with 3 brothers. I live in Blackwood Nj with my husband Carson! We have 3akitas(Niko,Coty,& Natasha) 2 bearded dragons(Bruce & Leigh) & a sulcatta turtle(Zoey) who weighs 18lbs! For outdoor adventure-I enjoy riding on the Harley and taking the vet out for long rides with the top down! I love wooden rollercoasters,amusement parks,state fairs,flea markets and parades! I also play the drums and love to watch football(GO Eagles!)--- Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey Y'all!

So nice to learn a little bit about my "faceless friends!" I don't get over here too often...I spend way too much time lurking at the VF forum! Still, I've always found the Cathe forums to be lively and informative.

I'm a 47 year old public school administrator living near the mouth of the Cape Fear river on the southeastern coast of North Carolina. I'm at a curious stage of life: my 23 year old son (a senior at UNC-CH) is practically independent; however, my 70 year old mother requires more and more time and attention these days. Surely I'm overdue for a major mid-life crisis!?!?! I guess Cathe's new videos will have to do...

I'm divorced, but significantly involved. I tend to be a workaholic, and depend on my dear companion, my beagle, my jack russell, and my daily workouts to help me keep my priorities straight and my life balanced. For most of my thirties, I duped myself into thinking that a brisk daily walk was enough exercise. At 40 my doctor told me that the extra 15 pounds I was carrying at the time was a permanent fixture, thanks to peri-menopause and a slowing metabolism.

I don't know if that was a statement of fact or reverse psychology in action, but at that time I started working out in earnest, aiming for gradual improvement. At first I concentrated on generic cardio, then added weight training to the mix as I learned more and became more capable. Now, I'm crazy about cross training, and I spend ALOT of time exercising, thinking about exercise, reading about exercise, and posting about exercise! I use videos for about 75% of my activity, and Cathe's workouts are an important component of my exercise regime; I depend on her for strength training almost exclusively, and incorporate her tapes in all of my rotations.

Now things are much better in the personal fitness department, thanks to healthier habits and alot of determined sweat...Like most of you, I have many goals yet to be realized, and that's what keeps me going strong.

Hi!! I'm 35 1/2 years old. I've been married for 13 1/2 years to a wonderful man who's in the Air Force. We've been together for 16 years. We have two boys, 8 and 11. A little over a year ago we adopted a brindle Boxer.

I used to be in the Air Force -- that's how I met my husband. Air traffic control! Now, I am a stay-at-home mom for the most part. I am self-employed part-time. My older boy goes to middle school, and I homeschool my younger boy.

I've enjoyed working out since I was 18. Running is one of my favorite of activities, but I have plantar fasciitis that won't go away, and my knees and ankles will sometimes bother me now after a run. :'( That upsets me greatly.

I think Cathe has to be my favorite instructor! I need advanced stuff, and she is! My first Cathe tape was IMAX! I had that tape for at least a couple of years. I never branched out with any of her other stuff until just last Christmas when I bought her CTX series. Now, I've got nearly all her tapes. :)


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