Re: Cathe v. The FIRM



Standing Legs Vs PS Legs

I'll now answer my own question. I finally did S/L, and I do not like it as well as PS Legs. I felt I was getting a better leg workout with PS, and I feel I can definitely get away with doing it only once a week as Cathe suggests.

I did not like the extra upper body work, because I wanted to use heavier weights, and I could not handle heavier weights if I had to allow for doing that upper body work.

My own preference, my own training style. Everybody's different. That's why there's so many workout tapes out there! Cathe fits me to a "T."
Cathe AND Firm

I don't like to post Firm VS Cathe because I don't see it as a competition. I agree Amy they compliment each other perfectly. I disagree with the folks who say you can't build mass with the Firm. I built substantial mass using only the Firm. I finally found out about Cathe and I feel that her tapes helped me define that mass to more pleasing dimensions. I wouldn't want to be without either tapes.

Mixing Up Video Workouts

Some collection of workout tapes!!
My husband is freaking & I only have about 25 tapes.
I need some help on mixing-up the workouts, right now I play pick-a-tape. I am holding my own but I feel I must be doing something wrong after reading [this tape for this & that tape for that]
I have Cathe's MIS, Body Max, PS Series & Intra Max.
I have The Firm's Tough Tape, Tough Aerobic Mix, Abs, Hips & Thighs Sculpting & Scuplting w/Weights.
The remainder of my tapes consists of Crunch Tapes - Abs, Buns, Thighs of Steel.
That's what I can think of right now.
I'm at work [where the computer is - don't have one at home].
As I said I have been doing my own thing.
I would appreciate any kind of format you can give, then I could take it from there, it has to better than pick-a-tape.
Thank you,

Well, I don't do any formal rotations but what I try and do is alternate upper and lower body emphasis, and/or heavy/light tapes...I'm sure it would be different if I only did videos but I also swim daily and attend aerobic and step classes at my work's fitness center (although, being at work, they are only 35 min long!!).

Long time ago when I had only 8 or so tapes I would do them in order!! then start over again. But I only did tapes on weekends so it wasn't so bad.

I tend to like the PS series and Firm parts, because I will do a Cathe step tape, then tack on a parts or PS tape at the end. Again I usually follow the alternate upper/lower/heavy/light thing. Don't know how much help I am!
Barbara P
Like them both - use CF more

I started off with the Firm for strength training. I had so many misconceptions about strength training - from thinking that 3 pounds was "enough," to thinking I would bulk up and look fat. I was also very intimidated by the idea of strength training. The Firm helped me get over that and made it fun. But then the Firm tapes got too easy for me. Plus, I had the same problem a lot of people have with the format (like Tough Tape) where you do arm exercises then try to hoist 35 pounds over your head with fatigued arms to do legs - scary! I do mostly Cathe for strength but still do the crosstrainers for fat burning (using lighter weights). Also if I have not been working out for a while, I will get myself back into it with Firms.

I think Firms are great for people just starting out with strength training. I gave my sister many Firms (she is a runner and loves cardio) hoping she would get into strenth training. At first, I didn't think she was going to get into it. It took her about 9 months but it finally took hold. She proudly told me that she bought 12 pound weights. I think in another 9 months, I'll slip her some Cathe tapes.

I think Cathe's tapes may be intimidating for some people just starting with weight training - so I think the Firm is great for that. But once a person outgrows that firm - Cathe is the only way to go!
Firms are for beginners???

Well I've been exercising daily for 19 years and started strength training in mid-late 1980's so I'm hardly beginner....I think the Firm can be modified for just about any fitness level. I would not say they are for beginners (did I detect a condescending tone???). Cathe's tapes are great and I love and have them all, but they are a totally different style from the Firm and I would not want to do any one style exclusively as our muscles get used to it and adapt. Also I like to vary my workouts to stave off boredom. Straight gym style exclusively is great for some, boring for others, alternating with other kinds of workouts is what keeps it interesting and since I am in this for the next 40 years or so (or more if I live beyond age 86!) I don't see myself outgrowing the Firm, maybe you did and that's fine but please don't generalize.
Barbara P

Sorry if you interpreted my post as condescending. I think if you knew me, you would know that I had not meant it that way! What I really meant to say is the Cathe's weight tapes (IMO) may not be good for people who are just starting out with weight training and are intimidated (like I was). Of course, I think a person could have a great fitness routine and work out the rest of her life with Firm videos. They are especially good for people who are new to strength training. And as you point out, they can grow with you. I'm sure both you ladies look great using your all Firm workout technique.

Phew! Got myself out of that one.
Thanks, Camille

I appreciate your follow-up. I agree that Cathe's strength training videos can be intimidating to newcomers, and that the Firm would be better for a newcomer to strength training, but I believe both give lots of room to grow, and that's why I happen to love both of them. I plan on visiting the Firm in 2 weeks along with about 60 others and believe me I will be working out hard, and alot! I'm also on the waiting list for the Cathe trip, but I think I'm too far down that list :(
Have a great weekend!
Barbara P
Hope to meet you!

Hopefully, you will make it up the list for the Cathe trip. You have been posting for quite a while on VF and here and I think your posts are very insiring. I would love to meet you.
Thanks Camille!

Yes I've been a VF regular for over 3 years!! Hard to believe. I really would love to go on the Cathe trip, and meet you, Cathe and everyone else. Her studios are close enough that I could drive although it would be 4 hours (I'm in Connecticut) - my hubby went to college outside of Philly so I'm always hinting about going for a weekend and visiting his alma mater and of course, Cathe's studio!! It would be more fun with the VF group though!
Barbara P
For some reason, I find Firm videos harder than Cathe's weight videos

I love both Cathe and the Firm. For some odd reason I find the Firm's weight videos far more difficult that Cathe's weight videos.

On the other hand Cathe's cardio videos are more difficult than the Firm's.

I love them both and will buy anything either Cathe or the Firm makes, but to me there is just a distinct difference between the difficulty level of the two.
You have to meet Cathe

Hi Barbara

I will see you in a couple of weeks at the Firm trip
I completely agree that the Firm instructors are wonderful, personable and very down to earth!

And you must meet Cathe and her crew. They are great too! I am just crestfallen that I didn't even make the wait list for the Oct. Cathe trip ):
My trip to New Jersey this spring was super. I hope so much that another trip is organized this spring to Cathe's.

My idea of heaven: Firm in the autumn; Cathe in the spring! Yeah!
I'll make it someday

even if it's not on an organized trip. It's not out of the realm of possibility that I would end up near there for a weekend anyway and if I do...I will definitely make a side trip to Cathe's club. I just love her tapes, and the Firms, and they are such different styles that they really go together well. I'm always grateful to 'cause they are what made me try Cathe 3 years ago, after years of seeing her videos in Collage. See you in 2 weeks!
Barbara P

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