Any Wisconsites doing Cathe?


I was wondering if their are anyone from Wisconsin that is a Loyal Catheite. I just love her and even after a short time I have starting to see improvement in my body. Please share you success that you have had with Cathe if you live in the dairy state.....
Hi there,

I live in Southeastern Wisconsin. I am also a die-hard Cathe fan! I do her workouts almost exclusively.

I discovered Cathe 2 years ago. I was coming off an 8-month long running injury and I knew I needed to cross train more. I gained 30 lbs with that injury and with doing Cathe, the weight just melted off. Her strength training workouts completely changed my body. Her cardio has taken me to a whole different level of fitness. I use her cardio all the time in the winter, and in the spring I can go outside and run for miles and feel great.

I am glad to know there are other Wisconsinites who love Cathe. What part of the state do you live?

Take care,
I live in NE Wisconsin and started with Cathe a little over a year ago. I initially bought MIC; now I have the PS & S&H dvds, IMax, Powerhour & LL on video and am anxiously awaiting the pyramid & IMax 2/Cardio & Weights dvds. :) I usually run for cardio now (although I'm having a hard time convincing myself to go out in the cold today!), but my husband & I have both gotten - and continue to get - great results from Cathe's weight workouts.

I too am in NE Wisconsin( outside of Appleton!) and have been a Cathe fan for about 5 years. I think I have about 18 of her tapes. She is the only instructor that truly pushes me to my limit. I used to run for cardio but we moved out to the country and now I must admit I'm a bit leary to go running on these country roads. So now I do my Cathe tapes and my NordicTrack.
Thank God for Cathe! :) Susan
I am from Monroe, in SE WI. I am Cathe's BIGGEST WI fan. I have been doing her tapes forever. I have them all. My dream is to go to one of her live fitness classes. I told my husband that is what I want for my 40th birthday.

I am originally from South Eastern WI. ( Kenosha County) But, we have been in SC for the last 5 years. We are hoping to move back to WI. as soon as hubby can find employment in that area. I love Cathe, too!
Hi, Krista!

I live in southeast Wisconsin and have been doing Cathe tapes for almost 3 years now. I've seen tremendous improvement in my cardiovascular fitness from doing her tapes although nowadays I'm sidelined as far as doing any of her cardio. I have a couple threads under "Ask Cathe" about my knee injury. As it turns out, I probably won't be able to do any of her cardio workouts for 6 weeks. I can still do her upper body workouts though.

I'm from SE Wisconsin in the Racine county area. I've had the Cathe DVDs for over a year now and just love them!:7 I started out with the Firms and did those for 4 years before discovering Cathe. The Cathe workouts always keep me challenged where the Firms were never able to.:D
Hey Krista,
I am from South Central Wisconsin, The Madison area and have been doing Cathe for about 3 years and have everyone of her tapes. I actually don't buy any other tapes besides Cathe's. No one can compare. Nice to meet some other Wisconsites. Amy Jo Hauge
I am also from the Racine area and work in downtown Milwaukee. I only have one Cathe dvd (PH, MIS, BM) but I intend to own all of them. Most of my vids are Firms but I love my Cathe! Nice to 'know' you all.
Hey all you milk madeins!I'm from the dariy state. grew up in milwaukee area. Lived in Wakesha area too.Now live in PA. Glad to see so many of you. corybugg
Hey you wisconsinites, I'm a Cathe monogomist near the Lacrosse area!!!! Glad to hear from all you other WI Catheites. Hey Mamaof6 did you get my email a couple of months ago???? So you are still looking to get out here, hope it all works out soon!!

i am also "near the la crosse area" - sparta to be exact. I just started doing cathe jan. 6, 2003 when i rec'd the new intensity series and power hour. the step tapes are hard for me, but I hope to be getting step heat soon to learn a few things!

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