
The sad thing is we are being told that FEMA and the Red Cross are pretty much broke, so don't expect any help from them....Cedar Rapids, Cedar Falls and Iowa City are about an hour away from me....most of those who were out of the flood plain of course do not have flood insurance...our small town had terrible flooding too, but nothing as bad as what they are experiencing. AND 3 weeks prior to all of this flooding Parkersburg, Iowa was completely leveled by a tornado....when it rains, it pours....I feel so bad for all of those affected by the weather events of the past month...these are very beautiful, peaceful cities that are being ruined by the floods and the tornado...the farmlands surrounding the 3 cities are also in ruins....x(

I live in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. This area raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to assist the tornado and flood victims (that doesn't include what some local, large businesses donated) and now we hear the Red Cross say there are no funds available to help. Donations were clearly marked to go to local victims, but obviously that does not always happen. Rather than donating thru these relief agencies I chose to give money and gifts cards directly to some of those impacted as did many people I know. It's so sad that when people want to help improve someones situation we can't be assured where the money will actually end up. There should be a more effective way. . . .
Well the Red Cross is busy paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to their employees who really need it, like Elizabeth Dole (snort).

Wealthy people used to donate their time.

:( This is not cool. We donate regularly to the Red Cross.

While searching, I found via [a href="http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2008/06/iowa-flood-how-you-can-help.html"]Shakesville[/a]:

"I haven't heard of anyone else taking donations so far, other than Red Cross. I know the last time the river flooded, the Mennonites did a ton of rebuilding for people. I have no reason to think they won't be helping this time too. It's just that rebuilding is still a few months out. But their work is especially important for people who did not have insurance and who will not have money to hire contractors to rebuild."

Here's their site: http://www.mds.mennonite.net/

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