Anyone see the Super Bowl halftime show?

I felt the same way as everyone else responding here. Definitely planned, definitely trashy, and definitely to get some publicity as she's got a CD coming out. My 9-year-old son was watching with me and was so shocked. His response was "That was so mean. Why would he do that to her?" This was a half-time show in prime time. They had to know children would be watching too. How do you explain this to a 9-year-old boy? It's so hard to keep children "innocent" and young at heart for as long as possible in this day and age.

Bad news for the half-time show next year. I hear that the network that has the rights to the Superbowl next year is FOX :eek: What in the world do you think Fox network will allow for the halftime show?

Janet made a public appology and did explain that it was a last minute Idea between her and Justin, but claimed it was a stunt that went awry which I do not believe, because she had a pastie on. If it was not intentional that way then why the pastie? I think that was a tastless act and thoughtless also. It just proves that they think that sex will sell everything and that is what the public wants to see. And sad enough sexual inuendo's are in everything, yes even commercials to sell even the smallest and dumbest. But that is my oppinion and the entertainment industry now days. It is more tastless and tacky now then it was when I was younger. Kids today are more exposed to sex then ever. I sure hope the investigation will net Janet and Justine a huge fine for their little theatrical stunt!!
I agree with you; I was just telling my husband yesterday that Janet (as well as Justin, I suppose) should be fined heavily. However, I have a feeling the the only fines (if any) that will be levied will be applied to CBS and no one else. I think the artists will escape the incident and end up with increased record sales as a bonus . . . .
Janet and Justin are just as responsible for the fiasco as CBS and MTV and they should ALL be fined heavily! No excuses!

As far as Kid Rock is concerned, he is probably too stupid to know that defacing the American flag is a crime. The whole spectacle was pathetic and reinforces my reason why I don't watch t.v. I'd say a lot more on the subject but I don't want to offend!;-)
Hi Susan,
I hope I'm not putting words in her mouth, but I do think Lydia was not being mean. I think she was commenting on how society is--her statement "what do you think this is? The sixties??" was meant to be how CBS would have reacted to your request... From the rest of her post, I think she agreed with you that it would actually have been much nicer to have a high school band play! (At least, I hope that's what she meant. I read it 3 times when I first saw it...)

Hello to all,

I live in Houston so I was able to enjoy all the perks of the Super Bowl being in your city. My 15 yr old sister actually got to be on the field during the halftime performance and I asked her about Janet Jackson. She said on Friday, during rehersal at the stadium, her and Justin didn't do all the grinding and everything so she was like 'oh my goodness' when it happened. There were 2500 students from various local schools on the field during the halftime show. I do agree with most of you and what is being said. I really did feel shame for my sister and all her friends becuase of what happened. This was suppose to be something positive they could remember for the rest of their lives!!

Karri, is this true? FOX has the rights to the halftime show next year??? OMG ... I can only imagine ... I think I'll take an extended bathroom break during the halftime show next year. Remember folks ... you own the remote ... time to boycott the Super Bowl halftime shows ... change the channel next year!! (edited to add the last phrase about changing the channel)

Oh my, FOX????...I think we are in for it then. I can Boycott...I used to not watch halftime anyway as I was so focused on the game I had to do things during halftime. Different story this year...:)...I can still hear one of my running friends saying how much Kid Rock and the wearing of the flag disturbed him. Good thread to start as it seems we are all on the same page...:)...Carole
Actually, FOX aired the Super Bowl in 2002 when U2 was the half-time show. I remember it as being one of the better half-time performances. Albeit, I am a big U2 fan. But seriously, it was real musicians, actually playing instruments and singing (not lip syncing and air guitaring), and everbody was fully clothed!! :7 :7
Actually, Susan, I'm dating myself...and trying not to let myself get too worked up about this mess...I can recall when our high school drill team (of which I wasn't a member) was invited to march in a half time show for the Oakland Raiders (when they were still in Oakland) and we were all so excited!!!! To me it's so sad that only "big name" acts get in these venues now...and looking at the line up for this year's game, it's sadder that these acts are so devoid of talent let alone taste!!! So, yes, Susan I guess was just teasing, but it breaks my heart to see how low our popular culture has sunk...and we wonder about our kids...
Wendy, you got it right...Thanks...I sure can't be mean to anyone here...not when we're all in agreement and trying to come to grips with this. I can't even be mean to folks like Justin or Janet or Michael...I feel sort of sad for them I guess.
A high school or college band with some connection to the teams or the Houston area would have been so cool, along with some drill teams...and I'll bet they would have put on a much more entertaining show!!!!
Not to mention the great tribute they did to the 9/11 victims!

