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    Anyone see the Super Bowl halftime show?

    My DH and son left the room during halftime. They could care less about the halftime show. I had the TV to myself, channel surfed. I landed on PBS and they were masterbating a male elephant, yuck. I go to the beach in the summer and women in thongs w/their butts hanging out all over the place...
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    what vitamins/supplements to take?

    I take a Multi vit/min, fish oil, bone support formula, natural vit E, C w/citrus bioflavonoids and sometimes DIM (an extract of the broccoli family of veggies). I also use coconut oil to bake and cook with. Oh, I also use a fiber supplement in my protein shakes. It may sound like a lot, but...
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    Pyramid Lower Body revisited

    I just bought this one on ebay. So excited to try it! Nikita:*
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    Yes Rennie, that's why I thanked Shonie. Nikita
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    Shonie, Your tips are something I certainly hadn't considered! I always try not to go too low on bench presses where my elbows go below parallel (usually just above bench level), cuz I've read it stresses the shoulders to go too low, but never considered that for push-ups. Thank You...
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    Negative effects of Atkins Diet? Articles?

    LMAO Mandy!!! Too funny.
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    Kathryn, I think it was Shari that has the problem with her arms giving out. My problem is I feel pain in my shoulders. I was wondering if there was a way to focus push-ups more on the chest muscles and take some of the strain off the shoulders. I have no problem with my triceps giving out on...
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    Thanks for the suggestions! I usually start on my toes and have to drop to my knees about half way thru. Push-ups are the last exercise I do, most of the time, for my chest. So, I've already prefatigued the chest muscles. Hmmm...I think I may try them with my hands on the step to see if that...
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    I have a hard time feeling push-ups in my chest. I feel them in my shoulders, but not the chest. My shoulders will be screaming from the burn. What am I doing wrong? I have no problem with tricep push-ups. Any tips? Thanks! Nikita
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    depression and omega 3 fish oils

    I take fish oils too. I always take them at night cause they seem to make me burp, Yuck! It has really helped with my dry skin. Anyway, I read once that in Iceland and Greenland that only a small percent of the population has depression, some of lowest rates in the world. Studies linked...
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    Cons of losing weight?

    Carole, sounds like we have the same bodies, lol. DH and I both like how Cathe and crew don't look fake. I remember when I got a new Karen Voight tape a while back and DH was like, WOW what kind of exercise did she do for that?!!? I said, it's called the "pay-the-doctor" move. He noticed...
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    Step video

    Just wanted to add that the tape that comes with the Step is of lesser quality than the tapes u get right from Cathe. I guess it's a cheap copy cuz the CTX tapes I have are better. Didn't want ya to think all her tapes were like that! Nikita:*
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    Another great fatloss article

    I enjoyed it too. Wraps things up nicely. I copied- pasted and e-mailed it to my Sis who is just starting an exercise routine. I'm slowly trying to help her with her eating. He seems to know what he's talking about and I don't see how he would profit from her sharing this. Thanks for...
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    I agree, the music is Awesome! I only have Step Blast from the new series. I did it yesterday morning and that song on the warm-up is perfect for a warm-up! LOVE IT! My son and I were going around all day singing, video killed the radio star. lol! The remix of 1999 was great too. Nikita:*
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    Mad Cow Disease

    From what I've read BFE can be transmitted thru bone marrow. So, any steaks w/the bone in have been in contact w/the marrow. Bonemeal used in gardening, which is easily inhaled. Gelatins, which r added to all kinds of foods for thickening, are made from collegen fron cows bone/bone marrow. White...
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    People seeing you work out....

    LOL Dani! My chow chow looks at me funny too, like I'm nuts! I workout in the livingroom and don't mind if DH and DS watch me. I do have a tendency to work harder when they're watching, but I don't like it when they bug me with questions or keeping walking thru in my way. I need a bigger...
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    How many of you did NOT do the Firm?..............

    I've never tried a Firm tape, and from what I've read on message boards they wouldn't be my cup of tea. I've been using workout vids since about 1992. My first step tapes were Jane Fonda (came w/a short step) and Karen Voight's Energy Sprint. Once I found Collage video I bought StepMax and...
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    Favorite Perfumes

    One of my all time favorites has to be Liz Claiborn in that triangle bottle. Everytime I wear that everyone tells me I smell great. I think it mixes well w/my chemistry. I also love Obsession. My current new fav is a lotion not a perfume. It's Aveeno Stress Relief Moisturizing Lotion. I put...
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    Legs, legs, legs. Can we rank them? What one do you like the best/gives you the best results?

    RE: Legs, legs, legs. Can we rank them? What one do you... Hi! I too feel that Leaner Legs is the hardest, but I use PS Strong Legs more often and the results have been fabulous! Niki:*