40s + October: Nice to Meet You!

Good Evening,

Before we left for the hospital I did Cardio Leg Blast 1-6 Premix. MIL is stable balloon in heart but they are worried about her kidneys because of the dye they used, guess her kidneys are not so good. Thank you everyone for your thoughts.
Roxie, hope MIL is doing better today. Hopefully when her body gets rid of that dye her kidney function will improve. Thinking of all of you. Today did YM. I have to take DS to a leadership retreat he was chosen for, it's kind of impressive, they have community leaders, political, business, etc, meet with the kids. They have workshops every month for the year, today is the first meeting and its overnight, he's so nervous because he doesn't know anyone, I'm sure he'll do well. I hope all is well with everyone else, I'll talk tomorrow, Mary
Mary, that is awesome about DS, I hope he enjoys his time. It sounds like an amazing opportunity.
Roxie, I hope MIL improves soon.
I did a Terminator workout- a mix of CW and IMAX 2. A lot of fun step in that mix.
Good Evening,

I walked on the TM for 30 minutes before we headed for the hospital. I feel like all I did this weekend is sit but I got to spend time with both DDs and GS so not all was a waste. MIL had a spell last night her heart rate dropped and she got sick so she is still in ICU but she looked better today so hoping tonite goes well for her. She is hoping to be home in time to go to a funeral Wednesday but considering the fact she hasn't even walked yet I don't see that happening.

Mary-that is awesome for DS I hope he has fun.

Jody-good job with your workout.
Roxie, thanks for the update. ((((((((hugs))))))))

I so enjoyed my rest day yesterday. I love Sundays.

Workout today was half of AfterBurn. I'm still sore from ROKO on Saturday. Yikes. I need to do that one often.
Hello! Today did XT Legs, love that one! Roxie, how is your MIL today? I hope she's on the mend. Ronne is out having fun in Germany! I'm only going to the drug store today! Shereta, I love rest days, I need more of them, guilt sinks in. Lisa, November is Saturday! When will they be moving? You will have your house all to yourselves again! Murphy, is this the last week? You will be all done? Jody, what's new with you? Did you ever go out with that guy again? Yesterday was pretty impressive, they will be going all over the city this year. Next month he gets to go to city hall and meet the mayor of Cleveland. I think it will be a great experience for him. DD missed him terribly yesterday! Well, off to clean the bathroom! Lol! Mary
Hi Ladies,

Popping in to say Hi to Jody & Lisa and everyone else too! I ended up running the HM on the 19th and was pretty sore for several days. Saturday was a 5K at a local school. 6 More discs to go to finish up STS. I started Insanity and will be doing that in between my STS days. I'm struggling getting back in to the groove with STS. I've come this far and plan on finishing though. I did bicep curls with 55# barbell last night!

Roxie-sending hugs and prayers to your family.

Lisa-there is a 5K or 10K at the commons on Thanksgiving morning if you are interested...hint...hint. I registered for the 10K.

Happy Monday All!
Good Morning,

I did Xtrain BS CB&S wanted to do spin but my mom called this morning during my workout and messed with my flow. MIL had a better night then the night before so thats a good sign we are waiting to here what the doctor has to say.

Diana-thank you and welcome to the group. Good job on your workout and sounds like alot of running.

Shereta-thank you and good job with your workout.

Mary-t0 funny about his DS missing him. Good job with your workout that one is tough.
Hey there! I took a semi rest weekend, walked only 3miles each day (didn't even get to my 10,000 steps), Sunday I did do a 45 min pilates reformer workout. Today I hit it hard...spinning, 60 min, 450 cals!

Roxie, I think of you when I spin now....someone who gets my madness :). Hope MIL continues to improve. Good job keeping up with some working out.

Mary, you should be proud of that boy! We are looking at late december for the move out. They will be out of town next week, so a little bit of a break (still have their dog, sometimes it's ok, sometimes, I'd just like my suki).

Shereta, I was so sore from plyo legs, hence my resting. I feel like a wimp sometimes :). I read as some age they need more rest days.

Jody, I swear your ADHD flows to all parts of your life, including working out :) . You had beach and waves on your brain in DB.

Diana, oh thanks for the hint, but crowds are not for me....I'd much prefer a hike in the solitude of a forest. And running, nope, nope, nope. I'm struggling to stay in a groove, seems I was so focused getting ready for RT that I've slacked a bit.

So, here's a nice visual for you all. First, you know my darn shoulder knot, so far in 2 weeks I've only had it once! I'm spacing out my UB workouts, but the kicker .... besides the scarf, I think having something over my upper back after I start sweating to keep it warm helps, I don't want a shirt (too confining and gets too wet and defeats purpose), so I take a hand towel and put it over my back and tuck in the ends in my sports bra, ta da....bat girl!
Good Morning,

I did AOLIH and some abs from Oxygen magazine. I bit the bullet this morning and bought the new series don't know why lord knows I have enought workouts and my new Kelly should be coming any day. MIL was sent home yesterday straight out of ICU and she is going to her house with no one there to help her for a few days but I am not one of her kids I have no say.

Lisa-I haven't done a spin workout this week really need to.
Hello! Today did RK, fun. Roxie, so many new DVDs! It will be like Christmas! Glad to hear MIL is home. Lisa, at least they will be out of the house this year! Will they be near by? Hello to Murphy, Jody, and Shereta! Have to go start my running around, hope everyone has a good evening! Some exciting news, we just booked our annual trip to Vegas, something to look forward to! Mary
Today was athletic training and 3 mile walk. Mary, they will be about 15 min away. ds will have to drive by our house to get to work. Roxie, I know what you mean, if it was your Mom, you wouldn't want your Mom to be alone gotta let the family for things the way they want.
Everybody must be busy! I muddled thru 4DS double cardio premix (basically HIS and LIS step), then a 2.5 mile walk.

Oh, so my left shoulder blade started to hurt during last part of the step workout, then I was like, oh, yea I need to turn into bat girl about 1/2way thru the workout, put on my cape and was better after a bit. I didn't feel chilled, but that's what it was. It's taken me a year to figure this out!

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Hello! Today did a Tonique workout, must have felt I needed some punishment? Lisa, hope your shoulder is feeling better. Roxie, how is MIL? Hello to everyone else! Have to go do some math homework and figure out dinn
Good Evening,

I did Xtrain Bi's & Tri's and my planks. Time to watch the world series never watched it before but since the Royals are playing we are watching it.

Lisa-good job with your workout.

Mary-I don't think DH called and checked in on his mother today.
Good Evening,

Mary-I don't think DH called and checked in on his mother today.

Isn't the saying..... A daughter's a daughter for the rest of her life, a son is a son until he finds him a wife?

And that's why we have long term care insurance.... We only have boys
Hello! Today did a turbo jam w/o. Roxie, hope MIL is ok! Lisa, lol! I guess DH and I should look into that! Don't was to burden DD! Roxie, sorry about the Royals. Did I see there was a plane crash in Kansas today? Hello to everyone else! I have to go pick up children, I feel like the car could drive itself to the high school by now! Mary
Good Afternoon,

I did Lean Legs and Abs today and will do planks later.

Mary-yes a plane crashed into and airport in Wichita which is about1.5 hours away not sure how it happened though.
Just a 3 mile walk for me today, nights tonight and then days Sa Su M so I prob won't be back either. Yes, Lisa that is a blurry me in hot pink top in a couple of pics. I guess that is my 15 min of fame. Mary, ha ha to car driving itself, that would be nice. Roxie, is MIL doing OK at home now? waves to all.

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