Anyone from England???

YES !!!!!!!! I am in Nottingham :)

There are quite a few of us from the UK who are Cathe fans :)

Take Care

Anna :)
And some of us are from the UK and currently reside States-side! Hello from a Londoner in Ann Arbor, MI!

Ok, so i know this is naughty, but...i really want to get Power Hour, but last time i orderd some DVD's for the states UPS charged me a wopping £45 in inport duty! Ouch, not i was just wondering if anyone from england has this tape and can perhaps (if they don't use it anymore?) sell me it? Hey, if you don't ask you don't get, right? :)
I could never part with my Power Hour VHS, it is worth its weight in gold !!!!!!! :D

I could however point you in the direction of CK SALES in Canada,

The exchange rate is much better for us Brits, and as long as you keep your order down to 1-2 tapes, you will not get hit with import tax either. I have been ordering Cathe from them since last September, and touch wood, I have had nothing but brilliant service from them.

Hope this helps !

Anna :)
I'm from Scotland but in Oklahoma since 1978. My Dad was from Tunbridge Wells, Kent and I was born there but brought up in Scotland.
I'm from Bristol :) I can also recommend using CKSales to get your Cathe fix :7 because of the exchange rate. They are brilliant :) (and very quick) when it comes to sorting out a problem with your order and that's something that I find invaluable when ordering from over seas.
I use the FT's currency converter to check how much it will cost me in £££s before I order; it's kept up to date so will always reflect the current exchange rate.

- Lisa
Hey, Hotchick, I have had an England Pen pal/friend from Birmingham for over 23 years now. We have written for all these years and talked on the phone. It is nice to see someone else from Birmingham. My friend just bought a house in Hodge Hill not sure if that is an area or not but it is in the address. Small world. :D
Hi calico,

I actually live near hodge hill, well washwood heath actually, and the 26 bus to hodge hill is just around the corner.

Kinda neat that you live so close to Hodge Hill. I have been penpal/friends with this girl for over 23 years. She goes on so many holidays and most always sends me a postcard. I collect thimbles and she sent me one from England that has a double decker bus going around the outline of London it is really neat.

Neat how such a large world can be brought closer by the internet.

Talk to ya later!!:)
Hello icklemoley
I live right in the middle of Norfolk, quite near to Norwich.
I know what you mean about the UPS charges, they do make the videos very expensive for us in UK, I will use CK Sales next time I buy my Cathe workouts. Couldn't part with my Power Hour though sorry! it is just too good.

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