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  1. C

    Help.....My milk supply is down

    I normally don't post, but I thought I'd help a fellow BFer if I could. I have breastfed both my daughters. The first one for one year and the second one six months so far. I fought with supply issues with my first daughter (I work full time and pump). Fortunately, I have access to a...
  2. C

    Anyone breastfeeding after returning to work?

    I pumped after I went back to work (after 10 weeks). My daughter was on exclusive breastmilk for 9 months then supplemented with formula until she was 1. I worked at the Pentagon and they have "nursing mother's rooms" with hospital quality pumps, sink, and a place to keep all your stuff. The...
  3. C

    Could I get pregnant this way??

    I know you are trying to be helpful with your response. But I think your interpretation of the 99% effectiveness of the pill is incorrect. My understanding from reading the insert from the pill and tables comparing effectiveness of various birth control menthods is that this is the...
  4. C

    Nursing bra suggestion

    As the responses suggest, it is all a function of breast size. I wore a 34D before pregnancy and went to a 38DD while pregnant and nursing! I work in the Pentagon where there is a nursing mother's room and observed other mothers and what they did. It seems if you are small breasted, you can...
  5. C


    I was 38 when my daughter was born. My husband and I decided that we would keep the baby no matter what so I decided not to have the amnio. Plus, I didn't like the miscarriage possibility. In the mean time, I went to the library and looked through a few books on down's syndrome. It turns out...
  6. C

    JUST FOUND OUT......

    Congrat! I am so happy for you. Children are such a joy. I'm wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy and birth. I am also happy for selfish reasons since I just had my sweetie on June 14 and plan to try for another one in a year - maybe you'll have a pregnancy video by then!
  7. C

    Is 38 too old to have another child?

    I hope not because I just had my first at 38! I plan to add to my family later. My mom had me when she was 42. I think there are definite advantages to having kids later. I talked to my health insurance early on about my pregnancy, they asked me if I had a high risk pregnancy. I didn't know...
  8. C

    Announcing Maya Nicole

    Sounds good! I'll need some advice on how to not overdo it after a C-section! I haven't started exercising yet (except for walks) but I plan to start next week. You're probably right about why we miss pregnancy - life will never be the same! Plus, I couldn't relax during my pregnancy - there...
  9. C

    Announcing Maya Nicole

    Time has flown, but I want to tell everyone about the birth of Maya Nicole on June 14. For those of your on the fall Cathe trip, I was about 6 weeks pregnant. Maya's due date was June 30, but we were surprised at the doctor on June 14 when she discovered that the baby was in a breech position...
  10. C

    Time for me to spill the beans!

    RE: CONGRATULATIONS Camille! Congratulations to you on your first grandchild! Don't worry about taking any attention away from me, I'm sure I'll get **plenty** of attention (and advice, and belly pats, and stares, etc) for the next nine months! Camillw
  11. C

    Time for me to spill the beans!

    We, after 9 months of trying, I got a + pregnancy test on Sunday. It still doesn't feel real since I haven't had many symptoms yet. I'm still really nervous - I guess every mother-to-be is. I'm on a business trip right now and have worked out each morning - hopefully, I can keep this up...
  12. C

    I'm preggers

    Congrats I've been lurking here since my hubby and I have been "trying." I'm so glad to see your announcement! Have a great nine months. Hopefully, I'll be joining you soon. But - as I have found out - that is easier said than done. I'm beginning to think that anyone who says they get...
  13. C

    To Cathe/SNM - Diversity in your Videos

    Thanks! Hi Cathe! I haven't been on the forum lately since I just got married (March - we eloped!) and I've been really busy (actually busy trying to have a baby so I go other websites!). Anyway, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your response to this issue. I started doing your videos...
  14. C

    What do you think???

    You're right! I could make a pretty darn good meal for 225 calories. Pita stuffed with veggies and tuna, fruit, carrot sticks. I would much rather eat food than drink some shake. I'm probably the only one in the whole world who has never even had a slimfast! I always think I'll still be...
  15. C

    Tae Bo vid: Reckless?

    Kickboxing in General I'm glad someone posted on this subject. I have recently been getting concerned about kickboxing in general. I have two friends who have had back problems - ruptured disk - from kickboxing. I tried Tae Bo and didn't like the moves. I took a kickboxing class through my...
  16. C

    Re: Cathe v. The FIRM

    Hope to meet you! Barbara, Hopefully, you will make it up the list for the Cathe trip. You have been posting for quite a while on VF and here and I think your posts are very insiring. I would love to meet you.
  17. C

    Re: Cathe v. The FIRM

    Clarification Sorry if you interpreted my post as condescending. I think if you knew me, you would know that I had not meant it that way! What I really meant to say is the Cathe's weight tapes (IMO) may not be good for people who are just starting out with weight training and are intimidated...
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    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-99 AT 09:08AM (EST)</font></center> Oops. Mistake. Meant to post this somewhere else!
  19. C


    I second the suggestions When I first got BodyMax I shelved it for a few months. The first aerobics segment sent my heart through my chest cavity and into space! After I came back from the last VF Road Trip, I realized that I was approaching the tape wrong. Instead of going for maximum...
  20. C

    Re: Cathe v. The FIRM

    Like them both - use CF more I started off with the Firm for strength training. I had so many misconceptions about strength training - from thinking that 3 pounds was "enough," to thinking I would bulk up and look fat. I was also very intimidated by the idea of strength training. The Firm...