
Oh Erin, so sorry to hear that! Sending you ((hugs)) and positive vibes in the hopes that things get better soon!

What do you do? Start networking.....you never know who could help. Talk to as many people as possible...and I bet you find another job quickly. Let this be the first forum of networking....

What do you do? What kind of job do you want?? Tell us you never know!!

I'm so sorry to hear that.

The financial crisis definitely seems more real when people you 'know' are so directly hit by it.
Hang in there! I was laid off just last Thursday (January 15). I had an interview the next day and a job offer two days ago! There are still companies that are doing well and ready to hire people. Just keep your eyes and ears open and network, network, network! That's how I found my new opportunity. Good luck to you and hugs!!!!!!
That just stinks!!!
I am so sorry to hear it. I agree with the network thing. Get your name out there. Talk to friends and others who may know of something. I am wishing you the best of luck.

Thank you! I appreciate all the support and definitely sucking up all those ((((hugs)))) :)
Just nervous since this has never happened to me before and don't know whether I can collect and continue night school and my part-time job or not. Things I will find out when I call unemployment I guess. Everything happens for a reason I guess.
Ugh, I'm so sorry.

I stick to the "Everything for a reason" mantra too. :) Perhaps this will open a door to something even better.

I am so sorry to see this post. Like others have said, hang in there and keep your head up. {{{HUGS}}}
i'm so sorry to hear you got laid off especially since it was so unexpected. try to look at it in a positive way. everything happens for a reason and you will find an even better job that you like even more! keep your head up! we are all here for you:)

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