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  1. K

    Need new leg exercise ideas

    Thanks to all for your responses. Swimming is not an option at this time. We've recently moved from a suburban area with lots of amenities to another state in a fairly rural area with no pool access within a reasonable distance. Looking for a home gym workout that will give me the "burn" I'm...
  2. K

    Need new leg exercise ideas

    I am 56 yrs old and after decades of running time has apparently caught up with me. After an extended period of knee pain and consulting with 2 orthopedic doctors, the conclusion is that the cartilage in my knees is deteriorating. I have been doing the elliptical for my cardio but am perplexed...
  3. K

    RE: Sleeping problems

    Thanks for the input and empathy everyone! As someone who used to sleep like a rock and never wake up during the night, this has become very frustrating. Thankfully, so far I have not felt really drug out during the day due to the restlessness so that is a blessing. My quest for a solution...
  4. K

    RE: Sleeping problems

    I am 54 years old and have recently started to have problems sleeping at night. I wake up many times nightly, sometimes hourly and am also having some "internal thermostat" issues. I am usually always colder than those around me, but during the night I wake up just burning up. Assuming I must...
  5. K


    I live in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. This area raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to assist the tornado and flood victims (that doesn't include what some local, large businesses donated) and now we hear the Red Cross say there are no funds available to help. Donations were clearly...
  6. K

    I tried this short & intense leg workout

    I did this workout last evening and can REALLY feel it today, and I'm used to doing pretty hard and heavy leg workouts. I took a bit longer than the women in the video did to complete the 3 rounds but I could feel it immediately. It's a really good change of pace and great for someone with no...
  7. K

    I HAVE to get veneers?

    I agree with a previous post, I was told the same thing by my dentist a number of years ago. He said I was brushing too hard, too often, etc. I switched to a Sonicare electric toothbrush and the erosion of enamel stopped. I'd try that first and see if you can hold off on a more expensive...
  8. K

    Help! My butt hurts!!

    Does the pain increase when you sit? Does the pain feel like it begins right beneath the sitting bone in your glute? I developed a similar type pain after doing heavy squats several years ago and I had ischial tuberosity bursitis...a fancy name for the inflamation of the bursa behind the...
  9. K

    Websites for buying running sneakers?

    Gayle, Here is another site I've used a number of times. I've always found their running shoes to be less than anyone else. Karen
  10. K

    Re: Inexpensive DVD players

    Hi all, After using mostly taped versions of Cathe's workouts from FIT TV, DH and I are ready to invest in a DVD player and a library of Cathe's DVD's for our exercise room. This DVD player will be used ONLY for our workouts and is addition to our "good" player, so we don't want to spend a...
  11. K

    anyone here have a juicier?

    My husband just recently purchased a juicer and uses it ALL THE TIME now. He makes both veggy and fruit drinks every morning and says he feels so much better. He is not eating as much at other meals since beginning this and seems to have more energy. We are both very active (run in the...
  12. K

    So what do you do when...........

    Laura, Not sure what type of city government is in your area, but certainly he reports to SOMEONE, a city council perhaps? You must stop this! By allowing this to continue he will become bolder and more agressive. Who knows who else he may be harassing and they are also afraid to open a...
  13. K

    RE: San Diego info???

    Thanks so much to all who replied!!! DH and I are not into clubs, nightlife, etc. so we'd prefer to be in a little quieter area but able to either walk or take public transport to zoo, Seaworld and other area attractions. We definitely want to be on or near the water! We run 6-8 miles daily...
  14. K

    RE: San Diego info???

    Since this forum has such a great cross-section of people from all over the country, I need to ask your help. DH and I are planning a trip to San Diego. We do not know anyone who has been there and the info I'm finding on the web is overwhelming. We want to stay at a nice resort with a good...
  15. K

    Fit tv question?

    Hi, I emailed FitTV about this situation and just got an email back which lists some programming into July and it sounds as though they are not planning to take Cathe off. As was mentioned, perhaps they are just slow in getting the schedule posted. In any case, it looks like we can still...
  16. K

    Life Fitness Home one?

    Another good home gym is Hoist. DH and I got one at Second Wind Exercise. Very solid and well built with a small footprint. we have been very happy with it, and it gets used A LOT. It's wonderful having all the equipment you need at home ::)) karen
  17. K

    Healthy (oatmeal) snack ideas

    Shelley, This is EXACTLY what I was looking for, sounds yummy. Even though I HATE to cook, I will make the sacrifice to please DH this weekend. You're a doll, thanks. Karen
  18. K

    Healthy (oatmeal) snack ideas

    Shelley, I don't have the cookbook, would you mind providing the recipe? Sounds like what I'm looking for. And THANKS!! Karen
  19. K

    Healthy (oatmeal) snack ideas

    I need some help from this educated crowd. My husband tried the new Quaker oatmeal breakfast cookies. Pretty tasty, no trans fat, but high in calories. Does anyone have any healthy recipes for an oatmeal bar that contains little if any white flour/sugar that would be a good mid morning snack...
  20. K

    RE: Workout shorts

    Hi All, I've been searching locally for some lower rise lycra workout shorts...short ones like Cathe and crew wear in some of the videos. What I'm finding are more like bike shorts, much longer than I want. What's a good online site with a good variety. I'm not so concerned about cost if I...