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    triple ditto! Thank you for making these workouts new and interesting! Cathe, you humble me every time!
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    When are the DVD's SHIPPING???

    So just because someone is anxious about the DVD's they are not thankful for other things in life? She said she was on vacation and might have missed an announcement. Lighten up.
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    Cathe - You Won!!!!

    Cathe you are the BEST!
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    DVD Disappointments -- Wish I had Stayed with VHS

    I am so frustrated because none of my Cathe DVD's will load in my DVD players. All my other DVD's load without any problem on both of my players. I used a DVD cleaner and even used Lemon Pledge to clean the DVD's. Nothing is working. At first they would freeze and now they won't load at...
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    New Video Poll

    I would love another kickbox or hi/lo workout. I agree with the others who want a workout similiar workout to 10/10/10 but longer. I am just begging for one really intense cardio. I love the idea of the push/pull video. Thanks for asking Cathe.
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    No competition..........

    Amy, I am so sorry about the competition but it is so smart of you to listen to your doctor! We are all still here rooting for you! BTW, I saw your pics from the last competition, and you look incredible. I'll take a look at your rotation. I have used your Max Rotation and got great...
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    Terrible customer service ????????

    Thank you Cathe!
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    Any Wisconsites doing Cathe?

    Hi there, I live in Southeastern Wisconsin. I am also a die-hard Cathe fan! I do her workouts almost exclusively. I discovered Cathe 2 years ago. I was coming off an 8-month long running injury and I knew I needed to cross train more. I gained 30 lbs with that injury and with doing...
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    Aimee's Cathe MAX rotation

    This rotation helped me break a stubborn plateau. I didn't have much weight to lose, but it gave me the definition and the leaning out I wanted. I used this for a month at the most, but it is so great. In fact after my S&H rotation, I am planning on doing this until the new videos come...
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    Intensity Series DVD Question

    RE: Hey Punky.... LOL Mary! I have been trying to fight the urge to purchase VHS until the DVDs arrive. I must have patience.
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    The Intensity Series As A Whole

    Thank you Cathe! I can't wait to try these rotations! I have to be patient for now. Thanks so much for your suggestions and your help.
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    The Intensity Series As A Whole

    Thank you Cathe! I can't wait to try these rotations! I have to be patient for now. Thanks so much for your suggestions and your help.
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    BodyMax tips.............

    I can do the lunges now, but when I first started this workout, it was difficult. Try doing it on the floor without the step or as someone else suggested lunge behind you instead of from side to side. Don't worry, you will get there.
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    Thank you Cathe! I am excited for the Cardio and Weights tape, but I would buy any video that you make. Thanks for asking for our opinions!
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    Embarrassing weight loss moments...................

    Hi Donna! I mostly lurk but have been reading about your weight loss journey. You have come so far! Congratulations. You really are an inspiration to us all! Keep up the good work.
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    I-MAX or Step-Max

    I also say IMAX. It will be the toughest tape you will ever own! Great workout!
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    Pining for "Intensity Series"

    Me too! I can't wait! I would also love to hear everyone's ideas on rotation suggestions!
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    Push Ups

    RE: Sports bras be damned . . . I am so happy I read this thread! I am 5'8" and have freakishly long arms and torso. I can maybe to 10 straight legged push-ups before I drop to my knees. I have been working on push-ups for 7 years now and they are still hard. It is nice to know that my...
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    Mindy videos?

    I love Mindy! I have a whole bunch of her tapes. I love Slammin Sports Cardio and Extreme Intervals. I am actually going to confess that I like Interval Express better than IMAX. Not because it is easier, but it so much fun to do! But nothing can truly compare to IMAX intensity wise...
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    Today is...

    RE: Hi Susan.... Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me. It sounds that you both are very close and I am sorry that you are so far away. I am in Wisconsin too! I live in Pewaukee. What part do you live in?