I found it rather interesting that when I asked DH if anyone at work brought up the subject of the half time show he said no one did! He works in a predominantly male enviornment and all they talked about was the game! I noticed that at my house, during our Super Bowl party all the women, who pretty much ignored the game, sat down and watched it during half time. And, all the guys left the room and sat in the kitchen to chow down on my "fabulous buffet"!

My DH and son left the room during halftime. They could care less about the halftime show. I had the TV to myself, channel surfed. I landed on PBS and they were masterbating a male elephant, yuck.
I go to the beach in the summer and women in thongs w/their butts hanging out all over the place. I'd rather see a breast than butt cheeks any old day. Hell, even some exercise videos have women in thongs.
How about some of the commercials during the game? Erectile dysfunction (Mommy, what's erectile dysfunction?), a dog biting a man in the genitals, etc...
I watch a few daytime soaps and have seen some gross dry humping, moaning and groaning scenes, and this was during the summer when kids r home.
My point and opinion is there r way more offending things on TV all the time, like violence. Just seems a bit hypocritical to be offended by a breast.
I don't know about the majority of Americans, but in my house/my son sees breasts as a way of nourishing babies. My sisters come here breast feed their babies with no cover on their breast.
Small kids do not see the human body as "sexual" till they learn that from adults. Just how little kids don't see race till it's learned.
These r just my thoughts. I was raised in a different culture on the other side of the world by a family of artist. In my culture men don't care about breasts and here it's almost an obsession.
janet's breast now holds the record for the most rewinds on Tivo, just heard this on CNN.
Yes, here breasts are not only a form of nourishment for a child, but they are first and foremost seen as a sexual part of the body. Hence, the display that occurred at the Superbowl was completely out of line. Just as the other things you already brought up -- suggestive commercials, scantily-clad women on the beach, in exercise videos, etc.

A little here, a little there, and pretty soon everything will be junk. We can always point to other things that are or have been considered "more" offensive. That doesn't mean a particular situation is any less offensive simply because others are as well . . .

I personally think there is too much trash almost everywhere on TV. The FCC doesn't have jurisdiction over cable channels, but it does over air broadcast channels (CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, etc.), and I think an investigation into the entire halftime show is warranted. The entire thing was trashy and over sexualized. As are many other things . . .
Okay, I can stand it no longer. I have to chime in as well ;) Being a musician, I find it laughable at what seems to pass for music these days. As Gayle said, U2 played the 2002 half time show and the music was the focus (and it's good music), not like Janet and all the others where the skill seems to be who can take off the most clothing. It seems to be about everything BUT the music. I also vote for Janet's flash to be intentional, why else would she have the tassle thingy or whatever it was on...

You said exactly what I was thinking and I agree..
I was just going to say that I don't see how a bra, a lacey one at that, would house such a peculiarly pointy peircing!
Poor janet, she probably rips holes in all her fancy lingerie. :)
My vote says it was intentional!
I don't know if I should be going there but don't you think she should have been thinking a little straighter considering what her brother is going through at the moment? Those Jacksons aren't looking too good right now. Silly girl.
Just my opinion.
>Yes, here breasts are not only a form of nourishment for a
>child, but they are first and foremost seen as a sexual part
>of the body. Hence, the display that occurred at the
>Superbowl was completely out of line. Just as the other
>things you already brought up -- suggestive commercials,
>scantily-clad women on the beach, in exercise videos, etc.
>A little here, a little there, and pretty soon everything will
>be junk. We can always point to other things that are or have
>been considered "more" offensive. That doesn't mean a
>particular situation is any less offensive simply because
>others are as well . . .
>I personally think there is too much trash almost everywhere
>on TV. The FCC doesn't have jurisdiction over cable channels,
>but it does over air broadcast channels (CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS,
>etc.), and I think an investigation into the entire halftime
>show is warranted. The entire thing was trashy and over
>sexualized. As are many other things . . .
----CynDaVaz, you said exactly what I wanted to say.

Thank you.[/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
This kind of nonsense is exactly why we got rid of TV 2.5 yrs ago. It's been great!

"Poor Janet. She probably rips holes in all fancy lingerie". Kelly, you made me LOL!! :D

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