Anyone see the Super Bowl halftime show?

The war with Iraq was not only about WMDs, (which, by the way Sadaam had plenty of time to ship out of his country). It was a resumption of hostilities from the first Gulf war; Sadaam violated the terms of the cease-fire agreement. We finally had a president who did something about it.
>I find other things happening right now much more offensive
>and important to the future welfare of children than a split
>second of boobies.

Yes, there are many things that are responsible for affecting the welfare of children in our country. The flash of boobs during the SuperBowl halftime show is a result of some of those things. General disintegration of the core family unit; lack of parental involvement; drugs; continued over-sexualized displays in movies and on TV; immorality and the push for acceptance of immoral behavior, etc., etc.

The SuperBowl halftime incident was still out of line, despite the fact that people have been offended by other things. Perhaps the effects of this will be that TV content will be cleaned up. That would be a good thing.
Good thread here, I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses.

I didn't watch half-time but of course the news covered it over and over again. Why do they give these people that kind of recognition? WHO CARES? The media is responsible for making this so huge. I think it was planned and I think it was wrong and I'm so glad I didn't see it! Janet never appealed to me anyways, not her or her music. And I agree with all of you, why do these kinds of acts get to be the spotlight of something so big? These people have no talent, Britney, Janet, Jessica, the list goes on and on, all they know how to do is be barely dressed and do things that make your toes curl.

At first when I heard about this Janet thing, my thought was she is trying to take the spotlight away from her brother for a while. Maybe she wants some exposure (no pun intended) plus give her brother a break for a while. Don't think that will work, however!

I agree with Trevor, just let Aerosmith do the halftime, at least they have class!
Debbie in OH

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