Congratulations to you and your family!:) Looking forward to hearing how things are going! Wishing you an easy pregnancy.

I am 5 1/2 weeks away from having my first and if you produce some pregnancy videos this time around, you'll have me thinking that I'll need to have a second one!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-01 AT 09:55AM (Est)[/font][p]I am so happy for you and your family!! Congratulations :-jumpy and please keep us posted on how you are feeling... and if you need any support - we're here for you!! Because you don't know how many times you've 'been there' for me! Whenever I get stressed I tell my husband that I need some time and I'll be back in an half hour to an hour, I go down to my basement and pop in one of your tapes (and sometimes I just watch because I didn't have energy during most of my pregnancy to do more than walk and lift weights for endurance) -- and I'd come back a new (happy) woman!

Congratulations! How fun! I wish you well during your 1st trimester (and, of course, the entire pregnancy and beyond). I had the dreaded nausea & fatigue during my 1st trimester which I didn't have in my previous pregnancy. It's so awful. However, now you can indulge in those sinful treats without guilt! :)

-Melanie (1/25/02)
Hi Cathe,
Congratulations to you and your family! We couldn't be happier to you. We hope you feel well and can skip the 1st trimester sickness. Going through pregnancy with a little one can be a little more exhausting so take care of yourself and let yourself rest when needed. It's also fun. My little boy of 2 1/2 likes to kiss my belly and say "good morning to baby." We also check the computer each week for the emails from Babycenter for the new picture. I know Eric is much younger so he may not understand as much.
Stay healthy!
Congratulations Cathe!

We just found out yesterday that we are also expecting our 2nd child but our first doctor appointment isn't until Sept 17. Think the due date is May 5. My friend at work told me about your forum after we had our first child 2 years ago. I am really glad to be know your site is here this time around.

My suspicions are confirmed!

Cathe, I had this sneaking suspicion when I saw you posting to the pregnancy check-in about how nostalgic it was making you feel to read everyone's stories that you might be having a new little chalupa soon (I think this one should be called The Gordita -- whether it's a boy or girl. Oh, I like that -- maybe I will start using it myself!). That is wonderful news. Congrats to you and your family!
Wow, Cathe! Congratulations! So happy and excited for you! It will be such fun to have you among all of us pregnant, fit, and strong women!

Best wishes to you!

Michelle in So Cal (22 weeks, due 1/6/02)

Wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! Let's race to see who delivers first (I'm due April 19th!)


That's wonderful news!!! I, too, noticed that you were popping in here quite often. What fun to be pregnant at pretty much exactly the same time (I'm due April 12th) as my fitness hero! All the best to you during these early weeks. My nausea kicked in with a vengeance this weekend and my food aversions are weirder than weird. As you know, you have much to look forward to ;-)

Congratulations again! I look forward to hearing all about your experiences as your pregnancy progresses...

Congrat! I am so happy for you. Children are such a joy. I'm wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy and birth.

I am also happy for selfish reasons since I just had my sweetie on June 14 and plan to try for another one in a year - maybe you'll have a pregnancy video by then!
That is so weird...I was checking this forum to see if there was any news from you on the "baby front." I knew you wanted more children so I thought I would see if there was anything going on in that respect!! Congratulations!! You and I have boys about a year apart, mine was born on 1/15/01. I am loving every minute of having him, what a joy. Now you will have the experience of two little ones. My girls are 27 months apart and the best of buds (they are 6 and 8 now.) It is exhausting, but so worth it!

Best of luck to you Cathe! I will be looking foward to some more videos from you in about, what...15 months???!!!

Cathe, I haven't been here in a while, due to my own 3 month old little girl. I hope I'm not the last one to say congratulations! I wish you a healthy, uneventful pregnancy. Thanks for being such an inspiration. I'll bet your abs will look amazing after this one, too! Best wishes!
Cathe, there is nothing more wonderful than having a family. I had six and fostered/adopted 3 more. Went through 9 months of morning sickness for the first five. They are 20 throuhg 32 years old now and there is no greater joy as we gather together for family events. Good for you and your hubby! Congrats, congrats! I just recieves two if the new DVD's formy birthday and I LOVE them. You are a pretty amaizing kid :).
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-01 AT 11:51AM (Est)[/font][p]
:-tired, Cathe, thank you for your response. I have to apologize for the typos in my original thread. I must have been exhausted, made me lol when I re-read it. It was late that night. Anyway, you are great!:-jumpy

I was the one who stirred up all the controversy about using the Lords name in vain last year. I never had a chance to thank "you" for your comments. I appreciated what you said and that the newest videos (at least the two I have) don't have it. It really wasn't intended to be an earth shaking request, your videos sell the same with or without it, so why not without it? No big deal. I really never did figure out why everyone got so mad, I am still the avid Cathe fan I always have been. I feel like I have watched you grow up with my daughter who is also an avid Cathe fan :). Even you and she have been pregnant about the same time :). Anyway, I have wanted to say thank you for a long time, just was afraid to get back on, so now seemed appropriate.
Thank you everyday for the great workouts!

Wish you the best for your upcoming event, may the Lord Bless you with good health and a healthy baby. As always looking forward to the next workouts videos. LOVED the music in these last ones! I love your videos so much I cannot pick a favorite!

Take Care,
Stay Healthy,
Sue Altop
Wellness Consultant
Dream Fulfillment
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-01 AT 03:39PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Sue! Nice to see you post again. Thanks so much for the kind words :)!

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