what vitamins/supplements to take?

Michele S

I really need to start getting into the vitamin habit and was wondering what everyone takes as far as vitamins/supplements, etc.

Thanks in advance!

I take glucosamine for my bad knees, a multivitamin, a capsule of flaxseed oil for more good fat, and a calcium supplement for my genetically weak bones. I also use protein powder as there is no way I can eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day in the form of lean meat.:) So I mix some in my oatmeal and milk.

I also take a calcium suppliment, I started when I found out that calcium fights fat, I just started taking my One A Day weight smart vitamin again, and I also take a fiber suppliment. I want to make sure I got everything covered:7 ....... Rhonda
I take a multi vitamin, then extra magnesium, iron (because my multi is low in it), biotin (my multi is low in it and I need it to encourage hair growth), zinc (to help my skin and promote optimal conditions for hair growth), Evening primrose oil (to combat effects of being premenopausal), and Omega 3's and 6's as flaxseed oil and fish oil supplements (for a whole bunch of reasons), and I have just added an multi amino acid supplement (again, to promote hair growth).

Have I left anything out?!?!?!?

Probably should take extra calcium, but I think I am swallowing enough thank you!

I should add that it is not necessary to take much more than a multi, calcium and iron if your health is good and your diet balanced and varied. The reason I do at the moment is that I have had a lot of health problems recently and have sufered a lot of stress, and spent years looking after the family, not myself, so I am trying to reverse some of the damage with optimal nutrition and supplementation. But unless you have any distinct health problems you are trying to tackle, the above stated minimum list
should see you smiling!

Hey - I take a Women's One-A-Day and a calcium supplement. The doctor told me that women need 1000 mg of calcium a day, and the One-A-Day only has 450. Sometimes I take extra vitamin C, too.


I take a Multi vit/min, fish oil, bone support formula, natural vit E, C w/citrus bioflavonoids and sometimes DIM (an extract of the broccoli family of veggies). I also use coconut oil to bake and cook with. Oh, I also use a fiber supplement in my protein shakes.

It may sound like a lot, but I'm a firm believer in preventive/alternative medicine.

I'm currently using products by All-One. You can buy them at Vitamin Shoppe or order directly from their web site www.all-one.com. It's a powder multimineral/vitamin drink and love it. I also take their Fiber and Calcium powder drinks. See if you like them.
I usually take a multivitamin (not 100%, because I often drink a soy energy drink that is vitamin and mineral enriched), omega 3 (OmegaZen, a non-fish version), glucosamine (a vegan version), and alpha-lipoic acid (an antioxidant, which also contains vitamin C and E). In the p.m., I take calcium and vitamin D.

Be careful about overdoing some supplements. If you eat a breakfast cereal like Total, and/or have a vitamin/mineral enriched bar or shake and take a multivitamin, you could be getting dangerous levels of some nutrients. Vitamin A is one to watch for. Though betacarotene (or pro-vitamin A, a precursor to vitamin A that is converted by your body into vitamin A as needed) is safe, too much of other vitamin A (ie: vitamin A palmitate) can be dangerous.

Also, be sure you need an iron supplement before deciding to take one. Many nutritionists recommend against iron supplements unless necessary, and post-menopausal women should be especially careful. Too much iron can contribute to cardiovascular problems. If you are premenopausal, you might consider taking iron at TTOM only, if at all.
I take a multi vitamin- and vitamin c and coral calcium plus I always take 2 tabs of Kyolic garlic every day- it dosen't smell and helps me ward off the bad colds and yucky stuff..plus keeps my cholesterol and blood pressure controlled- oh garlic has sooooooo many benefits!!! I also take creatine tablets which helps so I can work out more and not feel as much soreness

I just take a daily multi-vitamin regularly.

Sometimes I take a calcium supplement also depending on how much calcium I ate for the day.

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