Search results

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    Suggestion for Hardcore Strength workouts

    A Fantastic idea, I for one would really appreciate having this feature. Sue
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    Freestyle Lungemaster ?

    I hope someone will be able to help me with this, I live in UK and would like to buy a Lungemaster, I want to be sure of it before buying though as it will cost me greatly in shipping and duty costs, I think it will give me the help I need both with my form and the effectiveness of my lunges...
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    Heavy Hoops?

    Hello Kathryn I did a search and found some info at which was quite helpful, it is expensive but I understand that hoola-hooping is great for strengthening the core and this one beaing a weighted hoop may even be better...I am an advertisers dream customer I believe all they...
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    Heavy Hoops?

    I am in UK and received my copy of Health and Fitness magazine today and there was an advert for the Heavy Hoop in there which claimed to be " The Hottest New Aerobic workout!" and have "Massive success in the USA" Invented by Wendy Iverson. Is there anything you can tell me about this product...
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    Hip Flexors question

    Hello Cathe Many thanks for your reply, now I can stop worrying about it so much, though I did find the noises very alarming! I do intend to work more on my core and flexibility with some Pilates workouts, I wondered if more stretching in this area would be the answer but didn't want to do...
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    Hip Flexors question

    Hello Kathryn Many thanks for your reply, I can certainly try a bit more pilates leg work, I have a couple of the Stott pilates videos, are there any other videos you would recommend for extra leg work? Sue
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    Hip Flexors question

    RE: Hip Flexors question - SIMILAR ISSUE Hello Gibbee Thank you for your reply, I know what you meen about it being scary, I get a really loud clicking noise and anyone around be at the time sort of cringes in pain because it sounds so painful even though it isn't painful at all. I wondered...
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    Hip Flexors question

    Hello Cathe I hope you can help me. I have been getting a very loud clicking noise for the past 4 - 6 weeks or so coming from my hip flexors (well I think it is from my hip flexors)usually when I lift my knees up ( bike manouvers) and also when I am not excerising too, there is absolutely no...
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    Hello Kathryn Thats great about the core benefit from using the rebounder,I am certainly weaker in this area and if it helps my knee stability also that would be a real bonus too. Thanks again for your help and advise it is greatly appreciated. Sue
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    Ryka shoes in the UK?

    Hello Cheshire Cat Sorry I cannot help but I too would love a pair of these, I will keep a lookout when I next go shopping and if I do manage to see them will let you know. Good Luck Sue
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    Hello Kathryn Thank you so much for your reply, I will go and look at college for the video reviews you suggested and also the videofitness forum for some ideas. Yes I do have MIC and have tried to do the workout using my rebounder but found the pace a little too quick...I was still in the...
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    I have one of the PT Super Tramp Rebounders and would like to use it more than just for warming up on. I think I would be able to do more cardio work using it as I have to watch my knees with stepping, are there any workout videos/routines that anyone could recommend to help me make more use of...
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    Anna... Please help with my nails!!!

    Hello Anna I remember reading that you know about nails and OPI products. My nails are just sooo soft and I desperately want to be able to grow them a bit longer, just to reach the end of my fingertips without them bending or chipping or delaminating would be great then I could wear some of...
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    High Step - in England???

    Does anyone know how much the topper weighs? Maybe I could get half a dozen in my suitcase!!!!....I,m wondering if airport charges are less than UPS?? Sue
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    New York here I come!

    Thanks Debbie, we will be going to one of the shows and thought about booking up before we leave UK, though we haven't decided which one yet so this is great, it will enable us to decide on the day. Thanks again Sue
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    New York here I come!

    Thank you Anna, Debbie and chloesmom for your help and anniversary wishes. I have made a note of the places suggested and I am so looking forward to the trip, thanks again for your help. Sue
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    New York here I come!

    I am flying to New York with my husband soon to celebrate our 20th anniversary and would love to know where the best places would be to shop for some excersice video's, dvd's, equipment like dumbells, barbells and weighted vests etc as well as work out wear. Any infomation you can help me with...
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    Anyone from England???

    Hello icklemoley I live right in the middle of Norfolk, quite near to Norwich. I know what you mean about the UPS charges, they do make the videos very expensive for us in UK, I will use CK Sales next time I buy my Cathe workouts. Couldn't part with my Power Hour though sorry! it is just too...
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    B&TR....YES!.. I have finally managed to find one!

    RE: B&TR....YES!.. I have finally managed to fi... Hello Robin Thanks for your help, I did go and look at the threads for the B&TR and they are really encouraging, I can only hope that it will help my waist to knee problem area's, I know it will be almost impossible to get rid of the...
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    B&TR....YES!.. I have finally managed to find one!

    RE: B&TR....YES!.. I have finally managed to find o... Hello Jane Many thanks for your help, I can hardly wait to get it and have a go, I have read so many of the recent comments on how brilliant it is, I feel so lucky to have found one on Ebay in this country, even the Body By Jake...