Healthy (oatmeal) snack ideas


I need some help from this educated crowd. My husband tried the new Quaker oatmeal breakfast cookies. Pretty tasty, no trans fat, but high in calories. Does anyone have any healthy recipes for an oatmeal bar that contains little if any white flour/sugar that would be a good mid morning snack I could substitute for this item? thanks.

The Cathe cookbook has a great recipe for a Big Breakfast Cookie, which would be kind of like an oatmeal bar. Full of health stuff. If you don't have the cookbook, e-mail me or PM me with your e-mail address and I'll send you a copy:)

I don't have the cookbook, would you mind providing the recipe? Sounds like what I'm looking for. And THANKS!!

BIG Breakfast Cookie

Ingredients for 1 BIG Cookie - 5 pts.: (doesn't account for added protein powder)

1/3 cup oatmeal
1 Tb raisins
1 Tb flour
1/3 cups fat-free dry milk
¼ cup applesauce (no-sugar added)
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp. baking powder
1 Tb Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener *
(I also add 1-2 scoops of chocolate protein powder and increase the applesauce just a bit to compensate for the added dry mix)

Ingredients for a batch of 4 BIG Cookies:
Yields: 4 servings | 5 points per serving (doesn’t account for added protein powder)
or: 6 servings | 3 points per serving

Note: These cookies are huge and filling. You might even want to bake them as 6 smaller cookies for less points!

1¼ cups oatmeal
¼ cup raisins
¼ cup flour
1½ cups fat-free dry milk
1 cup applesauce (no-sugar added)
1½ tsp. cinnamon
1½ tsp. baking powder
¼ cup Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener *


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a LARGE cookie sheet with Pam or use two smaller cookie sheets. Mix all ingredients together and spoon 4 large mounds on sheet. Bake for 15-20 min.

(You can even freeze a whole batch of these and then eat them throughout the week! Just thaw them to room temperature, or nuke in the microwave for 30 seconds, before serving.)

Nutritional Info: (per cookie, made with Splenda): 270 calories, 2 g. fat, 4.2 g. fiber (5 points) (Using sugar instead of splenda adds 1 point per cookie, for a total of 6 points per cookie)

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for, sounds yummy. Even though I HATE to cook, I will make the sacrifice to please DH this weekend. You're a doll, thanks.

Karen, these cookies ARE wonderful, and they're easy, easy, easy to make. Trust me. I hate to cook too, and I don't think they take any time at all to whip up. I always do the 4-cookie recipe but split the batter into 6 cookies. Still, they are pretty big. You might even want to try stretching it to 8, if you intend to use them as snacks.
>Nutritional Info: (per cookie, made with Splenda): 270
>calories, 2 g. fat, 4.2 g. fiber (5 points) (Using sugar
>instead of splenda adds 1 point per cookie, for a total of 6
>points per cookie)

Shelley, is this nutritional information for the 4 big cookies or the 6? Thanks, I think I'll be making this sometime very soon.

Oh heavens, no! It's free. We all submitted recipes last year and I put it all together.

E-mail me with your e-mail addy and I'll send you a copy:)
I submitted the recipe for the Big Breakfast Cookie. The nutritional info is for one big cookie.

I've started making the cookie with blueberries instead of raisens and I omit the flour and add one scoop of chocolate protein powder and maybe an extra teaspoon or so applesauce. You could also add some chopped walnuts.

I love this big cookie and have one a couple of times a week. I like that it keeps me full til lunch time.

This is very simple,,,, I cook oatmeal, the old fashion,,, with just water, cinamon and vainilla, it thicknes, and then I add what I want,,,, a whole banana,,, and walnuts like maybe two whole walntus, without shells of course, hahaha.,,, if it is not sweet enough,,, stevia is the answer. you got there oats to lower the cholesterol and potasium from banana and omega 3 from the nuts.
the more simple the less calories.


I would absolutely love to have copy of the Cathe cookbook. I wasn't a member last year, so I missed it. I would be forever
indebted to you.

Have a great exercise day!

Statfit1 or email @ [email protected]
I missed the cookbook!!! Could you send me one too....

I don't know how to PM someone anymore...or if i ever did - lol - so how do I get a copy?
LOL - up in the corner of my post there are four little symbols. The first one looks like a pen and paper. Click on it and it will send me an e-mail:) Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the book.
I will have to do that from my home computer - I am at work "working' lol and it blocks me from doing that - grrr - so I will log on later tonight and email you :) Thanks!

I am only 26 BUT completely not computer savvy! My 15 year old sister is FAR FAR better at technical stuff than I am - its really pathetic! LOL

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